Night moves

"Why are you sending it out? You always develop your own. 'Half the art,' remember?''


"Yeah, but not with these.Condor just wants the proofs and negatives--ASAP. And I'm exhausted. I just don't think that I could stand to do them tonight." She didn't want to do them. She wanted them out of her way; she just wanted to wash her hands of the whole deal.


Barbara hesitated a minute.' 'Having trouble with him?'' "Lee? We just don't seem to get on well." "That's foolish, Bryn. The man admires you so much." "He told me he wants the proofs, Barb.Period."


Barbara sighed. "It's all in your attitude, Bryn. And I don't see what for. He's charming.A bit remote at times, a little stern, but always courteous. A little scary with that kind of silent strength, but I think that just adds to the sexuality--and sensuality!--of the man. And he's really such a wonderful human being."


"Barbara!" Bryn groaned. She thought that if she heard any more praise of the man when she would truly love to break a drum over his head, she would start screaming and go mad. "Please, I work with him all day. Don't make me hear about him all night."


There was silence on the wire, and then she heard Barbara sigh. "Okay, you two are adults. I'll drop it.


And listen. I can't sit for you, but how about this? Tell me where you want the film taken and I'll run it by."


"Will you? Bless you Barb! It needs to go to Kelly's Kodak. I'll call Kelly, and he'll be expecting you. T


hanks, Barbara. Thanks so much. I'm sure I can get them back tomorrow, give them to you to deliver and be done with the whole thing!"


"Hmm," Barbara replied enigmatically. "I'll be by in ten minutes. I'll beep; just run out to the car, okay?"


"You got it! Bless you!"


Bryn hung up the phone,then hurriedly called Kelly Crane, the owner of a small camera shop who had helped her out a number of times. He groaned when she said she wanted the proofs by the next day, then woefully told her that he had no hot dates that night anyway. She thanked him, carefully bagged all her film and waited for Barbara's beep. Ten minutes on the dot, Barbara drove away while Bryn was still t Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


hanking her.


The night had gone so well at first that Bryn could barely believe it was alreadyeleven o'clockwhen she finished arranging clothes and lunches for the next day. She hopped quickly in and out of the shower,then decided that a glass of wine along with the news might help her sleep.


But the news wasn't conducive to sleep. The local segment dealt with all the excitement at theTimberlane Country Club.


Howhad she missed all the media people, she wondered.


The first story was on Dirk Hammarfield. He was shown with his wife -- a chubby little brunette --


smiling that famous smile. He was applauded for being a wonderful family man, a true "American Hero,"


living the all-American dream. The newscaster announced that there were rumors regarding his associations with a number of the big gambling concerns, but apparently those associations were all aboveboard. Gambling was legal inNevada.


Bryn began to gnaw on her lip as the next film turned out to be of Lee Condor busily signing autographs and laughing with real humor as he tousled a small boy's hair as he signed an album cover.


The newscaster gushed over Lee even more than Barbara had. Bryn was tempted to throw something at her television, but thanks to some dubious sense of maturity, she knew she'd only break her TV


MickJagger , Michael Jackson and the Beach Boys all rolled into one.Traces of Willie Nelson and Paul Anka . He topped the charts along with Duran, Duran, The Police, etc. etc.


Bryn stood up, ready to change the channel; then she paused, because the story switched to Mike Winfeld, the man who had taken the PGA tournament and added two hundred fifty thousand dollars to his winnings.


Not a bad reason for chasing a little white ball all around a green field, Bryn thought dryly.


She started to sit again, but froze instead. The picture of Winfeld had her in it, smiling away, flushing and handing him her business card.


With a groan she sank back into the sofa.


If Lee Condor watched the news tonight he would really be on her case.Flirting with a married politician, then with a championship golfer. Oh, God.


"Oh, what difference does it make?" she groaned aloud. Wasn't that what she wanted? To make it clear that she did like people--men in general--not just him?


Bryn flicked off the television, checked the doors and climbed the stairs to her room. With determination she got into her bed and curled into a comfortable position. Sleep, sleep, she had to sleep, she was so tired....


But she couldn't stop thinking about him. About his eyes when they met hers...About his hands... About the size and strength of his naked shoulders and chest as he hammered away at the drums with perfect rhythm and haunting power...




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