Frey (The Frey Saga, #1)

“I… uh… you were in my room?” His head had been tilted toward me in his fury and it straightened, his expression making it clear he hadn’t expected that response. I pressed, taking the chance, “Why?” I heard movement behind me and in a second I was afraid again.

Chevelle didn’t tense; he just let out an exasperated breath. “It’s fine,” he said, clearly frustrated. He released me and I turned to see who he was talking to. Four figures stood in a line, almost a formation, and they relaxed at his words. My arm tingled as the blood returned to the limb, freed of his harsh grip. Yes, he hated me. I flexed my fist.

“Ah, she escaped,” Ruby purred. “And you didn’t trust me with her.”

The formation broke as Steed came to stand beside me, smiling. I stared at the group. I had no idea who they were, but from the way they spoke it was apparently no secret I was Chevelle's prisoner. Or his property. I shook off the odd thought.

“Frey,” Chevelle said, “this is Anvil.” He nodded toward the larger man who bowed his head to me respectfully. “And Grey.” The wiry man bent and quickly straightened, his movements somewhat jerky.

I gasped as two more figures came into view. A pair of tall elves stepped in sync and then stopped before they reached us. They were thin but muscular, dressed in long light gray robes, and atop their heads was shocking silvery white hair. I was convinced the moonlight must have been exaggerating it. And then I jumped again as, on either side of them, two beasts walked forward and stood, stopping in tandem just in front and at each side of the twinned elves. Steed spoke under his breath from beside me. “Yeah, they’re not from around here.”

I felt myself leaning backward toward Chevelle a bit for support. “Rhys and Rider Strong,” he said. I tried to appear calm. They nodded toward me and I was surprised the small gesture also seemed synchronized. The dogs sat on their haunches but still at attention. They were so large I wasn’t sure they weren’t wolves but I’d never known a wolf to be tamed. Their fur matched the robes of their masters, even down to the black trim. I couldn’t be certain, but I thought there was even some silver showing. I hoped they were less frightening in the light of day.

Ruby broke the tense atmosphere with a curtsey. “And Ruby Summit.” I attempted a smile for her.

I noticed a silent exchange between Steed and Chevelle. They were trying to decide what to do with me.

“Since you’re apparently not ready to retire for the evening, I suppose we will resume your training,” Chevelle said. Oh great.

“Ooh, let me!” Ruby was excited. Chevelle gave her a doubtful look and then glanced at me. Yes, he thought I deserved this. He nodded once and walked toward the rocks. Ruby bounced a few times, celebrating her victory.

As Chevelle walked past Anvil and Grey, they turned to follow him. I glanced around but didn’t see the other two or their dogs. I was wondering where they had gone and looked back to Ruby and Steed. Ruby was obviously very excited about the coming torture. Steed was watching me again. I always seemed to forget he was handsome until I was looking at him. He wore a loose shirt, unlaced at the chest, covered with a leather vest. It matched the long leather cuffs on his forearms and I was sure it was the same dark, worn leather of his saddles. He stepped in front of me, took my chin in his hand and twisted my face slightly, examining it. He purred something toward Ruby about her decorations and gave me a wink as he walked off in the direction Chevelle had gone.

We were alone now, Ruby and I, and I was sure this was going to hurt more than my other training. She untied her cloak and tossed it to the rocks where it landed with a muffled sound. She was smiling a touch as she reached her left hand across her waist to a black hoop there. She closed her fist and pulled it out and around as a long black trail curved in its wake and came to rest softly at her side. A whip. Oh yes, this would hurt. I loosed my cloak and tossed it aside, lowering myself in a defensive stance, hands out and ready. Crack! Okay, not ready.

“Ow! Mother Earth!” I cursed. I felt blood trickle at the strike point.

Ruby giggled a little. “Okay, we start slower.” She considered for a moment, “Maybe we work on your attacks instead of defense.”

I relaxed my stance. “Um, I don’t really have any attacks.”