
She dug her elbows into the rock. She flung one knee onto its side. She felt behind her to make sure the purple bag containing The Book of Love—the other part of her inheritance from Diana—was still there. It was.

She’d gotten a portion of the book translated by an old woman named Madame Blavatsky. Madame B had acted like Eureka’s sorrow was full of hope and promise. Maybe that’s what magic was—looking into darkness and seeing a light most people missed.

Madame Blavatsky was dead now, murdered by Ander’s Seedbearer aunts and uncles, but when Eureka tucked the book under her elbow she felt the mystic spurring her on to make things right.

The rain fell so intensely it was difficult to move. Claire clung to the chain, keeping the shield permeable for the rest of them. Eureka thrust herself over the rock.

Mountains stretched before her, ringed by a pearly mist. Her knees slid on the rock as she turned and plunged her arm into the churning sea. She felt for William’s hand. Ander was supposed to lift him to her.

Small fingers traced, then grasped Eureka’s hand. Her brother’s grip was surprisingly robust. She pulled until she could reach under his arms and heave him above the surface. William squinted, trying to focus his eyes in the storm. Eureka moved over him, needing to protect him from her tears’ brutality, knowing there was no escape.

Cat came next. She practically launched herself from the water and into Eureka’s arms. She slid onto the stone and whooped, hugging William, hugging Eureka.

“The Cat endures!”

Pulling Dad up was like an exhumation. He moved slowly, as if drawing himself up required a strength he had never hoped to possess, though Eureka had cheered him across the finish line of three marathons and watched him bench-press his weight in the sweltering garage at home.

Finally, Claire rose in Ander’s arms above the surface of the waves. They held the orichalcum chain. Wind lashed their bodies. The shield glimmered around them—right up until Claire’s toes slipped past its bounds. Then it split into mist and vanished. Eureka and Cat pulled Ander and Claire over the ledge and onto the rock.

Rain pinged off Eureka’s thunderstone, stabbing the underside of her chin. Water sprayed up from the ocean and down from the sky. The rock they stood on was narrow, slippery, and dropped steeply into the ocean, but at least they had all made it to land. Now they needed shelter.

“Where are we?” William shouted.

“I think this is the moon,” Claire said.

“It doesn’t rain on the moon,” William said.

“Head for higher ground,” Ander called as he unhooked the anchor from the rock, pressed the switch to retract its flukes, and slipped it back inside his backpack. He pointed inland, where the dark promise of a mountain sloped up. Cat and Dad each took a twin. Eureka watched the backs of her family as they slipped and slid along the rocks. The sight of them stumbling and helping each other up, traveling toward a shelter they didn’t know existed made her loathe herself. She’d gotten them—and the rest of the world—into this.

“Are you sure this is the way?” she shouted at Ander even as she noted that the rock they’d landed on jutted out above the sea like a small peninsula. Every other way was white water. It stretched forever, no horizon.

For a moment she let her gaze float on the ocean. She listened to the ringing in her left ear, deaf since the car accident that had killed Diana. This was her depression pose: staring straight ahead without seeing anything, listening to the lonely and unending ring. After Diana died, Eureka had spent months like this. Brooks used to be the only one who let her go into these sad trances, gently needling her when she was through: You’re a nightclub act without the nightclub.

Eureka wiped rain from her face. She couldn’t afford the luxury of sadness anymore. Ander had said she could stop the flood. She would do it or die trying. She wondered how much time she had.

“How long has it been raining?”

Lauren Kate's books