The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Jake was as good as his word. When the students got fed up with waiting, a bunch of them headed for the parking lot. A few teachers tried to wave them back, but they were ignored.


Laney and Jake blended into the crowd. They climbed into Jake’s car, a Toyota Camry.


“A Camry?” Laney said as she buckled her seat belt. “I thought you’d be more of the SUV type.”


He grinned. “It’s a rental. Now do me a favor, and keep your head down. He’s looking for a single female, not a couple. But let’s just play this safe.”


She nodded and stared at her hands. “My hands are shaking.”


“It’s the adrenaline. You’ve been through a lot.”


“You don’t know the half of it,” she mumbled, thinking of Drew and the attack from the morning.


She pulled her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. Why the hell was this happening? Who the hell was Paul and what did he want? And how had he found her?


Jake pulled into traffic and started heading north, out of the city. He kept glancing in his rearview mirror. He stayed tense, not saying anything. Once on 81, though, he seemed to relax.


“You want to tell me what you have to do with any of this?” Laney prompted.


He sighed. “It’s a long story. We’ll be at the airport soon. I’ll explain everything on the plane.”


Laney sat up straight and thought of her uncle. If someone was trying to get to her, the best way would be to go through him. “Well, thanks for the save and all, but I’m not getting on a plane with you.”


She stared at him as she realized how stupid she was being. She’d been attacked this morning by Paul the un-killable, who’d then tracked her to a safe house. And now this complete stranger - granted this completely gorgeous stranger - had shown up and saved her. How had he known where she was?


She pushed her back against the door and her hand reached for the handle. “How did you find me at the safe house?”


“The chief of police told my boss.” He glanced over at her. “Laney, I’m not the bad guy here.”


She wanted to believe him, but at the same time, logic told her she’d be a complete idiot to go along with him without checking his story out. Her phone rang and she fumbled for it in her pocket. It was Rocky. “Laney, are you okay?”


“I’m fine, but Frank and Marcos-”


Rocky’s voice was heavy with grief. “I know. Frank’s gone. Marcos is heading into surgery. Did Jake Rogan find you?”


“How’d you know about him?


“Chief of police gave me a call. Said we can trust him.”


“Well, good, because I’m in the car with him right now.”


Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jake grin. He mouthed, “Told you.” She rolled her eyes at him, but smiled.


Rocky's voice was stressed. “I don’t know what’s going on right now, but you need to get in here and explain what happened at the safe house.


“I know. I just need to get some answers first. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” She didn't wait for Rocky to argue, just disconnected the call.


“Okay, pull over.”


“Laney, we need to head out of town.”


“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me exactly what is going on.”


Jake glanced over at her. "I think the attack in your house this morning has something to do with my brother. He's gone missing. And I'll be happy to tell you all about it, but first we need to get out of Dodge."


"I'm going to need a little more information than that."


He gripped the steering wheel.


Laney knew he was probably trying to figure out if he could toss her in the plane “You try and caveman me into that plane and I swear to God, I’ll make you a eunuch.”


He barked out a laugh. “I don’t doubt you’ll try. Okay, five minutes, but then we’re out of here.” He put on his indicator and moved into the exit lane.


She nodded, her fingers crossed behind her back. “Absolutely.”