The Void of Muirwood (Covenant of Muirwood Book 3)

“Welcome home, Maia,” Richard said. “It is good to be back.”

“How I have missed the abbey,” Maia said, giving Joanna a hug first. “Not long ago I was sneaking into the cloisters before dawn to read the tomes. I would give my crown to return to that simpler time.”

Joanna hugged her back affectionately. “I have missed seeing you, Maia. Augustin has changed, but I must confess to feeling a partiality for Muirwood. It may not be as grand, but it is home.” She took Richard’s hand and squeezed it. It was clear that their forced separation had taken a toll on them both.

“I was grateful to learn that Aldermaston Wyrich put you in charge of the abbey again,” Maia said as they began to walk back to the manor house together. “He has turned soldier, it seems.”

“There are many cases of Aldermastons stepping up to combat in the past,” Richard said. “I will admit that it gratifies me to be steward of Muirwood while he is gone. Refugees continue to arrive every hour, every day.”

“Is there enough room for the entire kingdom?” Maia asked him thoughtfully, gazing at the Cider Orchard. She saw Collier’s smile as he had watched her bite into a Muirwood apple—a memory that pierced her soul.

“Yes, truly,” Richard replied. “There are settlements from here all the way to the Tor. We keep people working, and everyone is willing to help. You can imagine what it takes to feed such a mass. The kitchens we have are running night and day, and several larger ones are being constructed. You should know, my lady, that aid has come from our allies. Some of your people in the north are being sheltered by Pry-Ree. They have already welcomed many from the Hundreds that have fallen up north. We have received word from the Earl of Forshee.”

“Dodd!” Maia exclaimed. “Poor Suzenne. She went on ahead to make sure we would be settled.”

“I have already told her,” Joanna said. “She was grateful to learn he is well. His army was trampled by the Naestors, but they have since regrouped and are now joined by Pry-rian archers. They travel behind the northern army invading our land and harry them with raids and attacks on their supply wagons. Their efforts have slowed the Naestors down somewhat and forced them to increase the numbers of soldiers guarding the wagons. He sent a message to his wife, which I am certain she will share with you.” Joanna paused, her look wise and thoughtful. “His force is no more than a tenth of what the Naestors are bringing down from the north, but he is doing what he can to make them pay for their progress.”

Maia sighed with relief at the news that he was alive. “I am so grateful to hear that,” she said. “Not knowing what had become of him was the worst part of Suzenne’s torture. Thank you. What else have you heard?”

Richard pointed to men hoisting large crates and boxes full of vegetables and sacks of grain. “The men unloading the wagon. That food comes from Avinion. They have been sending ships to Bridgestow loaded with provisions under Lord Paget’s leadership. He controls our supply lines and is quite organized. They know we are gathering our people into one location and they want to make sure we do not go hungry. It is risky because the armada is blockading the sea, but the Avinions sail wide to avoid them. Bridgestow is crowded with ships right now. It will not be long before the Naestors realize this and blockade that port as well, so we are gathering as many supplies as we can. The armada’s ships will prove harmful to us still.”

Maia looked at him with concern. “Ships can navigate the river, I know that, but they cannot land here in force, can they?”

“Let me explain,” Richard said. “The rivers can be navigated by individual ships, as you well know, but not enough to bring in a fleet. Still, the Dochte Mandar know the history of this abbey. They know about its defenses. If blood is shed on the grounds, the Leerings can summon waters to flood the lowlands. When that happens, the rivers gorge with water and the sea comes in. Muirwood has become an island in the past. I believe that is the Naestors’ strategy, Maia. If they bring in their army close enough, they will attempt to massacre enough people to trigger the abbey’s defenses and provide a path for their ships.”