Lily’s Mistake


The island of Aspasia is a jewel. It’s even more beautiful than I could ever imagine.

“Wow.” I admire the view on the patio that gives access to the beach.

“Yeah, it is gorgeous out here. Listen, Bass and Emma are still shooting. This is their cottage and there are two more spare rooms. You can go and take your pick.”

Something dislodges in my throat. I’m sharing a roof with Bass Cole? Mother of God! I think I have gone straight to Heaven! “Bass Cole… in the same house… I think I need to sit down for that.” I start to fan myself with my right hand, while my excitement runs riot in my head.

“Isn’t he a little too young for you?” Drake leans against the stone railing while he watched me getting all hyped up.

“Who cares about age when a guy looks like Bass? He’s like… the most beautiful man…” I murmur as I picture the actor in that vampire movie of his and what a movie that was. Sex God, your name is Bass Cole!

Drake walks towards where I am sitting and yanks me off the chair. “Hey! What the hell is your problem?” I yelp and slap his hand that is clutching my arm, but to no avail.

He drags me all the way inside and pushes me against a wall. My breathing is frantic when I see the stormy eyes that meet me. “You better not f*ck anyone here, Lil. There will be hell to pay if you do. I don’t want you talking to any man for that matter.”

My hand instantly slaps him. He has gall to manhandle me and issue orders. “If you think for a second that I will let you run around and dictate me, well tough, I am not that woman. I have my own mind, my own wants and my own needs. How I come about in achieving them is my business. Best you get that in that semi-insipid brain of yours because you missed the memo, Drake. I am not yours. Never was.” I press my hands on his torso and try to push him off me, but he’s way too heavy and way too pumped up to be moved.

Our noses are touching, our lips only a hairsbreadth away from brushing. I dare not snake my tongue out to lick my lips because this infuriating man might just take that as his cue to claim me for a kiss.

“I did get the memo, Lil. My fate was sealed the moment you were born into this world. You were mine since day one. You were definitely mine when I took your virginity. Do you honestly think that I would let you give your virginity away to any man? No, over my dead body, and you know it, too. You were mine then, and you are mine now.”

“This body hasn’t been yours for the last eight years, Drake.”

I close my eyes when he presses his body against mine. The stone wall is cold against my back and I shiver when I feel his breath on my neck. The tip of his nose brushes against my jaw, smelling me like I’m his meal, his woman, his property; but I am no longer his. Best he realizes that.

“How many?” Drake whispers against my ear. I flinch when the wet, hot tip of his tongue tastes my earlobe.

“How many, what?”

“Men… I want numbers, Lily.” Drake suddenly sounds menacing.

But… why? Sure, he maybe lusting for me now, but it sure was not the case eight years ago. Again, why now?

“I am not going to answer that. Let me go, Drake. Jared and I… I’m ready to be with him.” I have been thinking about it. A lot. Jared is a decent and sweet guy. To top that off, he is funny and easy to be around. Jared told me two nights ago that he wants things to be serious between us. I have yet to give him a proper answer, but it will be a definite yes.

“No, you’re not. How can you be ready, Lil? You can barely hide the fact that you want me. I still affect you… I know this because you still look like you’re in love with me.”

I feel like he just slapped me. My hand lifts again, ready to slap some sense into him, but he catches it this time. The steel band of his hand on my wrist is unyielding. “I love this temper of yours. It’s going to be fun unleashing this temperamental side of you while I dominate you in bed.” His hips push against me and his hard arousal makes me shudder. “Now that we’re back in each other’s lives, there will be no other man for you, except me. I don’t want anyone, but you. It’s time we submit to it… to what is meant for us. I am ready for you now, Lil.”

Huh? He’s ready? How laughable because I sure as hell am not.

“I don’t feel the same. I don’t want you like that… Physically, yes, you’re very attractive, but emotionally, you’re not for me. Never were, so let’s drop it. This woman is not interested in your sexual prowess. Get off me before I knee your blessed balls.”

His nose flares while his eyes rage. “You will come to me. I am sure of it. Once you do, don’t expect me to let you go again because I won’t and don’t ever plan to. I’m counting down the hours until you come to me.” Drake speaks in a clipped tone before he finally releases my tense body.

After another hard stare, he spins around and goes to his room, striding ever so confidently. While I stand here, taken aback… troubled and dumbfounded more than ever.

What gets to me most are his parting words. The way he said them, it was like he knows. Does he think that since he’s ready for me that I’ll just happily oblige and let him back in?

He can think again.

Both Bass Cole and Emma Anderson come back to the villa a couple of hours later, just before six in the evening. I’m really unprepared when I come face-to-face with the very masculine, blonde, blue-eyed star.

“This is my assistant and childhood best friend, Lily.”

Drake introduces us all. Emma is sweet and strikingly pretty. To me, she looks like a goddess, but what catches my attention is Bass himself.

“How are you finding the island so far? It’s gorgeous around here, isn’t it?” Bass smiles at me. Like a stupid puppy, I’m just in awe of him.

Drake nudges me. “I’m sorry. I’m just a big fan. I love your movies!” I gush at the smiling Bass.

“Thank you, Lily. Do you mind telling this woman how great I am? She’s being a brat.” Bass takes hold of Emma and kisses her forehead.

It’s obvious how crazy he is about her. Watching them laugh before they excuse themselves to get ready before dinner is nice to see.

“You totally looked stupid just then, Lil.” Drake is being a dick again.

“Whatever, you just wish you looked like that. Damn, those two look great together.” I smile before I go out to the patio and stroll towards the beach.

I’m just in time to watch the sunset. It’s glorious. The slight breeze is crisp, just enough to cool the skin. I take off my sandals and stand barefoot on the shore. The tide brushing against my feet is relaxing.

The day after tomorrow, I will be back in LA. Back to my home and away from Drake. I don’t mind working for him, but being around him all day and night is definitely driving me nuts. He’s insufferable, stubborn and he makes me want to gouge his eyes out. There are times, though… I just want to kiss him senseless.

“I can’t help that I’m a jealous bastard. I don’t like it when you smile at another guy like that. I know you didn’t mean anything by it, but shit—I still don’t like it,” Drake speaks from behind me.

Oh come on, it’s Bass Cole. It was a given for anyone with eyes.

“Yeah, well, it’s bullshit. You have no grounds to be jealous, Drake. Get that through your head. Acting like a jealous, possessive lover is dumb when you mean nothing to me.”

Drake stands behind me, lips against my ear, cutting through my delicate armor.

“Ouch, that tongue of yours really needs some kind of punishment. I am possessive of what’s mine. You were mine the moment you surrendered this body to me eight years ago. I’m back and I don’t want to relinquish that right. However long it takes, I will f*cking have you back. I won’t have it any other way. Get that through your head, Lily.” He abruptly leaves afterward his speech.

I still stand there like a frozen statue, his words playing around in my head. He might be right, but I will not submit that easily, not without kicking and screaming with protest.

“Are you okay?” Emma asks as she comes up next to me. Her beautiful, big, blue eyes look concerned.

“Yes. Drake’s just being… a dick. Nothing new there, if you ask me.” I smile when she starts laughing.

“Yeah, I could tell he was getting all territorial. Men can’t help it. They act like idiots when they really like someone.” Emma stares out at the horizon, looking like her thoughts brought her somewhere far away.

“You and Bass look perfect. He’s crazy about you,” I say, changing the subject. I know I’m getting personal, but Emma has that easy personality that I feel comfortable talking to, like normal friends do.

Emma shakes her head, but her eyes speak volumes. “I think he does… he’s been terrific. No, no, he’s been perfect… Amazing to the point where… I feel that we should slow down.” She quickly glances at me before continuing. “Sorry for dumping that on you, I just miss having my friends around. I don’t have an emotional outlet about men right now. They’ll be here in a few days, though, and I’m excited about that.”

“Trust me. Your problem is much better than mine. I’d rather listen to yours than go through mine in my head for the thousandth time. I was in love with him eight years ago. After spending a night in his arms, my first, he left without a word and now he just expects me to fall back into his arms again.”

“Maybe a good talk would do the trick for you both. From what I could see earlier, he’s got it bad for you and I don’t think Drake’s the kind of man to back down, anyway. Just follow your heart, that’s what I used to tell myself.” Emma looks thoughtful a moment.

“You guys are in love, huh?”

Emma looks at me strangely, shaking her head and huffing. “No, no, we just started barely a week ago. It’s too early. I just got off a relationship a few months back.” Emma bites her lip nervously. “It’s just too early… It just can’t happen…” she wonders out loud.

I touch her shoulder and squeeze it. “Trust me, Hon, love is a bitch. It creeps up on you when you don’t want it to.”

Emma sighs. “Shit. I don’t want to think about any of it. Let’s go get some dinner and get drunk. I think we both need it.”

That’s more like it. That I can agree on. “Awesome, lead the way.”

The next day, Emma has to shoot scenes with her co-stars, and Bass has to go to New York for some work involving the third installment of Knights of the Cimmerian that is going to be out in a few months.

I was at the meeting Drake held earlier with Martin Lombardo, the director, and some other important people involving the movie. The meeting took almost two hours and when it ended, I was ready to hit the sack. The time difference really is too difficult to adjust to when I’ve only been here for a couple of days. It’s a bitch, but I know I have to deal with it.

Drake is supposed to be meeting up with a few people. I’m relieved since I don’t really want to do anything unless it involves passing out for the rest of the night.

Which I do, gladly.

When I wake the next day, it’s already time to leave for London.

Pamela Ann's books