The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Chester, MT




“Damn it!” Gideon threw the chair across the room. That bitch had escaped again. Two separate hit teams had failed, miserably, and it had taken hours for the news to reach him. This was all spinning out of control.


The Senator jumped as if he had been struck. “Now, let’s just calm down. Throwing things isn’t going to help the situation.”


Gideon’s eyes pierced the Senator. In his mind’s eye, he strode across the room, grabbed the man by the throat, and choked the life out of him. The image made him smile.


The Senator continued, oblivious to how tenuous his situation was. “She has proven rather resistant to harm. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was part superhero.”


Gideon felt like he'd been slammed in the chest. Could it be? Could she be one of them? He wracked his brain, remembering all his contact with her. He shook his head. No, there were no signs. She had no special abilities. He had felt no kinship with her, no flicker of recognition. She was not one of them.


But maybe, a voice whispered in his mind, she's something else.


“Has there been any sign of them?"


Gideon forced himself to focus on the conversation. “There’ve been no reports since Saint Paul. The Chandler pilot submitted a false flight plan indicating they were heading back to Baltimore. And Henry Chandler has gone to ground as well. There’s no information on him after the Baltimore attack.”


Kensington ran his fingers through his hair in agitation. “This is not acceptable. This problem should have been taken care of. You’ve disappointed me, Gideon.”


Gideon met Kensington’s eyes and held them until the Senator looked away. Gideon felt a flush of satisfaction at the twinge of fear he'd seen in the Senator's face.


“We need to find them,” the Senator mumbled.


Gideon gave an exaggerated sigh. “I said there was no record of where they were. I didn’t say I don’t know where they are.”


“What? Why didn’t you notify me?”


“They’re not on the grid Senator, but they are here. They’re in Montana.”


“How on earth do you know that?”


“McPhearson and Rogan met with Dr. Priddle’s department yesterday. Dr. Priddle undeniably left some clue as to where he was going. So they headed here. And after the attack on the compound, neither Henry Chandler nor Patrick Delaney would leave the people they care about on their own. I’m betting they’re in Montana as well.”


He nodded his head, feeling more confident. Of course they wouldn’t give up. They’d stay here until they accomplished their mission. He smiled. Or died trying.


Out loud, Gideon said, “I’ll begin a search for them. And while we don’t know exactly where they are right now, we know where they’re going.”


A thoughtful look crossed the Senator's face. “The dig site.”


Gideon nodded, biting back a sarcastic remark. “I’ve already contacted Gregory to tell him to increase the guards and to be on the lookout for anything unusual.”


“Fine. Let’s find them and end this.”


Gideon shook his head and let out an irritated sigh. “Have you learned nothing, Senator? It’s too late for that now. They undeniably have plans in motion for that eventuality. Henry Chandler is not a dumb man. He would have made arrangements if something were to happen to them.”


“Wait. You know Chandler?”


Gideon ignored the question and continued. “We need to take a different tack. We need leverage. We need something that will prevent them from saying anything about the project, even if they could.”


“And how do you propose we accomplish that?” Kensington asked, his tone petulant.


Gideon smiled. It was time to take control back. "Oh, that’s easy.”