Naked Heat

For a medical examiner, Lauren Parry was a people person. She turned from Rook to give Nikki a what’s-up? look. She gave nothing back to Lauren, so the ME continued on. “Tox report notwithstanding, I’m still going with the stab wound as COD. But check it out, I have a few things to show you.” Lauren beckoned, and Heat followed her around to the other side of the body. “Our deceased was tortured before she died.”

Rook came out of his haze and strode to join the other two for a look. “See here on the forearm?” Lauren drew aside the sheet to expose one of Cassidy Towne’s arms. “Discoloration from contusion and uniform loss of hair along two matching strips at the forearm and wrist.”

“Duct tape,” guessed Rook.

“That’s right. I didn’t catch it at the scene because of the long sleeves she was wearing. The killer not only removed the tape when he was done, but pulled the cuffs down. Thorough job, detail-oriented. As for the tape itself, adhesive residue is at the lab now. Over the counter everywhere, so good luck matching it, but you never know.” The ME used a stick pen to indicate points along the body template on her chart. “Taping was on both arms and both ankles. I already called Forensics. Sure enough, the chair tested positive for residue as well.”

Nikki made a note. “And what about the torture itself?”

“See the dried blood in the ear canal? There were numerous probes from sharp objects prior to expiration.”

Heat suppressed an involuntary shiver at the thought. “What kind of sharp objects?”

“Various needle-like probes. Like, maybe, dental picks. Nothing larger than that. Small wounds but painful as hell. I took some digitals for you with the cam on my otoscope. I’ll e-mail them to the precinct. But somebody definitely wanted this woman to be in pain before she died.”

“Or talk about something,” said Nikki. “Two distinct motives, depending on which.” Nikki quickly processed the significance of this torture along with the missing office papers and came down on the side of someone getting Cassidy Towne to talk. This felt more and more about whatever it was she had been working on.

“Other points of interest.” Lauren handed a lab report to Nikki. “That blood smear you spotted on the wallpaper? Negative match for the victim.”

Nikki showed surprise. “So maybe she injured her attacker before she was subdued?”

“Maybe. There are some defense wounds on her hands. Which brings me to the final piece of info I have for you. This woman’s hands were filthy. I don’t mean just a little. She’s got residual dirt in the creases of her palms, and look at the fingernails.” She gently lifted one of Cassidy Towne’s hands. “It was hidden by her nail polish, but here’s what I found under her fingernails.” Each finger had a crescent moon of dirt under the nail.

“I know what that’s from,” said Rook. “That’s from her gardening. She said it was her one escape from her work.”

“Some escape for a gossip columnist,” said Lauren. “Digging more dirt.”

Rook was a few strides ahead of Heat getting to the elevator. “Hang on,” Nikki said, but he had already pressed the button. The doors opened when she arrived at his side, and she rested a hand on his arm and said to the passengers inside, “We’ll get the next one.” As the doors curtained closed on their annoyed faces, she added, “Sorry.”

“Accepted,” said Rook. And they both laughed a little.

Damn, she thought, what was this knack he had to disarm her all the time? She drew him away from the elevators to the southwest windows, where the October sun cut blinding light across them as it got ready to set. “I was a little rough on you. I do apologize for that.”

“I’ll put some ice on it, I’ll be all right,” he said.

“Like I said, it’s not personal to you. It’s the article, which is only you sort of.”

“Nikki, you disappeared off the grid. That felt personal. I’m funny that way. If I hadn’t had the good fortune to be doing a profile of a murder victim, we might not be lucky enough to be arguing now.” She laughed, and he said, “That’s right, I killed Cassidy Towne just to get close to Nikki Heat. Hey, there’s my title!”