The Savage Grace: A Dark Divine Novel

Daniel stepped toward me. He reached out and brushed the moonstone pendant that rested against my chest. His finger traced along the stone’s rough edge where it had broken in half when Jude had pitched it from the roof of the parish three months before.

“I just thank God every day that I was able to find this for you. Even if it’s only half the original stone, it’s still enough to help keep you safe. Help stop you from losing yourself like I did. Like Jude. It’ll help keep you human.” Daniel’s fingers left the pendant, and he cupped my face in both of his hands. His thumbs brushed my cheeks, and he stared deep into my eyes.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“For what?”

“For the moonstone. For believing in me.” I half smiled. “For not dying. I would have killed you if you’d died on me like that.” I jabbed him in the chest with my finger.

Daniel laughed. I loved the sound of it. Then he leaned in and pressed his mouth against my upturned lips. I pressed back, and our mouths melted together into a kiss that told me that everything I felt for Daniel, he felt for me.

I shuddered in his arms. “You are cold,” he said when our lips parted, and he held me tight in his warm embrace.


“Is she dead?” a voice asked somewhere nearby, waking me from a deep sleep.

“No,” a second, slightly younger-sounding voice responded.

“I think she’s dead.”

An “unnnmmmm” sound escaped my lips. Why did my ankle ache so badly? And why did my mattress feel more like wood slats?

“Yep, she’s dead. He’s going to be so mad.”

“She just made a noise, and her … um … chest … is moving up and down. Obviously, she’s not dead.”

“Dead, dead, dead. Do you think he’ll kill us? That’s what Caleb would have done. Do you think we can request how we want to go out? I don’t want to drown. That just looks so unpleasant on TV.”

“He’s a wolf. How would he drown you? Most likely he’d rip out your throat. And anyways, she’s not dead.”

“It’s ‘anyway’ not ‘anyways.’”


“Guys,” I tried to say, but it came out more like, “Gaaaahh.” I cleared my throat. How early was it?

“You said it wrong. It’s ‘anyway.’ Putting an ‘s’ on the end makes you sound like an idiot. And anyway, she’s dead. How fast do you think we need to run to get to Canada before he finds out?”

“You’re the idiot!”

I heard a scuffle and a shout. One of my eyelids cracked open just enough to see Ryan grab Brent in a headlock right next to me. Everything else in my vision was still blurry.

“Guys!” I shouted. “Cut it out!”

Ryan dropped his hold on Brent, and the two snapped to attention. They stood straight as rails with their hands at their sides, like soldiers responding to the bark of their drill sergeant. I’d never get used to their response to my commands. Brent leaned slightly toward Ryan and whispered—loudly—“I told you she was dead.”

Ryan’s nostrils flared. “Why you effing—”

I burst out laughing at the look on Brent’s face. He could pull off that innocent, yet sarcastic “Whaaat?” look like nobody else. I’d known him for only a few days, but the kid knew how to crack me up—and I was thankful for anything that could make me smile lately. My laugh turned into a coughing fit. The two boys leaned over me like they were afraid I actually was going to die.

I waved them off and regained my breath. “Now, would you like to tell me what the hell you’re doing in my bedroom?”

“Oh great, now she’s lost her mind,” Brent said.

Bree Despain's books