Bone Island 02 - Ghost Night


In the morning, Sean announced that he wanted to make another trip out to the site where Vanessa had found the broken shaft of old mast with the encrusted coins, but that they’d start out again just after noon—first, they would set up to film Ted and Jaden working with the heavy cache of broken mast and encrusted coins. Ted said he’d be the display hands—Jaden would do the talking.


He and Jaden had freed and cleaned a few of the coins, and Jaden was happy to display them and happy to talk about what they had found and what they had done. “This was someone’s personal treasure, I believe, before it became the property of the pirate crew,” Jaden said, speaking to the camera. “We have a mixture here of gold and silver, and coins that show different mint marks, beneath different rulers. This coin bears a mark showing that it was minted in Peru, and here we have one that is very old, and I’m still working very delicately to see if we still have a mint mark. I would judge it was one of the first coins to come out of the mines of South America. This is why I think that the pirates didn’t actually amass the treasure, but that in sinking the Santa Geneva, they happened upon a collection of personal riches belonging to Dona Isabella’s husband and traveling back to Spain with her.”


Jaden displayed her work and spoke of the patience that was needed. Different people worked in different ways when working with centuries-old salvage, but she had Ted had both grown up in Key West and had worked with Jaden’s father, a salvage expert from the time he was a child, to learn their craft.


When they finished with the segment, Vanessa asked Sean if she could put forth a theory. He was surprised, but shrugged and told her that she was certainly welcome to do so.


“Walking along the beach?” Jay suggested.


“Sure,” Vanessa agreed.


“We’ll use two handhelds?” Jay asked Sean.


“I’ll observe on this,” Sean said.


Vanessa was aware that the group was mostly together, and that was what she wanted. Marty and Liam were at the boats, and Jamie had remained at the encampment while Ted and Jaden continued to work with the treasure.


But Jay was filming and Barry had the second camera while Bill and Jake held the light shield. Zoe was hovering, just in case she was needed. David walked with Sean, discussing shots and angles, and Katie followed, curious to hear Vanessa’s theory. Lew walked behind as well, arms crossed over his chest. He was watching out for everyone, and watching the terrain around them. Sean hadn’t said so, but she was pretty sure that he had found a few moments during the activity of the first filming to casually corner Lew—and demand to know what he knew about Carlos Roca.


It seemed that whatever Lew had told Sean, it had satisfied him.


There had been no call for a manhunt to drag Carlos out of the pine and shrub forest, nor had there been any suggestion that they weren’t alone on the island.