Until Jax

“We’re just friends,” he tells Hope as Ashlyn snorts, folding her arms across her chest.

“Um…I think we’re going to need to get another cake,” I throw in, trying to break the awkwardness that has seeped into the moment. “I burnt the one I made.”

“I’ll go pick one up from the store,” July says, taking Ashlyn’s hand and pulling her out of the living room.

“Thanks,” I call to her back, hearing her say something to Ashlyn about “Being nice.”

“Are you weally not her boyfwiend?” Hope asks, and I can’t help it; I cover my face and laugh.


“He’s here,” I say, turning off the light, which causes the roomful of people to instantly go silent. Walking to the front door, I meet Jax as soon as he comes inside then take his hand without saying anything and start to lead him, chuckling, down the hall behind me toward the living room, where everyone is gathered.

“Did my mom come pick up Hope?” he asks, spinning me suddenly and pushing me up against the wall. Before I can answer him, his mouth comes down on mine, silencing anything I was going to say and making me forget we have a roomful of people waiting for us.

“Surprise!” The loud roar sounds through the house, and he pulls away just enough to see my face.

“Surprise,” I whisper, watching his face go soft then laugh when Hope runs to us, yelling, “Happy Birthday, Daddy Ax,” before throwing herself against us.

Picking her up, he smiles then wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Thanks, sweetheart,” he tells her, kissing her forehead.

“Happy Birthday, honey,” Lilly says, coming over and kissing his cheek.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Happy Birthday,” Cash says, patting his son’s back.

“Thanks, Dad. Thank you all. This is definitely surprising.” He laughs, leaning over and pressing a kiss to my hairline, making all the stress of the day worth it.

“I’m ready for my real gift now,” Jax says, coming into his room and closing the door halfway before taking off his shirt. The party was a hit and everyone had a good time. I even caught Dillon and Ashlyn laughing together a few times, which was unexpected, since there seemed to be some major tension between them. Jax even insisted on eating a piece of the cake Hope and I made him, which was sweet, considering he could have ended up in the hospital.

“I already gave you your gift,” I say with a laugh as he pushes me back into the bed and pulls my shirt off over my head.

“I love that gift, baby, but the one I really want is right here,” he says, shoving his hand down the front of my shorts, in between my legs, making me gasp.

“You can have that one too,” I moan into his mouth before giving him exactly what he wants, though I’m pretty sure I was the one who got the best gift of all.

Waking up, I roll over and see Jax is gone then lift my head and look at the clock. It’s after eight-thirty, and I don’t have to be at work until eleven today.

Hearing giggling coming from down the hall, I slip out of bed and make my way quietly to Hope’s door, where I find her wearing her pajamas, and Jax shirtless, wearing sweats, sitting at the small table his mom had gotten for her. Leaning against the door, I watch Jax take a drink of his coffee, while Hope places a piece of toast on a small plastic plate in front of him.

“Thank you, princess,” he tells her, picking up the piece of toast, taking a bite, and smiling when Hope giggles.

Lifting her glass of orange juice, she takes a sip then looks at her doll that is pulled up next to the table in her stroller. “Would you like some milk?” She asks placing a plastic bottle in the dolls lap, making Jax laugh.

Last night, after Jax made love to me, he told me he loved that Hope called him Daddy, and I know if my brother had a say in the kind of man Hope would consider her father, Jax would be that guy. Feeling tears burn the back of my eyes, I move quietly across the hall to the bathroom and get into the shower, letting the water wash away my happy tears.