Naked Heat

Now, self-reproach was trying to creep in on Heat, pestering her with the virulent notion that if she had only looked at that hand with a more open view to causes she might have averted a tragedy. She told that idea to have a seat, she’d deal with it later.

Morris Granville’s hands were soft and pallid, as if he soaked them daily in bleachy water. He was also a nail biter, although he wasn’t doing it in front of her. Swollen domes of irritated skin enveloped the nail stubs at the tip of every finger, and the cuticles that weren’t scabbing were raw. She considered those hands and his loner lifestyle and decided to let her projection end right there.

His mind was on Soleil Gray as well, and it wasn’t lost on Nikki that her despised moment of fame was the very thing that had brought Morris Granville to her. He had sought out Detective Heat because of her public connection to the now-dead singer, so he could share his moment of special bonding: the night he saw Soleil argue on the sidewalk outside a club with her ex-fiancé, Reed Wakefield.

“And you are certain this was the night Reed Wakefield died?” asked Heat. She had been through this with him and asked that same question in different ways over the last half hour, looking for the slipup. Morris Granville was a bona fide celebrity stalker. For this reason the detective was exercising a high degree of caution. His experience could provide an important missing piece of the puzzle, but Heat didn’t want to jump for that candy in a weak moment of wishful thinking.

Nikki had run all her back-channel checks. Asking him what date it was. “May 14.” What night of the week that was. “A Friday.” What the weather was like. “It was drizzling off and on. I had an umbrella with me.” Whether there was security. “I already said there wasn’t any. Nobody else was out there.” She told him these, as well as the other details he had given her, were all things she could check. He said that was good because then she would believe him. She noted that he seemed to relish the fact that she was writing down his answers. But she was skeptical there, too. Heat knew his need to be at the center of things could be driving that the same way it drove everything else in his life.

There was another question she wanted to ask Morris Granville. An obvious one to her, but she held it, wanting to get to the things she didn’t assume first, in case he decided to stop talking. “What happened with the fight?”

“It went on a long time.”

“In the rain?”

“They didn’t seem to care.”

“Did it ever get violent?”

“No. Just arguing.”

“What did they say?”

“I couldn’t hear it all. Remember, I said I didn’t want to get too close?”

Heat mentally ticked off one of her consistency cross-checks. “Did you hear anything?”

“It was about their breakup. She said he was only into himself and getting high. He said she was a selfish bitch, stuff like that.”

“Did she threaten him?”

“Soleil? No way.”

Heat made another mental note that Granville sounded like he had taken on some role as Soleil’s defender. She began to wonder if this stalker’s outreach was rooted in squaring himself in her legacy somehow. She filed it as a possibility but left herself open. “Did Wakefield threaten her?”

“Not that I heard. And he was out of it, too. He kept holding on to the light post for balance until they were done.”

“How did it end?”

“They both cried and then hugged each other.”

“And then what?”

“They kissed.”

“As in kissed good-bye?”

“As in romantic.”

“And after they kissed?”

“They left together.”

Nikki double-tapped her pen on her spiral notebook. He was getting to the part she wanted to hear, and she had to make sure to ask in a way that didn’t set him up to please her. She kept her question general. “How did they leave?”

“Holding hands.”

So she got more specific. “I mean did they walk? Take a taxi? How did they leave?”