Words of Love

chapter TWELVE

As Brett led her by the hand, Jesse realized where they must be headed. The monsoon was finally starting to relent but the rain was still coming down at the cave entrance.

“I think of it as rustic,” he said, as he started to take off his clothes. “The best spot is right over here.” The curtain of water behind him poured down from the slope above. “It’s flat and not so slippery,” he said as he continued to strip.

Jesse stared at him.

Despite having made love, she was still amazed by Brett’s body. He could’ve been a model. No, she thought. He could have been a sculptor’s model, posing as a Greek or Roman god. As he bent to move a bar of soap that she hadn’t realized was there, she watched the hard ripple of his muscles.

As he stepped into the water and ran his fingers through his hair, his broad and mounded pecs lifted and his back flared even wider. He turned in the water and Jesse realized how every bit of his six-pack stood out from the rest. At his sides, corded muscles flanked him and framed his narrow hips. Even from the side, he was triangular–the bulging expanse of his chest tapered to an incredibly lean waist. Then the triangle inverted as his hips widened to tight buttocks and then his bulky thighs. Water coursed down the deep channel in the center of his chest, flowed over his navel, and then into his groin. He turned again, giving a sensuous twist to his torso as the muscles of his wide shoulders bunched.

As Jesse gaped at the utterly masculine display, she found her eyes centered on the flat, taut triangle above his groin. She imagined the sinewy flesh between his hips suddenly tightening as it would when he thrust into her and an ache of desire pulsed between her legs. She watched the water shimmer and cascade over his powerful contours as the words of Chilam Balam came to her mind: “Joy is the law of the entire world. It is a rich year and the year is good. The rains are good.”

She might have watched him forever but she realized he had turned to her. Now he held out his hand.

“There’s room for two,” he said.

• • • • •

Brett watched as Jesse almost stepped in with her clothes. At first he thought she’d meant to but when she suddenly realized, she backed up. He knew very well the effect he had on women but the effect he’d had on Jesse just now had been an accident. She was flustered and, though he hadn’t intended her to be, he found he was a little glad.

Each time they’d made love, he had been the one to initiate it. After making it through the storm and then after she’d read the love poem in the Caracol, it had been him who had needed her. Though her response said she needed him as well, he wanted more than just a response.

He watched as she took off the filthy clothes. The dirt had managed to get inside them but, as she removed her bra and panties, the contrast between her pale skin and the dark soil couldn’t have been greater. Her hourglass shape stood out as though it’d been highlighted. Despite himself, he realized warmth had already begun to spread in his groin.

She moved her clothes aside and, as she turned to him, he extended his hand again.

“The water is fine,” he said.

But she seemed to have lost her voice. Then, as she took his hand, she blushed. For some reason he couldn’t fathom, he found that adorable. Slowly, she slid into the sheet of water with him. As though she were passing through a curtain, the dirt immediately ran down her and disappeared. She tilted her face up to the water as she closed her eyes and smoothed her hair back. Brett let her hand go and picked up the bar of soap he’d left on the floor.

As she tilted her head back, water poured down the milky white skin at the front of her throat and over her breasts, where it dripped in small cascades from the rose-tipped nipples.

“The water is so soft,” she said quietly.

What would be soft was cupping her breasts, feeling the lush fullness of them in his palms, but instead he rubbed the oval bar of soap loudly between his hands.

“Let me get your back,” he said, letting the soap slip to the floor.

She stepped forward, out of the water, and he stood to her side and slightly behind. His eyes immediately fell on the light pink burn area. It wasn’t peeling, which was a relief.

He started there, gently massaging the white lather in small circles. She rocked forward a little and he laid his other hand on her flat stomach to keep her steady. Slowly his fingers worked around her shoulder blades, across her shoulders, and then down. The soap made her already satiny skin slick and he used his entire hand to rub down one side of her back and then up the other. His fingers moved along the dip of her spine, down and then up, while his other hand slid across her supple abdomen. He could feel her muscles relaxing and he let the hand on her back rub down over her plump buttock. He gently massaged her, front and back, as she swayed with his movements. Though he’d just been about to pick up the soap again, he felt her hands cover his on her stomach. He paused, thinking that she was getting her balance, but then she gently slid his hand lower.

Though his arousal immediately stiffened, he almost couldn’t believe what she was doing. He tried to relax his arm as her soft hands guided his downward. Her skin slid effortlessly beneath his soapy fingers. Her hands rode on top of his as he swept slowly across her velvety mound. As his fingers crested the edge, they eagerly sought out the delicate softness he knew would be there. Then, when he quickly found her center she sharply inhaled and shuddered. The slippery wetness was warm and petal-soft as his fingers gingerly explored her. Though she had begun to widen her stance she froze as he caressed her. His fingertips circled around her tender flesh, rubbing lightly, as she exhaled in a low moan.

Her glistening breasts quivered, mounded together between her arms, and her diaphragm sucked inward as he caressed her again. Finally, he put his chest to her back, settled his free hand on top of both of hers, and leaned down next to her ear.

“You’re beautiful,” he said in a hoarse whisper. “Every time I see you, you’re even more beautiful.”

• • • • •

Jesse could still hear Brett’s words ringing in her head.

He’d said that she was beautiful. No one had ever said that but especially not someone like him. Even the press of his lips on her neck said the same. Though it seemed impossible, she was starting to believe him. But more than that, she wanted to believe him because she’d felt something for him from the first time they’d made love.

His strong arms circled around hers and his rigid chest pressed into her back like a wall of rock. But between her legs, his fingers were achingly gentle as he stroked her yet again.

“Oh god,” she gasped.

With her hands trapped between his, it was as if she were touching herself and the pleasure there was quickly spiraling out of control. Her heart thudded in her chest and blood pounded in her ears as the pulsing in her sweet spot kept pace. His fingertips nuzzled it yet again.

“Brett,” she whimpered just as her abdomen convulsed.

His arousal was trapped between them and she felt its hot length throb along her backside. The moist warmth of his breath washed down the front of her. His hips flexed, pressing himself against her. And then their hands moved and he stroked her again.

Her mound moved of its own accord and rose against his touch. And as it did, he squeezed. A tingling sensation that bordered on burning suddenly engulfed her sweet spot and she whimpered and gasped, hardly able to breathe. A deep spasm convulsed her and her hips shook with a desperate need to respond.

Then in one smooth movement, Brett suddenly swept her up from behind. Though the cavern around them spun, she realized he was moving toward the tent.

• • • • •

As Brett gently lowered Jesse’s feet to the floor, he sat on the edge of his bed and guided her toward him. He quickly leaned back, pulling her with him and then astride him. With her knees beside his hips, her exquisite body hovered just above him. Her hips still quaked with tiny jerks and her breathing was already heavy but, as her knees spread, her moist entrance slowly settled on his arousal’s engorged tip. Placing his hands around her tiny waist, he guided her down.

Her eyes squeezed shut and she uttered a little cry as she sank down on him. His own hips couldn’t help but jerk in response and he thrust upward. He pressed into her, feeling her softness completely sheath him. The hot glide of flesh against flesh tugged at him, urged him deeper, and he drove upward. He thudded into her and a sharp grunt escaped her as she hunched forward, riding higher.

He gently captured a plump breast in each hand, palming them, molding them easily until they swelled under his fingers. Jesse’s back arched in response and a small moan was forced from her parted lips. No sooner had his hips relaxed, though, then he had to thrust again. She leaned forward into his hands, breathing harder, trying to find a balance. But the wait in the shower had been too long and his hips were beginning to pump with pent-up need.

Slow down, he told himself, but the sight and feel of her were blotting out control. It was beyond reason and unlike anything he’d ever known. Only this morning they had made love and he had spent himself inside her, and yet it felt as though it’d never happened. His body yearned for her in a way that was never satiated. The more he had her, the more she surrendered to him, the more he craved.

Her hands landed on his chest as she leaned forward, riding him. Her sinuous torso writhed and the smooth muscles of her abdomen contracted. He drove up into her and plunged deep, one thrust after another. And with each thrust, her hips answered his and took him inside completely. Her whimpering gasps of pleasure were quick and shallow. She was maddening, seductive, and utterly irresistible.

“Jesse,” he hissed between clenched teeth.

At that, her eyes fluttered open and a tiny furrowing of her eyebrows suddenly made him slow.

“No,” she breathed. “Don’t stop.”

• • • • •

Every muscle in his glistening upper body stood out.

Though the light from the lantern was dim, Jesse could see it reflected off the curves of Brett’s chest. His neck and shoulders were taut with the effort it took to thrust into her, which he did yet again.

The sweet fullness filled her and she sank down on him with all her weight. His shaft was swollen and throbbing, spearing into her like a rod of steel. She groaned at the deep pressure of it, wanting as much of him as she could take. She spread her knees, arched her back, and the straining shaft seemed to bulge within her.

Brett’s back arched and curved in response, his abs crunching and releasing, his breath coming in short, harsh gasps. With each rhythmic push, he lifted her higher, sank himself deeper and she felt him move inside. Suddenly, his hands pushed her hips back, pinning her to him, and crushed her sweet spot into his groin.

Already aching from the work of his fingers, the eruption of pleasure hit her like a tidal wave. Her hips jerked erratically as her torso wildly whipped. As their hips collided, her swollen sweet spot sizzled in a burst of ecstasy that took her breath away. A silent ‘oh’ formed on her lips and she came with a shattering intensity that set lights off behind her closed eyes. Savage clamping took over as Brett’s body lurched and shook beneath her.

“Oh my god,” he breathed in a shuddering gasp.

A frenzy of simultaneous spasms racked her entire body even as Brett thickened inside her. She wanted to scream, to cry out at the ecstasy, but she couldn’t breathe. A fiery heat flooded between her legs as wave after wave of clenching spread out with it. Her lungs burned even as her hips flew into overdrive.

Suddenly, Brett came hard as his release slapped into her. It was the moment her body had waited for and her lungs finally heaved in a long and ragged gasp of air. They groaned together as his climax stiffened and her sharp spasms shook them both. It was ecstasy, it was unbearable, and though she thought it might never end, it finally began to ebb. Anguished, panting gasps escaped her as Brett lowered her to his chest. The hard planes of muscle rose and fell beneath her as his hips made their last spasmodic thrusts. Completely spent, she could barely move in response. Finally they lay still and the only sound was their breathing and the rain in the distance. Although she could have lain there forever, she tried to get up.

“Don’t go,” Brett whispered, circling his arms around her.

“The bed’s too small,” Jesse murmured. “I won’t fit.”

His hips and legs shifted below her and she found herself sliding to his side. With one leg still flung over him, she snuggled under his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

“You fit perfectly,” he whispered into her hair.

As she reluctantly closed her eyes, she realized she was starting to believe him.

Hazel Hunter's books