Wolf Pact

chapter Five


The circle of flames was still far enough away that Lawson could see the snow-covered grass in between the fire and the house. But it wouldn't be long before the fire gained energy and started moving closer. All his planning, all his nights of worry wasted. The first home they'd ever had, about to be destroyed. His biggest fear was upon them, and he hated himself for thinking they'd been safe even for a moment. He slammed a fist hard against the wall.


Tala grabbed him by the shoulder. "Don't. We'll find another home. We built this one together, and we'll build another."


He swallowed hard, kissed her forehead brusquely. Thank god for Tala.


The scent of smoke made its way into the living room.


"Where's Edon?" Rafe asked.


Lawson knew where he was. He exchanged anguished looks with Tala. "I'll get him," she said.


"No - let me," Lawson said.


He ran to the kitchen.


Edon stood transfixed at the front door, peering out through the peephole. "You didn't tell me," he said without moving; he must have heard Lawson's footsteps behind him.


A low, throaty voice whispered from the doorway, "Come to me, Edon ... I've missed you so much."


"It's not her," Lawson said. "Not really. Not anymore. You know that." He'd seen her eyes, seen how their blue had turned a deep reddish-black. "Ahri's one of them now." Ahramin had been turned. She was no longer a wolf; she walked upright; she carried a black sword; she was an extension of Romulus's will. A Hound of Hell.


"Edon, open the door so we can be together again ..."


"I have to open it," Edon said.


"I can't let you do that." Lawson pushed Edon away from the door as Ahramin began pounding on it so hard that it made the walls shake and the light fixtures swing wildly. The pummeling was relentless, and it felt as if not just the door but the whole house would collapse from the fury of her blows.


The girl's taunts turned to screams as the door held. "EDON!" she thundered as Lawson pulled his brother back into the living room. "EDON, IF YOU STILL LOVE ME, LET ME IN!"


Now that Edon was with them, the circle was complete. Edon sat dazed between Lawson and Rafe, who each held on to him in case he tried to make a run for the door.


"Can they follow us?" Malcolm asked, his eyes red and nose dripping.


"The hounds can't come through the portals," Lawson assured him. "At least the ones I make, I'm pretty sure." He didn't know how he knew; it was just instinct, but it felt right. "Close your eyes, and focus your hearts and minds."


Lawson waited until everyone had their eyes closed, and then began to open the portal with his mind. It would be a much more dangerous jump than their escape from the underworld; their souls would have to cross first and their bodies would follow, unlike in Hell, where their spirits and flesh were one. Around them, the windows cracked and glass shattered. Dust drifted down from the ceiling. The smell of smoke was overpowering. Outside the sky was an eerie charcoal, and smoke billowed around the house. He could see the first wisps of flame edging toward the window. And then it was upon them.


The room turned a dull orange as strips of flame shot across the old carpet. The heat was unbearable, but familiar: the black fire of Hell. The ceiling glistened and blistered.


Lawson felt the passage open, felt the universe expanding to create this space, a space for them to be safe. In his mind's eye, he watched as one by one the brothers crossed over, even as he kept his actual eyes open so he knew what was happening in the room.


Tala was waiting for him. Go, he urged her in his mind. Go now.


Only with you, she sent back. A charred beam fell from the ceiling and struck her. She fell backward, unconscious. Her mind lost its connection to his.


TALA! TALA, WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Lawson screamed as he stood at the border between the worlds. But there was no more time. Through the red-hot skeleton of the house, he could see dark figures gathered. Hellhounds, hunched in anticipation.


No. He couldn't lose her. He began to break the connection and the portal started to close. Their bodies were frozen in a circle, asleep and oblivious to the fire that raged around the room, as walls ripped open with flame.


His brothers began to yell. LAWSON! HURRY!


He reached out again for her mind, but he couldn't find her. For a few desperate seconds, there was nothing. Then, suddenly, the spark between them returned.




I CAN'T, he screamed back. I WON'T!


The boys stood by the open passage, waiting while the room burned. Soon their bodies would be sacrificed to the flames and all would be lost. But still Lawson did not move. He was as paralyzed as Edon had been earlier at the door.


Tala, no ... I won't leave you the way Edon left Ahri. I can't let that happen. I won't.


Go ... Her voice was weaker now. But when she saw that he was hesitating, her voice recovered the ferocity he knew and loved so well. Remember the pact! Go!




But she pushed him away with her mind, and before he knew what was happening, he had joined his brothers on the other side. The portal continued to close and he heard her scream as a whip cracked in the flames.


TALA! Lawson's heart broke in anguish and fear. TALA!


In one instant the brothers were sitting in the burning living room; in the next, they had disappeared. The house shuddered, heaving its last gasp, and collapsed, the hounds storming the ashes of what they'd left behind. But Lawson and his pack were gone, save one.


Melissa de la Cruz's books