Last Vampire Standing

With the last bite of hash browns halfway to his mouth, he startled and glanced up. “What?”

“You’re getting all broody on me. Are you worried about the results if the police have to run a DNA test on your samples?”

“Why would I worry about that?”

“You know. The mixed blood thing.”

“It doesn’t show in my DNA.”

“Oh. What about tonight? We did good questioning Donita and the vampires, didn’t we?”

“Yes, but Laurel and probably Marco are on the loose.”

“And there’s not a darn thing you can do about it?”

“Right.” He took a swallow of coffee and pushed away his plate. “I’m on edge about Candy and Crusher, about them getting what amounts to a SWAT team together.”

“You want to be on the team,” I said, the light dawning.

“Yeah, it’s what I do. What I did, anyway. I hate waiting on the sidelines.”

“Well, call her right now. Tell her you’re on the way. You can drop me at home and go kick Vlad butt.”

He smiled but shook his head. “I don’t want to leave you unprotected. I may not understand what’s going on with Triton or that vampire madness thing Ray mentioned, but the darkness smacks of the image Kevin got on video.”

The creepies marched up my spine. “I thought the same thing, but the madness is attacking nest leaders, not lone vampires. Besides, if the object is still to take control of the nest, Laurel and Marco will be after Ray, not me.”

“You’re probably right, but I’m not leaving you alone.”

“Stubborn man. Are you sure Candy hasn’t left a message on your cell?”

“Checked while we were with Jackson.”

“Then check your e-mail when we go back to your place. I’m sure she’ll give you a heads-up.”

“Not if there’s a chance the mission would be compromised.”

I heaved a frustrated breath. “Then I guess I’ll just have to find a way to keep you occupied.”

A wicked grin spread over his face. “How do you propose to do that?”

I pretended to think. “We could shop for those accessories your Realtor wants in your condo.”

He growled.

“Or I could give that magnificent super bod of yours a good workout, starting with—”

He grabbed my hand and jerked me from the booth. The twenty-dollar bill he threw was still floating to the table when we were out the door.

I half expected to see Pandora waiting for us at Saber’s place. She wasn’t, and I was starting to worry about her. Then Saber kissed me in the elevator, and she slipped my mind. She was an ancient shape-shifter. She could take care of herself. We’d just turned the lights on in the living room when Saber’s cell phone rang. He snatched it off his belt, checked caller ID, and immediately put it on speaker.

“Jo-Jo, what’s up?”

“The price of gas, again. Is Highness with you?”

“She is.”

“Good. I’m calling about the stuff you e-mailed to me. First, this isn’t the knife Marco had in Atlanta. Not that I saw all the knives he might have, but this isn’t the one he cut me with. Second, Marco didn’t smell like oranges. He smelled kind of funky, but not like citrus.”

I met Saber’s gaze and shrugged.

“You were right about the tracker bugs, though. There was one in the computer casing and in my cell. I had the guy save the bugs in a baggie if you need them for evidence.”

“We probably won’t need them, but keep them handy.”

“Will do. I can’t believe Ike was killed, and that poor Donita found him. How is she?”

“Looking to get a new job far away from Daytona,” I said.

“I would be, too. Highness, consort of Highness, I feel awful that I put you in any danger.”

“No problem,” I said. “Laurel was scheming long before you came to town. So how is the life of a big-time comic?”

“Weird, busy, and good. Vince has me booked on Leno August thirteenth. Can you believe it? Vince pulled it off!”

“That’s great, Jo-Jo. We’ll be sure to watch the show. What about your other gigs? Are you still in Vegas?”

“Yeah, for tonight. Tomorrow I go to L.A., then I’m booked in Reno in a few weeks in September, but something else came up, and I could use your help at that end, if you’re willing.”

“Help with what?”

“The manager from the Riot, you know, where I did open mike night? Well, he called to ask if I could do a benefit this coming Saturday.”

“In five days?”

“One of the acts they booked had to cancel, and I feel like I owe the guy, you know?”

“I know, but how can I help?”

“Would you book a hotel room for me? Something on the island or right downtown? I’ll need the room for two nights, Friday and Saturday, but with a check-in time of about five o’clock on Saturday morning.”