Vincent (Made Men, #2)

After an awkward moment of everyone staring at her, Lake grabbed Adalyn’s hand as she waved goodbye with the other. “Yep. Well, time to go. Bye, everyone!”

Adalyn waited until Lake had pulled her far enough along. “Oh, my freaking God, Lake; this house is sick! How could you want to leave? I mean, seriously, how hot are all the guys? By the way, I saw Lucca, and you are the crazy one. The fact he’s so scary makes him that much hotter.”

She watched Adalyn practically fan herself then mumbled, “You all really are insane.”

“And Nero! His eyes … I want to touch his eyes!”

She really did cover her mouth that time. “Shh! Maybe you forgot he has a girlfriend, Elle.”

Adalyn swiped her hand away from her mouth. “Geez, Lake, I said I wanted to touch his eyes, not lick his abs.” When they closed the front door behind them, she continued, “Besides, I wouldn’t ever date my brother’s best friend. That’s just wrong.”

For what seemed like the hundredth time that day, she swallowed the lump in her throat. “Yeah … Yeah, of course.”

God help me.

Chapter Eighteen One Sick Cycle Coming to an End

Vincent heard a tap on the glass, drawing his attention. On the other side, Lucca was smoking a cigarette and giving him a ‘come here’ gesture with two fingers.

“Since when does he give a shit about smoking in the house?” he said, getting up.

“Very recently for some reason. He only smokes in his office now,” Nero answered as he and Amo followed behind.

“That girl of yours has got a mouth on her,” Lucca said, pointing his cigarette at Vincent when the door came to a close.

“She’s not my girl.”

“Well, it sure as fuck didn’t look that way when she ran out on your graduation. Did you really need to fuck all their mothers? Like there’s not enough high school pussy to go around.”

Vincent flexed his jaw, thinking back on watching Lake run out of the gym. He would never have thought all those women were going to fucking act like they were at a One Shit-rection concert. The first thing he had done when he had finished walking across the stage had been to look at where Lake had been sitting; instead, he had found her running out the door. He hated himself for the fact that his instinct had been to look at her. Why should I feel bad for fucking around? She doesn’t own my dick.

He wanted to get this conversation over with. “So, what’s your point?”

Lucca flicked his ashes. “My point is her father has clearly done a shitty job teaching her respect, or anything for that matter. You need to tame that pretty mouth of hers before it gets her in trouble.”

“What the hell did you do to her? I overheard her call us insane, she called you the ‘crazy one,’ and she doesn’t care so much for your Zippo tricks.” Nero clearly enjoyed telling Lucca the last part.

Vincent and Amo tried not to laugh as Lucca sucked in a deeper and longer hit than usual off his cigarette. “Well, then she’s fucking smarter than I thought.” Lucca looked back at Vincent. “But that’s my point. I scared the shit out of her, and she’s still running her mouth. She’s fucking lucky I caught her talking to Chloe.”

“What did she say to her?” Amo asked.

“Lake apologized for staring at her, said she shouldn’t hide her face. Also that if she ever needed to talk, she understood what it was like being alone.”

Alone? “What the fuck did she mean by that?”

Lucca shrugged. “Her mother didn’t come today.”

“Why the hell not?” Every goddamn member of the family had made it, so Vincent expected and, more so, needed a good excuse as to why her mother hadn’t come.

“Apparently, her husband being sick was more important.”

Vincent was furious. “Motherfucker.”

“Shit,” Nero said, running his hand through his hair.

“What a fucking bitch,” Amo spat.

Why does he know all this? For some reason, he didn’t like that Lucca knew stuff about her when he didn’t.

Lucca could read Vincent’s thoughts all over his face. “She’s yours, so you figure it out, along with that fucking mouth of hers. I’d hate to teach her myself.”

“She is not mine,” Vincent hissed, squeezing the bridge of his nose as hard as he could to get himself under control. “None of this fucking matters; she’s leaving for college by the end of the summer.”

“She doesn’t have to go.” Taking one last hit off his cigarette, smoke clouds appeared with each word Lucca spoke. “Fuck college.”

Vincent went back inside, still fuming from the thought that Lake’s mom hadn’t come to her own daughter’s graduation. Amo’s right; she is a fucking bitch. He still didn’t want this thing with him and Lake to go anywhere, considering the fact she was leaving Kansas City and his dick would never belong to one person, no matter how much fun he forgot it was to fight with her. However, he was going to fucking see her mother, right after he got his head cleared from shoving Lake against the wall.

Vincent scanned the room, his eyes dancing between all the women for the first time that night. I just need a distraction.