The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Airborne to Havre, MT




On the plane ride to Montana, Laney had called her uncle to make sure he was all right. She’d only gotten off the phone after repeated assurances that he was fine and that Henry was finding them a safe place to hole up.


She leaned back in her chair. “My uncle and I seem to spend the bulk of our conversations lately assuring each other we’re fine.” She glanced over at Jake. “We are both such big, fat liars.”


“That’s what family does, I guess. Try to make each other feel better.”


She nodded, but deep down she didn’t feel better. Her uncle’s assurances hadn’t touched the ball of fear that had lodged in her stomach ever since she’d heard about the attack in Baltimore. She’d already lost Drew to this madness. She didn’t think she’d survive losing her uncle.


She glanced out the window as the pilot came over the PA to announce that they would be landing. The land was all mountains, green fields, and fluffy white clouds slowly moving overhead. “Well, it certainly is beautiful country out here.”


Jake looked past her, his expression troubled. “Sure is. I hope Yoni’s got some news for us.” Earlier Henry had called to tell them he’d put an operative in the area last night. He’d be meeting them at the airfield.


Laney reached over and took Jake’s hand. “We’ll find Tom.”


He looked into her eyes and her breath caught. They stared, neither one of them speaking. The spell was broken only when the plane's wheels hit the tarmac.


Laney looked away, her heart pounding. Definitely not the time for this.


Laney and Jake gathered their stuff and disembarked from the plane without a word. She got her first glimpse of Yoni Benjamin as Jake wrapped him in a hug at the bottom of the plane’s steps. The man didn’t even reach Jake’s shoulder. Laney, who at 5’4” was no giant, was still a couple inches taller than him.


But what he lacked in height, he made up for in muscle. He was built like a tank. His biceps were the size of Laney’s head and his arms couldn't rest flat against his sides.


When Jake released him, Yoni turned his large brown eyes on Laney. Eyes too small for his face, a giant nose that looked like it had been broken multiple times, and not a drop of hair on his head. Yoni Benjamin would not be anyone’s idea of handsome. But when he smiled, his whole face lit up and you couldn't help but smile back. He grabbed her in a crushing hug, lifting her off her feet.


She let out a laugh. Yoni was one of those people whom you felt like you’d known all your life.


“Hey Laney. Great to meet you,” he said. Laney was surprised to hear an Israeli accent.


Jake put a hand on Yoni’s shoulder. “Yoni, put her down.”


“Oh right. Sorry there.” Yoni set her gently on the ground. “It’s good to finally meet Jake’s girl.”


“Um, I’m not. I mean, we’re not,” Laney stuttered, staring over Yoni’s shoulder, feeling her cheeks begin to burn.


“Yoni,” Jake dragged out the name. “This is Dr. Laney McPhearson. She’s consulting with Chandler.”


“Yeah, Henry told me. But when I saw the way you two were trying not to look at each other, I figured there was something going on.”


Laney’s face flamed even hotter. “Uh, no. We're just co-workers.”


Yoni grinned. “Yeah, that's how my wife and I started, too.”


“How is Julie?” Jake asked, and Laney felt profound relief at the topic change.


“She’s great. Did you know we’re expecting?” He reached into his front jean pockets and then his back, finally pulling out a picture. “Look, there’s my little man.”


Laney looked at the picture and smiled. How could you not love a man who carried around a sonogram picture of his child?


“He’s got my chin, you see?”


Jake slapped him on the shoulder. “Congratulations, man. That’s great.”


“Yeah, it really is.” Yoni put the picture back in his pocket. He grabbed Laney’s bag and started heading for the parking lot. “I’ve got us set up in a house in Beaver Creek. It’s about a fifteen minute drive from here.”


Jake hiked up his bag. “Have you had any time to do any intel gathering?”


Yoni looked back over his shoulder and grinned. “Sure have. And I think I know where they’re keeping your missing men.”