What a Westmoreland Wants

Ramsey Westmoreland had been in the south pasture most of the day, but when he got home he’d heard from Chloe that Gemma was back. She’d called for Megan to pick her up at the airport. And according to what Megan had shared with Chloe, Gemma looked like she’d cried during the entire eighteen-hour flight.

He was about to place a call to Callum to find out what the hell had happened when he received a call from Colin saying Callum was on his way to Denver. The last thing Ramsey needed in his life was drama. He’d had more than enough during his affair with Chloe.

But here he was getting out of his truck to go knock on the door to make sure Gemma was all right. Callum was on his way and Ramsey would leave it to his best friend to handle Gemma from here on out because his sister could definitely be Miss Drama Queen. And seeing that she was here at Callum’s cabin and not at her own place spoke volumes, whether she knew it or not. However, for now he would play the dumb-ass, just to satisfy his curiosity. And Chloe’s.

He knocked on the door and it was yanked open. For a moment he was taken aback. Gemma looked like a mess, but he had enough sense not to tell her that. Instead, he took off his hat, passed by her and said in a calm tone. “Back from Australia early, aren’t you?”

“Just here for a week or two. I’m going back,” she said in a strained voice, which he pretended not to hear.

“Where’s Callum? I’m surprised he let you come by yourself, knowing how afraid you are of flying. Was there a lot of turbulence?”

“I didn’t notice.”

Probably because you were too busy crying your eyes out. He hadn’t seen her look like this since their parents’ funeral. Ramsey leaned against a table in the living room and glanced around. He then looked back at her. “Any reason you’re here and not at your own place, Gemma?”

He knew it was the wrong question to ask when suddenly her mouth quivered and she started to sob. “I love him, but he doesn’t love me. I’m not his soul mate. But that’s okay. I can deal with it. I just didn’t want to ever cry over a man the way those girls used to do when Zane and Derringer broke up with them. I swore that would never happen to me. I swore I would never be one of them and fall for a guy who didn’t love me back.”

Ramsey could only stare at her. She actually thought Callum didn’t love her? He opened his mouth to tell her just how wrong she was, then suddenly closed it. It was not his place to tell her anything. He would gladly let Callum deal with this.

“Sorry, Ram, but I need to be alone for a minute.” He then watched as she quickly walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

Moments later Ramsey was outside, about to open the door to his truck to leave when a vehicle pulled up. He sighed in relief when he saw Callum quickly getting out of the car.

“Ramsey, I went to Gemma’s place straight from the airport and she wasn’t there. Where the hell is she?”

Ramsey leaned against his truck. Callum looked like he hadn’t slept for a while. “She’s inside and I’m out of here. I’ll let you deal with it.”

Callum paused before entering his cabin. Ramsey had jumped into his truck and left in a hurry. Had Gemma trashed his place or something? Drawing in a deep breath, he removed his hat before slowly opening the door.

He strolled into the living room and glanced around. Everything was in order, but Gemma was nowhere in sight. Then he heard a sound coming from the bedroom. He perked up his ears. It was Gemma and she was crying. The sound tore at his heart.

Brenda Jackson's books