Deadly Heat

At first, Nikki thought it was a hallucination. The stress she’d been under,

the crazy hours she’d been keeping, things like that could bring on an episode. She

rolled her chair to peek around her computer screen. Across the bull pen, inside

Captain Irons’s glass fishbowl, it looked from the back like… Yes, it really was…

DHS Special Agent Callan shaking hands with Wally. Wally, rising wide-eyed from his

desk. Wally, whose jaw had gone slack and whose mouth gaped like an oxygen-starved

goldfish, to complete the full aquarium effect of his office. Then both men turned,

and the captain’s face shaded crimson, as he extended a hand to greet the lovely

female guest, Agent Yardley Bell.

Frozen, Heat could only stare back when Irons gestured through the glass wall to the

bull pen and the two federal agents turned her way. Nikki watched both of them smile

at her. At least Bart Callan’s seemed genuine.

A minute later Nikki sat in a guest chair in the fishbowl with Irons standing beside

her looking superfluous. “If you need me for anything,” said the captain.

“No, just your office will do it.” Callan looked around. “Unless you’ve got some

other place we can meet privately.”

Wally added, “There’s Interrogation, you could use that.”

“We’re good here,” said Yardley Bell. They waited for Irons to read their

silence. He gave a two-finger salute and left. Bell closed the door and leaned on

it. Callan dragged a guest chair closer to Nikki’s and sat.

“Am I becoming old hat?” asked Heat. “Because carjacking me to your warehouse in

Queens felt a little more special.”

Bell said, “Don’t feel ambushed. Agent Callan and I were in the area and thought

we’d just drop in.”

“Golly.” Nikki borrowed her credulous grin from Joey on Friends.

“Wanted to ask you about Eugene Summers,” said Callan. “You and Jameson Rook

spent some time at his apartment in Chelsea, and we were wondering why.”

“Are you interrogating me? Seriously?”

“Not at all. This is purely informational. We just like to close all the loops in

our investigation.” He grinned. “Belt and suspenders.” He sounded about as

credible as Bell’s claim about being in the neighborhood. Clearly, with this

effort, they wanted something, and Heat told herself she’d better focus. As a

skilled interrogator, she knew she needed to put her head in theirs and be them.

What would she be after?

The code.

Could it be they were looking for the code? Or evidence one existed?

“We obviously know Summers was once run by Tyler Wynn,” continued Callan.

“So what did you talk about?” asked Bell.

“Did you ask him?” Heat asked.

“Kind of asking you,” she replied. Yardley gave Heat a soft stare, but the moment

crackled with meaning. About dominance in the interview. And maybe about something

else, too.

“Naturally, I wanted to know if Summers had heard from him.”


“He hadn’t.”

“And what else?” Bell’s gaze didn’t waver.

She knew the best strategy was to tell the truth. Since Nikki would never give up

the code, she did the next best thing. She told a truth. “Tyler Wynn has very

specific tastes, and we wanted to get a track on him through his consumer trail. We

didn’t know how far to trust Summers, so Rook used the cover of picking his brain

for a magazine article to get the specifics we needed.” Heat stopped there. She’d

seen so many people over-talk when they were on thin ice, when the best thing to do

is get off it—and fast. She sat back in her chair and let them work.

“So this would be Rook’s version, too?” asked Callan.

Nikki shook her head derisively. “Version?” She stood and asked them to follow


The pleasure Heat hoped to get out of putting it in the agents’ faces by leading

them inside Rook’s retail tracking center was quickly offset by his reaction to

seeing Yardley Bell. And hers to seeing him. Nikki couldn’t write a clear caption

to their expressions. Was it just the way old lovers looked at each other, or were

these the smiles of unfinished business? She stepped right between them and said, “

This is the makeshift command post Rook has set up with Detective Rhymer to pick up

Wynn’s consumer trail.”

“Quaint,” said Agent Bell.

Heat said to Rook—and pointedly, “I was telling the agents how you and I met with

Eugene Summers for the purpose of getting this enterprise going.”