Ravage: An Apocalyptic Horror Novel

Almost there…

The ropes slipped away and she was free. She held her hands out in front of her and rubbed at her stinging flesh. A layer of skin had been grazed away and had left a red ring around each of her wrists.

“Come on,” said Mike, grabbing her. “Let’s get out of here. We need to tell the others about what this piece of shit has done. Then we can all decide what to do with him. I vote for lynching.”

That would be too good for him.

Annaliese jumped up from the chair and looked down at Shawcross on the floor. He had rolled onto his side and was looking up at her with hazy eyes that were slowly regaining their focus.

“You son of a bitch.” She skipped forward and kicked him in the ribs. The wind exploded out of him with a pained gasp. She kicked him again.

When she was done, she turned back to Mike and the two of them headed for the exit at the rear end of the greenhouse. She had no idea where they were and hoped it would be easy to find their way back to the park.

I’m too weary to be getting lost in the woods.

As they hurried, Annaliese had a sudden, random thought.

How did Shawcross have time to drag both me and Mike out here to the woods? And how did he kill Dave while he was with us the whole time? He couldn’t have done it alone.

“I can’t believe this,” said Mike. “Was he always this much of an asshole or was it-”

Mike stopped mid-sentence. He stumbled back against a rack of root vegetables and placed his hands on his stomach as if he’d had a sudden, agonising case of cramp.

Slowly, Mike turned to face her. A long knife stuck out of his stomach.

A stranger stepped out of the shadows.

Before Annaliese had time to act, Mike threw himself at the stranger, wrapping both his arms around their waist like a dying octopus. He managed to turn his head and shout one last thing at her.

“Run!” he screamed. “Run!”

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Annaliese burst through the greenhouse’s exit and found herself in an open field. Deep woods surrounded it on all sides.

Which way do I go?

Behind her, the sound of a struggle as Mike fought to keep the unknown attacker restrained. It would not be long before he weakened and the man became free to chase after her. There was no choice left but to just pick a direction and get moving.

God, I hope this is the right way.

She shot off across the field as fast as her legs would carry her. Roots and unearthed vegetables tripped her as she fought desperately to stay upright. Several times she stumbled onto her hands and knees, but each time, she clambered back to her feet and kept on moving.

Can’t let him catch me.

She pierced the treeline of the woods at the edge of the field. Darkness enveloped her completely. The moon battled to get through the leafy canopy and succeeded only with a few thin shafts of light. It was like running with her eyes closed. The only sounds were that of the snapping twigs beneath her boots.

Am I being followed? Is Mike dead?

Annaliese panted and gasped as panic took over her. She realised that the sounds of her heavy breathing would give her away if she did not get it under control. She slowed down to a cautious jog and, as she took each deep breath, she held it for a few seconds, before letting it out slowly.

Got to stay calm. Fear will just lead to bad decisions.

“Here *, *, *.”

The voice was far off, but still near enough to stoke her panic anew. She didn’t recognise the voice, and she hadn’t recognised the man back at the greenhouse.

If he’s coming after me now, then that must mean…

Annaliese prayed to God that Mike was okay. She prayed because it was the only thing she could think to do.

I have to get out of these woods. If I don’t then it’s only a matter of time until he finds me.

Who the hell is he?