What a Westmoreland Wants

A smile curved his lips. “I’m the one who plans to do that to you every night.”

She chuckled, knowing he only meant every night she remained in Australia. She was certain he knew that when they returned to Denver things would be different. Although she had her own little place, he would not be making late-night booty calls on her Westmoreland property.

“You think you have the stamina to do it every night?”

“Don’t you?”

She had to admit that the man’s staying power was truly phenomenal. But she figured, in time, when she got the hang of it, she would be able to handle him. “Yes, I do.”

She then reached out and rubbed a hand across his chin. “You need a shave.”

He chuckled. “Do I?”

“Yes.” Then she grabbed a lock of his hair. “And…”

“Don’t go there. I get my hair trimmed, never cut.”

She smiled. “That must be an Austell thing, since I see your father and brothers evidently feel the same way. Don’t be surprised if I start calling you Samson.”

“And I’ll start calling you Delilah, the temptress.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “I wouldn’t know how to tempt a man.”

“But you know how to tempt me.”

“Do I?”

“Yes, but don’t get any ideas,” he said. “Last night you made me promise to get you to your new office by ten o’clock.”

Yes, she had made him promise that. He’d told her she could set up shop in the study of the house. He would have a phone installed as well as a fax machine and a computer with a high-speed Internet connection. The sooner she could get the materials she needed ordered, the quicker she could return to Denver. For some reason, the thought of returning home tugged at her heart. This was her third day here and she already loved this place.

“You do want to be on the job by ten, right?”

A smile touched her lips. “Yes, I do. Have you decided when and if you’re returning to Denver?” She just had to know.

“Yes, I plan to return with you and will probably stay until after Ramsey and Chloe’s baby is born to help out on the ranch. When things get pretty much back to normal for Ramsey, then I’ll leave Denver for good and return here.”

She began nibbling on her bottom lip. This was September, and Chloe was due to deliver in November, which meant Callum would be leaving Denver a few months after that. Chances were there would be no Callum Austell in Denver come spring.

“Umm, let me do that.”

She lifted her gaze to his eyes when he interrupted her thoughts. “Let you do what?”


He leaned closer and began gently nibbling on her lips, then licking her mouth from corner to corner. When her lips parted on a breathless sigh, he entered her mouth to taste her fully. The kiss grew deeper, hotter and moments later, when he pulled his mouth away, he placed his fingers to her lips to stop the request he knew she was about to make.

“Your body doesn’t need me that way, Gemma. It needs an adjustment period,” he whispered against her lips.

She nodded. “But later?”

His lips curved in a wicked smile. “Yes, later.”

Callum was vaguely aware of the information the foreman of one of his sheep ranches was giving to him. The report was good, which he knew it would be. During the time he’d been in Denver, he’d pretty much kept up with things here as well as with Le’Claire. He’d learned early how to multitask.

And he smiled, thinking how well he’d multitasked last night. There hadn’t been one single part of Gemma he hadn’t wanted to devour—and all at the same time. He’d been greedy, and so had she. His woman had more passion in her body than she knew what to do with, and he was more than willing to school her in all the possibilities. But he also knew that he had to be careful. He didn’t want her to start thinking that what was between them was more lust than love. His goal was to woo her every chance he got, which is why he’d hung up with the florist a few moments ago.

Brenda Jackson's books