Post-Flares Coalition Memorandum, Date 219.02.12, Time 19:32
TO: All board members
FROM: Chancellor John Michael
RE: EO draft
Please give me your thoughts on the following draft. The final order will go out tomorrow.
Executive Order #13 of the Post-Flares Coalition, by recommendation of the Population Control Committee, to be considered TOP-SECRET, of the highest priority, on penalty of capital punishment.
We the Coalition hereby grant the PCC express permission to fully implement their PC Initiative #1 as presented in full and attached below. We the Coalition take full responsibility for this action and will monitor developments and offer assistance to the fullest extent of our resources. The virus will be released in the locations recommended by the PCC and agreed upon by the Coalition. Armed forces will be stationed to ensure that the process unfolds in as orderly a manner as possible.
EO #13, PCI #1, is hereby ratified. Begin immediately.
To: John Michael
From: Katie McVoy
Subject: Potential
We received the following radio message from soldiers at Ground Zero EU: an exchange between a Lieutenant Larsson and a private named Kibucho that began during a helicopter flyover. I have to warn you, it’s a little disturbing.
*Begin transmission*
Larsson: What the *expletive* is that down there? Through that gash in the roof. What’s all that movement?
Kibucho: They’re supposed to be *expletive* dead by now. It has to be animals or something.
Larsson: No way. But it’s too dark. We need to get down there and have a look.
Kibucho: I’ll tell them.
*Three-minute break in transmission*
Larsson: Open the door.
Kibucho: Are you sure?
Larsson: Open the *expletive* door, Private!
Kibucho: Going in.
*Two-minute break in transmission*
Kibucho: He chopped off my leg! He chopped off my *expletive* leg!
Larsson: What? What the *expletive* are you talking about?
Kibucho: [Garbled response.]
Larsson: Private! What’s going on?
Kibucho: Half of them are alive! Get me out!
Larsson: Backup, backup, backup! We need backup in Sector Seventeen of Ground Zero EU immediately!
Kibucho: [Garbled screams.]
Larsson: Holy *expletive*! Holy *expletive*! They’re eating him! My God, they’re eating him!
Kibucho: [Garbled screams that cut off abruptly.]
Larsson: They have me cornered! Oh, *expletive*, they have me cornered!
*End transmission*
We need to gather the board.