Last Kiss

‘There’s nothing like pre-interview nerves to add energy. Give her another ten minutes, then bring her down.’

He wanted Alice Thompson on edge, and for her to believe he knew more than he did. If he could chisel out even the smallest crack, he’d know he was on the right track, keeping the relationship between Sandra and Alice’s father in reserve. He had made more enquiries about the father, Sam Thompson. He was still alive and kicking, and had remarried a woman the same age as his daughter, with two kids in tow. He wondered if Alice felt a sense of abandonment. Without meaning to, he thought of his son. The last conversation he’d had with him was difficult, as was the previous one, and the one before that.

Janet Lacy opened the interview-room door. ‘Are you ready?’

‘I am.’

‘Detective Inspector O’Connor will speak to you now.’

Some women are hard to forget, and as Alice Thompson walked through the doorway of 9B, Adam knew he was face to face with one of them. She was tall and slender with perfect proportions, blonde hair scooped up at the back, a long side fringe half covering her beautiful face. She moved with grace and poise, wore black high heels, a dark pencil skirt and a powder pink blouse, loosely hugging her curves. What looked like an expensive handbag hung on her shoulder. Her skin was pale, but she wore vibrant red lipstick and had magnificent blue eyes. If she was aware of him staring, she gave no hint of it. Women like her, he thought, took male admiration as a given.

‘Alice, I know Detective Lynch has already spoken to you.’

She stared back at him without a word.

‘Since then, a lot of fresh information has come to light.’

Still nothing. He was going to have to change tactics.

‘Your father has recently remarried, I understand.’

The first glimmer of something: a momentary balking of the eyes. ‘I don’t see what that has to do with anything.’

‘Don’t you?’ Adam raised his eyebrows in surprise. Let her wait a few seconds. ‘You and Sandra Regan are very close?’

‘We’re friends, if that’s what you mean.’

‘From childhood?’

‘Look, Detective, you and I already know that. Why don’t you get to the point and save us both time and energy?’

‘Very well. We’ll move through this quickly. Tell me what you know about the Pierre Laurent murder.’

‘Not a lot. It was a long time ago.’

‘Did you sleep with him?’

Another flinch. ‘No, I did not.’ She sounded indignant.

‘You were in Paris when he was killed.’

‘So were a great many other people.’

‘Including Sandra?’

‘Yes,’ she eased her shoulders, ‘including Sandra.’ Her voice hinted at concern for the first time.

‘You’re worried about her, aren’t you?’

Another silence.

‘And her husband Edgar – are you concerned about him too?’

‘He’s Sandra’s husband, not mine.’ A tinge of anger in her voice.

‘I imagine you two know a lot about each other, what with Sandra being a lifelong friend?’

She gave him another stone-wall look – time to pull off the gloves.

‘Alice, can I be honest with you?’

‘That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it?’

‘Sandra is under suspicion for the murder of Rick Shevlin.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

Now, he thought, she looks rattled. ‘And other killings. There is every reason to believe those closest to her, including you and Edgar, were well aware of this.’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about. Sandra has been under a lot of pressure lately. She suffers from depression, forgetfulness, but she isn’t capable of what you’re saying. Edgar was worried about her, as was I.’

‘When was the last time you spoke to him?’

‘I’m not sure – a few days ago.’

‘Was Sandra aware of your conversations behind her back? Not exactly the actions of a friend.’

‘Maybe not, but I can’t help it if he sought my advice.’

‘Has he looked for it before? Does he see you as some kind of confidante?’

‘This is ridiculous.’

‘We have already spoken to Edgar.’ He was referring to the earlier interview, but there was no harm in her thinking they had talked more recently. ‘He spoke very highly of you.’ It was a gamble, but worth a try.

She looked away, as if gathering her thoughts. ‘It’s … difficult.’ She sounded defeated now.

‘I realise that, Alice.’ What was she hiding? He needed to keep this vague until he got onto concrete ground.

‘I care for Sandra very much,’ she continued.

‘I’m sure you do.’

‘I wouldn’t have chosen Edgar for her. I knew the marriage would eventually have difficulties.’

‘Why don’t you tell me your side of the story?’

She stared uncomfortably at Janet Lacy, who was leaning against the wall.