Frey (The Frey Saga, #1)

“A bath?” I asked, confused.

She laughed, “Well, yes. A little cold for lake bathing here.” She led me to a large basin in the corner of the room. Water streamed in from the window and filled it half way. “I’ve laid out some clothes for you and there are some lovely soaps on the table.” She spun and glided out of the room, closing the door behind her. Lovely soaps.

I examined the room as I undressed. Her bedroom. A large bed topped with decorated pillows and colorful blankets centered the opposite wall. It was twice the size of the one I’d been using. A tall rack in the corner was draped with materials, deep violet and emerald green silks, dark wools, and thin scarves in several patterns. Shelves alongside were filled full with curiosities and a few books lie on the bedside table beside a lantern. I stepped into the tub as light steam rose from the water. It smelled slightly floral, lavender, I thought as I sank down. I breathed deep, it seemed to be helping, so I closed my eyes and relaxed. The water started to chill several times, but I was hesitant to get out so I warmed it with fire, careful not to over do it and boil myself into a stew.

Finally, I felt well enough to stand. I picked up one of the soaps and washed quickly, then pulled the water from the tub with magic to wash the suds away. I’d not had much opportunity to practice with water; I made a mental note to work on it. I felt refreshed. The soap left a light fragrance in the air, it smelled a little like morning and cold and I wondered if the fairy dust was still affecting me. I dried off and dressed in the clothes Ruby had left me. They were a little small; I questioned whether they were her cast offs but on second thought, she seemed to like her own clothes a little tight and revealing. There was another full length mirror here and I giggled at my reflection. No, I wouldn’t have chosen these for myself. I couldn’t say I looked bad though. I turned away, still painfully unaccustomed to my new appearance.

Steed let out a long whistle as I entered the main room. Ruby was sitting with him, a warm smile on her face as if we were old friends. Chevelle was near a window on the front wall, leaning on one shoulder, his body turned toward me. He was so hard to read.

“Better?” Ruby asked.

“Yes, thank you.” I was polite but it burned a little to thank her after what she’d done.

Steed was smiling. “Some night.” He shook his head from side to side exaggerating the slow movement. He looked like he was trying to keep a secret. I flushed with embarrassment as I remembered climbing in his lap.

Ruby grinned at him conspiratorially. “Yes, so educational.”

Had I talked in my sleep? Ugh, could this get any worse?

Yes, it could. It came back to me then, the worse I’d feared. I dropped in a chair, my head falling into my hands to cover my face. Yes. Much worse.

Ruby started to say something but Chevelle cut her off. “Won’t you offer your guest breakfast?”

She sniffed. “Lunch maybe.” A plate of food landed on the table in front of me with a slap.

“Thank you,” I managed. I was hungry, despite the horrified embarrassment. I grabbed the plate and started eating.

Ruby and Steed were sitting across from me. She was reclined, her bare legs showing where the material of her skirt was pulled to the side. When I looked up, she resituated herself, leaning toward Steed and talking low about some nonsense. She suggestively walked her fingers up his chest as she talked and looked to me for reaction. She’s trying to make me jealous? I was furious now. She wanted to provoke me. She’d poisoned me and now this. She’d gone too far, I wanted to burn her right then and there. I caught Chevelle’s expression as I glared at her. He had seen what she was doing, knew her motives most likely, but I could tell he thought it had worked, he thought I was jealous. Perfect.

I smelled something odd and glanced down. The meat I was holding had burnt in my hand. Damn it!

I looked back to them and Steed was watching me, smiling. Great, now he probably thought I was jealous, too. I considered going back to bed and staying there indefinitely. Ruby laughed and it made my hair stand on end. No, I’d stay. She might be our host now but I’d get my chance, I’d fix her. She leaned slightly away from him and the markings on her leg caught my attention. A thin vine, painted on I assumed, appeared to trail up to her thigh.

She noticed me looking. “Well, Frey, I feel like I know so much about you.” She smiled slyly at Chevelle. “But you know so little of me. Let me tell you a few things, since we will be traveling together.”