Fallen Heirs (Windsor Academy #3)

The tequila burns my throat as a deep voice rumbles behind me, “Why is such a beautiful woman drinking all alone on her birthday?”

My shoulders stiffen as I set my glass down. I turn around to fend off this douche but I’m frozen once I see how gorgeous he is. Screw the alcohol. This is what I need tonight. My eyes travel across his flawless face, highlighted by turquoise eyes, a strong jaw dusted with stubble, and full lips. He licks said lips and I shiver when I think about what that tongue could do to me. My eyes continue their descent over a pair of broad shoulders that taper to a trim waist and long legs. He’s wearing a faded Led Zeppelin tee and a pair of dark jeans. Both show off his toned physique brilliantly. He’s built, but not bulky. Ruggedly handsome too—like an old-fashioned movie star. Simply put, he’s breathtaking . Also, unquestionably out of place in this shitty establishment.

He smirks when he notices my obvious perusal. “May I have a seat?”

I gulp, feeling strange little flutters in my stomach. I nod my head toward the adjacent stool. “Please do.”

“May I buy you another drink?” he asks. “Perhaps something a little more…diluted?”

I laugh. “I’d hate to break this to you buddy, but it doesn’t work like that.”

He crinkles his brows and runs a hand through his sandy blonde hair. “Care to elaborate?”

I smile. “If you’re looking to get in my pants, the less diluted the alcohol, the better.”

Sexy little crinkles form around his eyes as he returns my smile. “Is that so?”

I nod. “Absolutely.”

He signals Slimy Stan. “Bartender, can we get another round? I’ll have a bottle of Rogue IPA, and my friend here will have...”

I trace my fingers over the rim of my shot glass. “The same.”

Stan scowls when he notices my new friend. He quickly masks his displeasure and says, “Sure thing.”

Sexy Eyes flashes his perfect grin again. “So, Birthday Girl, do you have a name?”

“I do,” I say, “but I’m not giving it to you.”

He frowns. “And why’s that?”

I tip my freshly delivered bottle to my lips. “Because I have a strict no-name policy for one-night stands.” It’s true; I do. It’s less complicated that way.

His eyes widen in surprise but I don’t miss the underlying interest. “Well, then you have no worries. I’m not interested in sleeping with you. So what’s your name?”

I laugh to cover the sting of his rejection. “So, let me get this straight. You’re telling me that if I wanted to drag you into a dark corner right now and fuck your brains out, you wouldn’t be interested?”

He nods his head slowly and places his hand over mine. “That’s exactly what I’m saying—I’m not interested in a mindless fuck. With you or anyone, for that matter .”

Jesus, my panties are soaked from just listening to his resonant voice, even if the words are toxic to my fragile self-esteem. I bite my lower lip and give him another good once-over. “You’re not tripping my gaydar—which if I may say so, is pretty damn accurate—so what gives?”

He rubs his chin thoughtfully and smiles. I can’t help but fixate on the subtle scratching sound the motion makes. “So, a man has to be gay to turn you down? I never said I wasn’t interested in getting to know you . Asking your name seems like a great way to start.”

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued by this guy’s approach. “It doesn’t matter which name I give you—I could easily lie to placate you. But why bother? Let’s just call this what it is and move forward. Sound like a plan, Sparkles?”

He laughs. “Sparkles?”

“I give people nicknames,” I explain with a shrug. “Your eyes—they’re really blue…and sparkly. Hence, Sparkles. No real names. No complications.”

“You couldn’t come up with something a little more…manly?”

I wink. “Nah, I like Sparkles.”

He laughs. “As amusing as this game is, I’d like to at least know the reason behind your no-name policy.”

I slowly cross my legs as he watches with blatant interest. “I already told you; it’s less complicated that way.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Well, that’s a cop-out if I’ve ever heard one. Could you at least give me something a little more original? Or better yet, how about the truth ?”

Nope, because if you knew how fucked up I am, you’d go running for the hills. This conversation is teetering dangerously close to the edge of an abyss that I can’t afford to fall into again. I put my fake bravado in place and give an exaggerated sigh.

“Look, Sparkles. Can we forget about any games and just get on with this?”

“And what exactly is this ?”

I lean forward and slowly move my hands up his powerful thighs. “I want you.” Holy hell, I really do. I can’t remember ever wanting to lose myself in someone this badly. I go a little bit further to whisper in his ear. “And I know you want me, despite your earlier denial. Do you think I can’t see your jeans tightening? Hear your breath hitch?” I lick the shell of his earlobe. “See your pulse racing as your eyes trace my every move? Why don’t you take me somewhere so we can make that happen?”

He braces his hands on my arms and shifts me back onto my stool. He assesses me briefly before asking, “Is it really your birthday?”

I smile wide, easily predicting his next question. “It is.”

He raises a single brow. “Which one? How old are you?”

“Twenty-two,” I answer without skipping a beat. “How old are you ?”

His Adam’s apple bobs as he takes a pull from his bottle. “Twenty-six.” He pulls out his wallet and throws a couple bills onto the bar. He stands and reaches out to take my hand. “C’mon, Birthday Girl. Let’s get out of this shithole.”

I beam in victory. “Lead the way.”

CLICK HERE for more info.

Also Available By Laura Lee

Standalone Novels

?Beautifully Broken

?Happy New You

?Redemption: A Salvation Society Novel

Dealing With Love Series (Interconnected standalones)

?Deal Breakers

?Deal Takers

?Deal Makers

Bedding the Billionaire Series (Interconnected standalones)

?Public Relations

?Sweet Temptations

?Billionaire Bosshole

Windsor Academy Series (Books 1-3 must be read in order)

?Wicked Liars

?Ruthless Kings

?Fallen Heirs

?Broken Playboy (Standalone novel)

Did you know that you could save up to 75% off Laura’s next release by purchasing within the first 24 hours? Afraid you’ll miss out? CLICK HERE to sign up for Laura’s newsletter and you’ll be the first to know when it goes live!

About the Author

Laura Lee is the USA Today bestselling author of steamy and sometimes ridiculously funny romance. She won her first writing contest at the ripe old age of nine, earning a trip to the state capital to showcase her manuscript. Thankfully for her, those early works will never see the light of day again!

Laura lives in the Pacific Northwest with her wonderful husband, two beautiful children, and three of the most poorly behaved cats in existence. She likes her fruit smoothies filled with rum, her cupboards stocked with Cadbury's chocolate, and her music turned up loud. When she's not chasing the kids around, writing, or watching HGTV, she's reading anything she can get her hands on. She's a sucker for spicy romances, especially those that can make her laugh!

For more information about the author, check out her website at: www. LauraLeeBooks.com

You can also find her “working” on social media quite frequently.

Facebook: @LauraLeeBooks1

Instagram: @LauraLeeBooks

Twitter: @LauraLeeBooks

Book + Main: @LauraLeeBooks

TikTok: @AuthorLauraLee

Reader’s Group: Laura Lee’s Lounge


To my husband, Tad: You are my rock. My soulmate. My ride or die. Thank you for being you.

To my beautiful children: You two are my world, even when you’re driving me nuts.

To my friend and fellow author, Julia Wolf: Thank you for your brainstorming genius. Once again, this book wouldn't be out in the wild without you.

Laura Lee's books