Frey (The Frey Saga, #1)

Chevelle walked me to the edge of a tall peak. The rock mountain ended in a sheer cliff, straight down into haze. He looked into my eyes like he saw something there, like he really knew me. We gazed out over the cliff, at the horizon… endless. I felt his hand on my back and closed my eyes, relaxing into the comfortable feeling. He pushed me with full force and I opened my eyes as I flew off the cliff, falling straight down. I stared back at him as he stood, watching me fall, nothing but open sky above and below. I couldn’t imagine why he’d throw me from the cliff, couldn’t think of the magic to stop myself, couldn’t see when I would crash into the base, the rocks below.

My arms flailed as I jerked awake. They were all staring at me.

“Frey?” Ruby asked.

I grappled for breath. “Just a dream.” They laughed.

“What about?” Ruby was more interested.

I glanced at Chevelle, a few paces away, the same concerned expression as they waited for my answer. I only shook my head.

My chest still hurt from the fear. I sat up and took a drink from the flagon. Wine. Didn’t anyone drink water anymore? Grey sat beside me. I tried not to seem shocked.

“Ruby a little hard on you?” he teased. I smiled. “She’s only trying to help, you know.” He spoke with tenderness and I recalled their touch nights ago.

I made an effort not to be too obvious about my real curiosity. “You’ve known her long?”


The way he was gazing at her when he spoke left no doubt.

She noticed us watching her. “Ready to get back to it, then?” Ugh. I struggled to my feet.

“Ruby, how long do the effects of the dust last?”


Was I so ignorant or did everyone think it was funny to make me drag answers from them? “On?"

She laughed. “Don’t worry. The dreams will get better.”

“They will get better or they will go away?”

She laughed again. “Depends.”

We were facing each other once more, ready to begin another round. “Want to try a weapon?”

I wasn’t sure. It could work against me, literally. I tried procrastinating. “Why use arrows if you have magic?”

She had that “Frey, you’re an idiot” look again. “Magic uses more energy the farther away you try to focus it. And it is less accurate. And you are more visible. And…”


She smiled. “Any more questions or can we begin?”

“Fine. What sort of weapon did you have in mind?”

That was another question and her smile widened. Her hand stretched out to the side and a long silver sword landed in her palm. She righted it, twisting the blade for me to see. Hot apple pie, this was going to hurt.

“There are a few things you need to remember when using a blade,” she instructed. “First of all, always go for the fatal attack. If you merely wound someone, well, someone with magic, they will use the last of their power to stop you. Cut off their head or puncture the lung and heart. Never mess around.”

I imagined myself decapitating someone. I laughed as I realized my mind placed Fannie there.

Ruby didn’t look like she could think of anything funny about what she’d said, but she continued. “Secondly,” she smiled, “don’t cut yourself. These things are sharp.”

She started to toss the sword to me but then reconsidered and handed it over, making sure I had a good grip on the handle. There were intricate designs carved on the handle and runes etched in the blade. It wasn’t as heavy as it appeared. I moved it around a bit; it seemed to be weighted, balancing nicely in my hand. It was pleasant, I swung it tip first in a figure eight, slashing at the air. I didn’t know if I could actually cut through someone’s neck, though. “Ruby, how do you intend to teach me with this? I mean if there’s no messing around, just lop your head off and all?”

She laughed. “Don’t worry, Frey. I think I can handle it.”

“I’ll do it.” Chevelle’s voice startled me. I was absorbed in our conversation, unaware anyone was listening. I glanced around and realized everyone had been listening. It dawned on me what Chevelle had said as they all circled around to watch.

Ruby smiled at him and I became suspicious she had set this up. A long sword was already in his hand. He approached and raised it, expertly gripping the handle with both hands. Uh oh.