Ravage: An Apocalyptic Horror Novel

The woman shrugged. “It’s…secure, for now.”

“Great,” said Dave, rubbing his hands together. “Then we’re lucky to have found you.”

The woman glowered at Dave and took a few, measured breaths. “You seem to have a problem controlling your mouth, sweetheart! Now, I want you to take a long look at what you’re facing. All of my people have weapons and know how to use them. None of your people have anything except a bad attitude. I’m going to give you one last chance to make a good impression on me, or we’re going to send you back down that hill before you have chance to open your mouths again.”

Dave’s face scrunched up in a scowl. He went to speak, but Nick cut him off.

“We apologise,” he said. “My name is Nick Adams. I was a phone salesman a few days ago. I had a wife and a son and a mortgage. Now, all I have are the people I’m with, and my faith in human nature. We’re all desperate and afraid, but I promise you that we’re good people. Even Dave here, once you get to know him.”

The woman studied Dave and then took a long, appraising look at Nick. Eventually, she said, “My name is Annaliese. You can call me Anna.”

“What are you doing?” the ginger man shouted.

“Making the best of a bad situation,” she replied. “They’re here now. We can’t exactly send them back down the hill, can we?”

“Thank you,” Nick said.

“Just don’t make me regret saving your arses,” she told him. “I don’t make a habit of trusting people.”

“Me either, but I’m glad you’ve made an exception. Is it okay if we all get out now?”

She nodded.

Everyone got out of the cable cars and formed a huddle on the platform. As soon as they did, the ginger man spotted Jan and Renee.

“Those two are convicts!” he shouted.

“Easy there, brother,” Jan said. “Me and Renee are cool.”

“Like hell you are! You need to leave.”

“Where exactly do you expect us to go?”

“I don’t care, but you’re not staying here.”

Nick stood in front of Jan and Renee and shook his head. “They’re good people. They were sprung loose when things got crazy and they’ve more than proven their courage since they joined up with us. In fact, Jan has already risked his life for other people and saved my life personally.”

“None of that means anything to us,” said the ginger man. “Criminals are not to be trusted.”

“Come on,” Nick pleaded. “Have some mercy.” He stared at Annaliese, hoping that she would continue to show compassion.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I won’t feel safe with a couple of criminals amongst us.”

Nick couldn’t believe it. “Then what are you suggesting?”

“Lock us up,” Jan interrupted.

Annaliese frowned. “What do you mean, lock you up?”

“I mean, that if you feel criminals should be locked up, then put Renee and me somewhere secure and we’ll stay there and behave, as long as you feed us. But please don’t turn everyone away because of mistakes I made years ago.”

Annaliese seemed to consider things. “Okay,” she eventually said. “We’ll find some place to put you. But if you try anything, we’ll put you down like dogs.”

Jan raised an eyebrow. “Damn, lady. You sure you’ve never spent time inside, yourself?”

She shook her head. “Nope. I’m just a pissed-off vet with no more fucks left to give.”

“Then I think we understand one another,” said Nick.

“This is a bad idea,” said the ginger man. “They could all be criminals for all we know.”

“Perhaps,” she admitted. “But, right now, we’re all trying to stay alive against the same threat. I think it’s in our best interests to trust one another.”

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” said Jan.

She nodded. “But sometimes friends become enemies, too, so don’t cross me.”