Where the Staircase Ends

“So then I’ll meet you there Saturday.” He waved before turning toward his next class, which unfortunately was not with me.

“Yeah, Saturday,” I said, but I was pretty sure he didn’t hear me because I’d barely whispered it. I could barely breathe, let alone speak.

“What’s Saturday?” asked Logan, sliding up beside me like a stealth bomber. “And why are you meeting Justin there?”

My mouth went completely dry. My lips stuck to my teeth, and my throat filled with a fist full of cotton balls as I weighed the pros and cons of telling Logan the truth. He narrowed his eyes in the direction Justin had walked and mumbled something under his breath. He never explicitly said anything to me, but I wondered if deep down he knew about Justin, or at least suspected more was going on between us. There was something about the way his eyes always landed on Justin when they would pass each other in the hallways, like he wanted to shove him into a wall.

“The Fields. A bunch of people are going out there on Saturday. He wanted to know if I was going.” I tried to sound nonchalant. Logan frowned.

“Well, are you?”

“Am I what?” I shifted my bag to the other shoulder so I wouldn’t have to stand so close to him. I tried to make it sound like I’d already forgotten about The Fields, like they were the most boring thing on the planet and I could give a rat’s ass about them.

He rolled his eyes and exhaled hard, not buying my innocent act one bit. “Are you going to The Fields on Saturday?” he asked again, this time saying his words all slow and robotic, the way my mom did when she spoke to our Ukrainian cleaning lady.

I shrugged and stopped in front of my classroom, peering in the doorway to see if Sunny was already there. It was one of two classes we had together, and any other day I would’ve been excited to see her and start our normal note-passing session, but I didn’t want her to know about Justin and The Fields, and I certainly didn’t want her to overhear Logan grilling me like a cheese sandwich about it. She would immediately know something was up, and I’d be forced to listen to her stupid cake analogy again. I really wasn’t in the mood.

“Dunno,” I answered with a shrug. “Sunny wants to, so maybe.”

“So you’re not going with Justin?” His hand was on his hip and his face pinched into a judgmental scowl.

“No, of course not. What’s with the interrogation?”

He made another face and shook his head instead of answering.

“I think I’m going, too,” he said after a few seconds of staring off into space with his face scrunched up.

What I wanted to say was “ARRGG!” or “GAH!” or something similar so he’d know how frustrating he was, but instead I forced a smile so he’d think I was happy and couldn’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday night than with him at The Fields.

“I thought you hated going to The Fields?” I asked innocently, inspecting my nails so I wouldn’t look bothered that he was behaving like Emily Dickinson’s interposing fly by butting into my plans with Justin.

“Yeah, well, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t hang out with my girlfriend on a Saturday night?” He said boyfriend and girlfriend with a little more force than I thought was necessary. “See you after class,” he added, leaving me standing there in front of history class with my jaw working overtime.

Sunny sat at her desk watching me with rapt attention, having seen the whole awkward exchange from the classroom. My butt was barely in my seat before I felt my cellphone buzzing. I slipped it stealthily from my bag, and sure enough, it was a text from Sunny.


I shook my head at her, trying to look too upset to talk about it, but the worst thing you could do to Sunny was not answer her when she wanted to know something. After she threw the twelfth piece of wadded up paper at me, I finally gave in.

Me: He wants to go to fields w us Saturday.

Sunny: ? why? thought he hated the fields?

Me: Dunno. Guess he changed his mind.

Sunny: Liar.

Me: >:-(

Sunny: Spill. BTW, U -> boogie

I rubbed my nose.

Me: He heard Justin say he was going … do i really?

Sunny: !!! No was just F ing w you. U deserve it for holding out.

Sunny: Justin is going to be at the Fields??? HFS need to go shopping.

Sunny: Want to go shopping Saturday?

Me: Can’t. Have to study.

That wasn’t entirely true. My mom would probably tether me to my books for at least a few hours, but I didn’t have anything due the next week. Even she couldn’t force me to do work when there wasn’t any work to do. But I would rather spend the afternoon reading encyclopedias for my mother’s benefit than helping Sunny find and squeeze into some slutty H&M dress she bought for Justin’s visual benefit. No thank you.

Sunny: Ur mom is a slave driver. Pre-party @ my house?

Me: k. Will come over after dinner.

Sunny: Amber and Jenny r coming so you can prob come later if you need. Those bitches r always late.

Me: Good point


After school we made our usual trip out to the water tower, nodding at all the familiars and adding to the growing cloud of smoke that hovered over the area like a fog. The water tower was located right off school grounds, far enough from the prying eyes of teachers to make it interesting and close enough to school to make it convenient. We had to crawl through a rip in the chain-link fence surrounding the school parking lot to get to it, which was annoying because only one person could crawl through at a time, and a line started to form shortly after the final bell rang.

Stacy A. Stokes's books