Ali's Pretty Little Lies (Pretty Little Liars: Prequel)

“Shut up!” Spencer screeched. “You flirted with him, too!”



Ali shrugged. Of course she’d flirted with him. There was something in her DNA that made her want to flirt with every boy Spencer liked. She needed to prove that she was better. In fact, Ali and Spencer had a running contest this year to see who could kiss the most older boys. Spencer kept insisting she was winning, but Ali was convinced she’d cheated. “I wasn’t serious,” she said. “Admit you have a crush on him and I won’t be pissed that you didn’t tell me about this party tonight because you wanted Ian all to yourself.”


“But I didn’t know—” Spencer started.


“For the record?” Ali interrupted. “I think he’s gorgeous. You should totally go for him.”


“You think?” Spencer’s eyes lit up. “Even though he’s with Melissa?”


“Why not?” Ali asked. “All’s fair in love and war.”


In truth, she thought it was kind of sketchy to go for a senior, but she hoped softening Spencer up a bit would get her to confess even more.


Spencer sighed. “Okay. I do have a crush on him. But you can’t tell anyone, okay?”


“Your secret is safe with me.” Ali linked her arm with Spencer’s and pulled her toward a table of food and drinks set up near the grill. And, lo and behold, there were a few bottles of Dom Pérignon on the table. But as she grabbed a bottle and glugged some of the uberexpensive liquid into a cup, it hit her: By admitting she had a crush on Ian, Spencer had also kind of admitted she had kept the party a secret from Ali after all.












“Why didn’t you go to the Hastingses’ last night?” Ali asked as she climbed into Jason’s BMW the following morning for school.


Jason, who had purple circles under his eyes as though he’d gotten no sleep, turned up the college channel on SiriusXM. “I didn’t feel like it.”


“Half your class was there,” Ali argued. “It was a lot of fun.” After she and Spencer had made up, they’d danced with cute upperclassmen for the rest of the night. Several guys had asked for her number, not that she’d given it to them. She still felt like there was something sketchy about dating someone that much older.


“I wasn’t in the mood.” Jason shot her a look. “And I don’t like that you went.”


Ali scoffed. “Melissa didn’t care that Spencer was hanging out.”


Jason flinched. “It’s not like I’d jump off a bridge if Melissa did it first.”


Ali crossed and uncrossed her legs. You would have a year ago, she wanted to blurt. But she doubted Jason had confessed his crush on Melissa to the real Alison.


She looked at Jason. “Do you think Mom and Dad are really stressed about sending you to college?” She gasped. “What if they’re broke?”


Jason snorted. “They’re not broke. I don’t think that’s what they’re worried about, either.”


“But they said . . .” Ali trailed off, thinking of her parents’ weird behavior at dinner. “Do you think they lied?”


Jason hit the brakes hard behind a Mercedes coupe, not answering.


Ali ran her fingers up and down the seat belt strap. “What if they’re talking about getting a divorce?”


Jason twisted his mouth. “I don’t think—”


“It makes sense. They’re never together anymore. And all that talk at dinner about telling us something—it’s probably that, don’t you think?” She pushed her string bracelet around her wrist. “I’m not surprised, really. Having a daughter like Courtney must really take a toll on a marriage.”


The name Courtney hung in the air like a bad smell. Ali rarely said her real name out loud, and definitely never to Jason. He breathed out steadily and evenly, his expression giving away nothing. “Maybe,” he finally said.


They pulled down the long, tree-lined drive to Rosewood Day. The stone-and-brick school rose up before them, giving Ali the same tingles she’d felt the very first time she’d come here in sixth grade. This is what I was missing, she’d thought as she’d smoothed her hands over her blazer. I am so going to rock this place.


Sara Shepard's books