White Ginger

chapter 13

Amelie rose the next day, intent on adding to her folio with images of the extinct volcano that dominated the landscape. She hadn’t expected to sleep so well. Arne’s disappearing act had hurt, especially after sharing Joe’s birth, and sharing a bed–again. Sleeping with Arne could become addictive. Except it was just that–sleeping. Was she the only one looking for something more in the relationship?

Having packed a picnic lunch, she headed off to a vantage point she’d spotted during one of her trips with Arne. If she spent the morning sketching, she could hike in the afternoon along one of the walking trails on the southern side of the volcano.

Immersed in familiar routine, she pushed less pleasant recent events to the back of her mind. Today, she would sketch and give rein to her creativity.

By lunchtime, she had added substantially to her sketches, always featuring the volcano in some part of the image. She had heard it referred to as one of the sleeping giants, an apt description of its impressive bulk. Thank goodness it was asleep. She had no intention of climbing high enough to see lava flowing.

As soon as she’d packed her sketching gear into her backpack, she began her own personal assault on the giant. If she got up high enough, she’d take photos she could use to create paintings when she was back in her studio.

Parts of the trail were easy walking on clearly defined dirt tracks in good repair, and she gained height quickly. A tantalizing glimpse of the ocean to the west encouraged her to be more adventurous. Branching off the easy path, the going became more difficult as she scrambled over steep-sided boulders. Forcing a passage through heavy foliage, she pushed aside another slender, thickly leaved branch and found herself teetering on the edge of a huge drop.

Grabbing the branch, she hauled herself back onto firm ground. She bent over her knees, head low, and hauled in several steadying breaths.

That was too close for comfort.

She patted the boulder beside her to be sure it wasn’t going anywhere. Solid. Leaning against it, at last she was able to admire the view. It was worth the effort, and even the fright would fade into the landscape of memory. Her heart settled into an even rhythm.

By the time her leg muscles had stopped quivering, she was determined to reach the lookout. If she could dive on the reef with Arne and survive an attack, she could conquer this face of the sleeping giant. She took a long swig from her aluminum water bottle, resettled her pack on her back and headed off to find the natural arch.

Attaining the summit capped off a week of firsts. The weight of disappointment and loss lifted–she could do anything she put her mind to. And that included making one very hunky marine biologist see her in a whole new light.

A cool wind carried the scent of the far-off sea. Pulling off her cap, she ran her fingers through sweat-soaked strands of hair, and the wind dried the sweat on her skin. This panoramic view from the peak would be one of her fondest memories of Kauai.

Memories–she was making memories for when she left. Already she’d been on Kauai over half of her allotted time.

How had time passed so quickly?

Arne featured in her happiest memories. He’d filled her days to the point she could no longer contemplate a future without him. But he still maintained a reserve. What could she do, what could she say to break through that barrier? And what was it?

Long afternoon shadows reminded her how late in the day it was. She had quite a walk down the mountain. Fortunately, the last part of the track was easy walking because night had fallen by the time she returned to the wagon. She’d miss Arne. If he bothered to stop by.


* * * *

Leilani had returned safely under tow to the marina. Arne spent the afternoon clearing the mess created by the storm. His friend Charley had collected the outboard motor and immediately begun repairing it. Arne hoped it would be ready before the week was out. He’d disconnected the radio, spoken to the insurance assessor and shown Jeff Jessup the sabotage. All in all, it had been a productive day.

And tonight, he’d visit Amelie. He had a plan that began with a talk.

As he remade the bunk, he felt something wedged down the side. Shifting the mattress, he found Amelie’s black-and-white swimsuit. A couple of long, blond hairs were caught in the seam. He disentangled them, remembering the feel of her hair across his cheek and the scent of her jasmine shampoo. He’d return the swimsuit this evening. Not that he needed an excuse to visit.

As he attempted to fold it neatly, he felt a stiff patch beneath his thumb. The rusty color on the white strap accused him.

Amelie’s blood.

Groping for the bunk, he sat heavily on the corner. Wanting to protect her, he’d taken her to the reef to keep an eye on her. To have her near him. He blanched as he realized how close he had come to losing her.

He looked up at the sound of footsteps coming aboard. Lili opened the door and paused, hand on the lever.

“Hey, big bro. Sitting down on the job? Not good. So, how did Leilani come out of that storm?”

“Lili–hi. She’s watertight. No major damage.”

Lili stepped into the cabin. “And you?”

He shrugged, avoiding her eyes. “Fine. Great. What do you want, Lili? I’m kind of busy.”

“Yeah, right. Don’t try to con me. I grew up with you, remember? When you sit doing nothing, with a woman’s swimsuit in your hands and tell me you’re fine–”

“Haven’t you got a home to go to, a husband to cook for or something?”

“Whoa, bro–you got it bad!” She sat beside him, and rubbed his back. “Seems you can’t take young Amelie anywhere without giving her one heck of an exciting time. What are you trying to do? Make life with anyone else seem dull?”

“Yeah, life with me is just one big carnival ride. Lili, I can’t–” He pressed his lips together and raked a hand through his hair. The walls of the cabin closed in. He flung the swimsuit into the corner of the bunk.

Pushing past her, he bolted on deck. Gripping the stainless steel railing, his knuckles white, he bared his soul.

“All I want to do is protect her, care for her. I love her, Lili, but I’m dangerous to be around. She nearly died out there.”

“But she didn’t. Because you were there. You kept her alive. She loves you, you know.”

Arne shook his head. “I want to believe that, but she might just be on the rebound from that jerk. Lili, I need to know she loves me–”

“Good grief, haven’t you eyes? She adores you. And you adore her, so why don’t you propose?”

Not quite daring to trust Lili’s feminine intuition, but desperately longing to, he met her gaze. “Does she love me?”

“Arne Keloki! Do you really think she’s the type of girl who’d flirt with one guy when she’s given her heart to another? Come on, Arne. You know her better than that. And you know, in your heart of hearts, that you can protect her. You’re soul mates.”

“I know we are. You really think she loves me?” Lili nodded.

He grabbed Lili in a bear hug and spun her around until she protested. “I’ll be seasick in port if you don’t stop right now.”

“As soon as this case is solved, Lili, when there’s no more danger, I’ll ask her. I’ve just got to nail whoever’s trying to stop me. Until then, I’ll make sure nothing else happens to her.” He kissed her cheek.

“Everything will work out, Arne, you’ll see. Gotta run. ’Bye, big bro.”

With a light heart, Arne continued his clean up. When this was all over, he’d take Amelie sailing for pleasure–their pleasure. The tiny island he’d chanced upon would be perfect. Remote and uninhabited, away from shipping lanes and flight paths and prying eyes, it would be their private paradise. In the shadow of the palm-fringed lagoon, he’d show her how much he loved her, in every possible way.

Don’t let her see the glint in your eye just yet.

By the time he finished putting the shine back on Leilani, it was nearly dark. Now to see Amelie. He grabbed the t-shirt, discarded as he scrubbed the deck. Pulling it over his head, he thought better of that plan. A shower would make him more appealing.

As he stepped onto the jetty, Jeff strolled up.

Damn! Why couldn’t he get the timing right with Amelie. But Jeff’s news was worth the delayed pleasure.

“We’ve got a break on those specialist components. Honolulu Feds just called. They’ve lifted usable prints. They’re going to run the match against their data bank in the morning. Won’t be long now.”

“Great news. I’ll tell Amelie. What about client records from the manufacturer?”

“They’re being difficult. Don’t want to release client details, but we’ll slap a subpoena on them if they won’t cooperate. I’m betting Sanderson’s name is on the invoice. We’re going to get him, Arne, my boy. Come read the report, then we’ll go for a beer.”

By the time he left town, it was too late to call in to Amelie’s. He sighed with frustration. Were the fates working against him? Rubbing his eyes, the grittiness of lack of sleep prickled. He rubbed a hand across his chin. Bristly. Nope. Maybe he’d just go home to bed and call in early in the morning. Sleep and a shave. Sounds like a plan.

But early next morning, Terry called.

“We need you, now. Urgent planning meeting here at noon. The board is creating a fuss about the replacement costs of the monitoring equipment. If we don’t get them to agree today, we’ll miss the funding cycle and our study will be compromised. Do you want that bastard to win by default?”

“Can you stall them until I get there?”

“You know me–always ready with a proposal. Just get here, Arne.”

What would Amelie think of him leaving her again? Why hadn’t he told her how he felt on the way to Jimi’s?

Because you wanted to make the night romantic. Ain’t gonna happen tonight.

Could he spare five minutes to see her now? At least her cabin was en route to the airport. He pressed speed dial for the airport. If luck was on his side, his buddy would be flying the interisland route today. Greg could always delay take off by a couple of minutes. Good thing he had friends in high places. Oh, boy, Amelie’s dry sense of humor had rubbed off on him.

Still wearing pajamas, Amelie’s tousled hair and sleepy-eyed greeting sent his thoughts straight to her bedroom.

“Amelie, I’m really sorry but I’ve got to catch the plane. Please, can we talk when I get back?”

He needed to hold her. Since her arrival, there had been few days he hadn’t seen her. Yesterday seemed forever ago and his body demanded relief. Like an addict, he needed his fix of her. Why didn’t she answer?

“Amelie? I’ll be in Honolulu until at least Friday, Saturday at the latest, but I will solve this. I promise.”

“I believe you.” Soft words, but they were like a joyous shout to his heart. She stepped into his arms, wrapping her arms around his waist. As she rested against his chest, the press of her breasts against his chest triggered an all too familiar desire to make love to her.

He pulled her closer, trying to imprint her scent as he kissed her hair. She turned her face to his, offering a kiss of such sweetness he almost consigned Terry and the board to hell. Surely they had time for more?

Reluctantly he lifted his mouth from hers. “Wait for me?”

“I’ll be here.” She butterfly-kissed his lower lip.

How could he leave her? But how could he miss the opportunity to end the danger threatening her because of him? He had to tie the sabotage to Sanderson and find their attacker. To achieve that, he had to go to the capital. He had to end the danger to find their beginning. If he didn’t go now, he’d miss the plane.

Stepping back he retained hold of her hands. “Shall we celebrate at the country club dance on Saturday with Lili and Kevin?”

“Only if you promise to dance every dance with me.” Her sultry murmur almost undid his resolve. What he wanted right now was to sweep her off her feet and into her bedroom. But then he’d have to tell the committee why he missed the plane.

“So long as you save the last dance for me, even if I’m late.” It took every ounce of self-discipline he possessed to turn and walk to his jeep.

* * * *

Amelie worked through the morning, translating some of her sketches of the volcano into paintings. As usually happened when she was in creative mode, she was unaware of Lili’s arrival until her cheerful greeting sounded close by her shoulder.

“Thought you might be hard at work today, but I wanted to see if that brother of mine has come by yet?”

Lili delicately tried to find out what they’d discussed before Arne’s rushed departure to Honolulu.

“Nothing really. He didn’t have time for more than–to say much.” How did the same thoughts of Arne manage to both embarrass and excite her? Would she ever have a talk about Arne with Lili and not feel her cheeks warm? Thank goodness, Lili was impartial when it came to her relationships.

“Men. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. So–what did he tell you about this trip?” Discussion of progress in the investigation diverted Lili. “I’d like to see Sanderson come a cropper if he’s behind any of what’s happened. Nobody wants that development to damage the reef, and if he’s falsifying readings, we’ll know his promises of protecting the environment were lies.”

“Arne also suggested we all go to the country club dance on Saturday. How dressy are these events?” Amelie mentally reviewed her clothing options. When she’d packed to come to Hawaii, her plans hadn’t included dressing up.

“We’ll buy ourselves new dresses and get our hair and nails done and wow those guys. We’ll be the belles of the ball! But in the meantime… hey, you know what we should do while Arne’s out of town?”

Amelie shook her head. Where was Lili heading? “What should we do?”

“Drive up to the northern coast line, do the tourist thing. We could go to Haena. Some caves are lava tubes and there’re waterfalls like nothing you’ve ever seen. It’s beautiful. What do you say?”

How good to see more of the island with a friend. “Who could resist such an offer? Yes.”

Lili set to work writing up lists of things to take and things to do before they left. “We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

Susanne Bellamy's books