
It would help to have a third party, like a funeral director, do it, so I don’t have to step on Jerry Hastings’s toes by going to him direct. So, Vic,” he added, as I was preparing to hang up, “don’t go babbling about this to the press. It could be very hard on me politically to look as though I’m taking a public position against DuPage’s ME.”



“Someone’s going to have to know,” I objected, “unless you’re planning on stealing his body out of their morgue and doing this in your basement.” He burst out laughing. “You’re outrageous, Warshawski, making me sound like Burke and Hare. But I still don’t want this broadcast.”


“Copy that, Houston,” I said. “Your ass will be draped with the same discreet purple our government is using on the statues of justice.”


He laughed again and hung up.


While I’d been on the phone, Amy had been organizing papers. She’d cleared a space on Mary Louise’s desktop and had spread out the contents of my Larchmont file to study.


“You’re good,” she said, looking up at me. “You don’t bully unless it’s the only way, do you? What are you doing next? Want me to hold Mrs. Whitby’s hand while you move Marc’s body?”


“No. I want you to find out everything you can about Kylie Ballantine.” She opened her eyes wide at me. “Whatever for-oh. You think that’s why Marc went out to this mansion? Why?”


I grimaced. “I don’t know, that’s why. But I only have a couple of starting points. He’s been thinking about her day and night for months, he’s writing a book about her-and all his files have disappeared.”


I pulled the printout on Ballantine that Aretha Cummings had given me yesterday from my briefcase and handed it to Amy Blount. I’d read it before I went to bed-I summarized the high points for Blount.


Kylie Ballantine had been both a dancer and an anthropologist. She’d been trained in classical ballet, but she’d gone to Africa to study tribal dance in French Equatorial Africa (modern-day Cameroon and Gabon, I was guessing). On her return she’d started the Ballet Noir, a deliberate pun on Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, incorporating African dance into classical ballet, using costumes and masks from Africa. With the Negro Theater Project money, she’d done an ambitious ballet called Regeneration, which depicted an African-American sense of awakening and self-respect as people reclaimed their African heritage.


“It’d be great to see that,” Blount commented. “There probably aren’t films of it, though. What did she do after the theater project lost its funding?” “She went back to Africa, I think.” I thumbed through the printout. “I know she wrote a couple of books on tribal dance, and taught briefly at the University of Chicago.”


“That must have been something special,” Blount said dryly. “Black woman at that school in the forties or fifties. No wonder she took early retirement.” She took the printout from me to examine Whitby’s brief paragraph on that part of Ballantine’s life. “It looks like Marc was really only interested in her dance career. And then-I see. She ran a private dance studio from her home in Bronzeville until she died in ‘seventy-nine. Okay. I’ll see what else I can figure out. What are you going to do?”


“Go back to his house and canvass the neighbors. It occurred to me, private as he was, there might have been a lover in the picture you and Harriet never heard about. The kids on that block see everything. Someone had to notice something about him.”


Amy looked at me speculatively from under her thick lashes. “You know, I’m second to none as a researcher, and I’d be glad to go on-line, or down to the Vivian Harsh Collection. But I’m wondering if I wouldn’t be more effective on that street than you.”


I felt my cheeks grow hot, but I remembered the cautious response I’d already received this morning. The kids might talk to me as readily as to a black woman, but the adults were more likely to be open with Amy.


“Point taken. Do you have a cell phone?” We exchanged mobile numbers. “I’m not sure what I can pay you for this-I hadn’t factored that into the estimate I gave Harriet for taking the case. But your help will make a big difference, and I don’t expect you to donate it.”


She shook her head. “It feels good to be doing something. Even after Marc moved here, I didn’t know him all that well, but Harry-Harrietis like my own sister. Doing something active to track down what happened to Marc, it’s the one thing I can do for her. You don’t need to be paying me.”









Timmy’s in the Well




We spent some time on-line, me looking for the Negro Theater Project, Amy checking the trains to the western suburbs. Marc could have caught a nine-thirty, which would have set him down in the station nearest to New Solway at ten-twenty. He still would have been miles from Larchmont Hall. One of us would have to fit in time to hunt down any suburban cabs or buses that might have picked him up. I ground my teeth at that prospect.


Sara Paretsky's books