
“I had no idea,” Nick said. He sounded hurt.


“Sorry, Nicky. Sharing my work around the dinner table would violate about a half dozen nondisclosure agreements. We had a few Nox in captivity to experiment on—again, not dinner-table conversation—and I’d spent a year adjusting the formula to use it on them instead of us.”


“Amazing,” Josie said.


“We had injected two Nox, and Dr. Byrne was attempting to create a micro black hole to suck them beyond the event horizon before it collapsed on itself.”


“So what happened?” Nick asked.


“The explosion. I was in the other room, testing the controls that would raise and lower the blast glass to expose the Nox to the beam. Dr. Byrne was in the main chamber, finishing the last calibrations. We hadn’t even started the process when a blinding flash tore through the room. I’d never experienced anything so intense. It actually threw me to the ground.”


“I remember,” Josie mumbled.


“When I came to, your mom was sprawled on the floor and the Nox were gone.”


“So that’s how they got into your world,” Nick said. “Two Nox, already breeding. That’s not good.”


Tony whistled. “No, not good at all.” He shook his head. “Anyway, I helped who I thought was Dr. Byrne get to her feet and realized something was wrong. Her lab coat. Her hair. Her shoes. Physically she looked exactly like Dr. Byrne, but it wasn’t her.”


“My mom.”


Tony sighed. “She was disoriented, confused. The lab was different, and then she saw me.” He paused. “I didn’t know yet what had happened to me, how the explosion had reacted with the antidote in my system. She completely freaked out.”


Nick placed his hand gently on Josie’s shoulder. “Your poor mom.”


“I could hear boots pounding down the hallway outside the lab. I only had a few seconds to make a decision. I’m sorry I had to abandon her. I didn’t know what else to do. I had to find out who wanted us dead, and I figured the best way to do that was to actually be dead.”


“Because someone sabotaged the experiment?” Josie asked.


“Exactly. The security and medical teams arrived within moments of the blast. Once I realized what had happened to me, I literally disappeared into the shadows of the room and waited. The blast had knocked out the security cameras, so once they removed your mom from the lab, I had a few seconds to examine the blast radius. The laser itself exploded, not the deuterium.”


“So anyone could have tampered with the laser,” Nick said.


“In theory, yes.”


“Even Dr. Byrne.” Josie recalled the conversation she’d overheard in one of Jo’s dreams. Jo’s mom seemed anxious to get her hands on the vial that contained the antidote. Desperate, even.


“It makes the most sense,” Nick said with a glance at Josie. “She could have had access to the equipment, and we know for a fact there was an insider willing to sabotage the experiment and sell your formula at a massive price tag.”


“I suppose,” Tony said. He sounded unconvinced. “But Dr. Byrne was a scientist. She was just as invested in the outcome of the experiment as Dr. Cho and I.”


Josie’s eyebrows shot up. “Dr. Cho?”


“Yes, she worked on my team.”


Josie was on her feet in an instant. “Nick, Dr. Cho is the one ‘treating’ my mom at Old St. Mary’s. I assumed she was a psychiatrist or something.”


“Geneticist,” Tony corrected. “She specialized in mapping the genetic code from the unstable tissue samples we’d managed to retrieve from the Nox.”


“What are the odds it’s the same Dr. Cho?” Nick asked.


“High.” Tony began pacing again.


Nick turned to Josie. “What would she want with your mom?”


Tony walked faster this time, his dark silhouette a metronome’s pulse between the two walls of the shed. “The antidote. They’d want the formula for the antidote.”


“But Dr. Byrne didn’t develop it,” Nick said.


“Yes, but she was the last one with it. There were two vials of it on her desk when we began the experiment. After the explosion, only one.”


“It passed through the portal,” Josie said. “With Dr. Byrne.”


Tony caught his breath. “How do you know?”


Nick pulled the vial out of his pocket and handed it to Tony. “Because it passed back through.”


“Amazing,” Tony said.


“Yeah,” Josie added. “And Dr. Byrne is desperate to get it back.”


“With two breeding Nox, a swarm large enough to threaten the human existence could exist in just a few years.” Tony handed the vial back to Nick. “There, as here, whoever controls the antidote would be very powerful. That’s why I’ve been trying to re-create it here, in secret. I figured that way, no single government entity would have control over it. I’m only missing a powerful enough laser to make a real test. If it works, it would be enough to kill for.”


Gretchen McNeil's books