Until Jax

“Later,” I agree, watching as he goes to July, telling her something that makes her blush before kissing her then putting out his fist for Hope to bump with hers before leaving.

“What do you say we go see some puppies?” July asks, and Hope jumps up and down in her heels, causing the click clack to bounce off the walls before taking her hand and following her down the hall towards the back of the clinic. Going out a set of double doors she leads us into a small room with a bench along one wall.

“Sit on the floor and I’ll be right back,” July says, and Hope sits on the floor while I take a seat on the bench, resting my elbows on my knees, watching as she smiles at me excitedly. A moment later, July comes back into the room with two puppies, one in each hand. One is dark brown, and the other is cream-colored, both wiggling in her grasp.

“They’re so cute!” Hope cries as July sets the puppies on the ground, and they immediately go to Hope and begin climbing all over her. “What are their names?” Hope picks one then the other up, holding them close to her face so they can lick her.

“I haven’t named them yet. Do you want to help me?” July asks, and Hope lets go of the one in her hand then picks up the other.

“This one is Chocolate Chip,” she says, holding the brown one in a hug that has me worried for the small puppy.

“And this one?” I ask, picking up the cream-colored pup that isn’t as hyper as the other.

“Pancake.” She smiles then giggles as Chocolate Chip crawls up her chest, forcing her to her back so he can lick her face.

“Do you know what kind of dogs they are?” I ask July, who takes a seat next to me on the bench as Pancake burrows his way into the crook of my arm.

“We think a lab mix, but there isn’t really any way to tell for sure without a DNA test,” she says, smiling at Hope, who is barking at Chocolate, making him bark back. “Chocolate’s a boy, and Pancake’s a girl. They are both sweet.” She gives me a knowing look.

“Ellie is going to kill me,” I say, watching her grin.

“She won’t be able to kill you when she sees how cute they are,” she singsongs, running her hand over Pancake’s body.

“Two puppies,” I mutter to myself then look at Hope, who’s laying on her back, watching as Chocolate walks backward, dragging her red sparkly shoe around.

I’m so fucked.

“Where do I sign?” I sigh, and July’s face lights up.

Hearing the front door alarm beep, I look at Hope and place my finger to my mouth, telling her to be quiet as I make my way to the hall toward Ellie.

“Hey, baby. How was work?” I ask her as she shuts the door behind her and takes off her jacket.

“Good, not too busy, and nothing happened,” she says, looking at me with triumph.

“I know. I talked to Tallon, and I also spoke with Mellissa’s father, who told me that he was going to send Mellissa to stay with her aunt for a while,” I tell her, watching as a look of relief passes through her eyes.

“Oh,” she says, and then her eyes move over my shoulder when Hope yells, “No! Don’t eat that, Pancake!”

“What’s going on?” She frowns, when I move to stand in front of her.

“Before you get upset, just know this is better than the alternative,” I tell her then block her again when she tries to move past me.

“Jax,” she growls, but before I can say anything else, the sound of little paws hitting the hardwood floor followed by the sound of tiny feet echoes through the room. “You didn’t,” Ellie says, and Chocolate Chip runs to her feet and jumps up on his back legs, pawing at Ellie’s black boots.

“Don’t be mad,” I say, leaning down and picking up Chip. “How can you be mad at this face?” I hold the puppy close to my cheek.

“I can’t leave you alone with her, can I?” she asks, fighting a smile as Hope steps from behind me, holding Pancake. “Two? You got two puppies?” she asks, seeing Pancake.