Unforgettable Book 2

. I love when she begs. “At ease. Get up on your knees.”

With a breath of relief, she kneels before me. Her flushed chest rises and falls, her plump tits stirring with lust. Oh, what a beautiful sight! I dangle my whip and dust the tip across each nipple, one after the other. She moans. As they harden into two mini torpedoes that want to shoot through the lace fabric of her bra, my cock strains.

On my next breath, I yank down my fly. My big gun springs free. A weapon of mass destruction, it’s level with her impassioned face. I splay my big hand on the top of her head and urge her to take it. I hiss as her warm mouth wraps around the crown.

“Take it all,” I bark.

Obediently, my good little soldier goes down on it, trailing her tongue along the thick rigid shaft. Oh, yeah. I’ve trained her well. I clench my fists by my sides and groan each time it hits the back of her throat. I could easily detonate at the base and coat it with a full load, but I’ve got other plans. My cock’s wet and ready. I withdraw and circle behind her before getting down on my knees. My big, glistening erection brushes against the two adorable dimples centered above her red-checkered cheeks. Pursing my lips, I bend over and blow a cool breath on her raw, rosy flesh.

“Does that feel good, Private?” I breathe against her fiery backside.

“Oh yes, sir!” she gasps.

“What about this?” One hand slides between her splayed thighs and makes its way to her p*ssy

. f*ck
. She’s so hot and wet. I’ve aroused her as much as she’s aroused me. Pressing my thumb on her throbbing clit, I plunge two fingers into her slick slit, shoving them deep inside until my fingertips touch the warm flesh of her womb. She lets out a soft moan.

I slap her sore ass. “Answer me, soldier. How does it feel?”

I jab a little harder. She gasps.

“I need words.”

“Oh, so, so good, sir!”

A smirk curls on my lips. “That’s better.”

I run circles around her clit with my thumb, turning it into a hard nub. More moans and groans escape her throat.

“Oh, please, Sergeant Taylor, f*ck

I yank back her head by her ponytail and meet her heated gaze. She yelps.

“Careful. I give the orders.” I tug again at her mane. “Is that what you want? For me to f*ck
you hard?”

“Yes, sir.” Her voice is a desperate rasp.

It’s time to get down to business. I’m so f*ck
ing turned on. Releasing her silky hair and withdrawing my soaked hand from her slickness, I rub my hard as nails dick with her p*ssy

juices, lubing it further. Using both hands, I spread her rosy cheeks wide and aim it at her opening. My hand wraps around my enormous pulsing shaft, and inch by thick inch, I barrel into her tight puckered hole. She winces. I hiss. So f*ck
ing good. Oh, yeah, she’s going to get it hard. So hard she’ll be begging me to stop. But I’m going to f*ck
her brains out. f*ck
her to oblivion before she can cry out her safe word. Clutching her hips, I begin to pummel her…

CUT! Fade to black.

My alarm goes off. The end of another kinky wet dream. To be continued. My eyes snap open and I shakily sit up. The covers are torn off me. I have a raging boner. And I know why. I can’t get my assistant, Zoey Hart, out of my head. She’s literally and figuratively under my skin. I dreamt about her. Relived last night’s spanking in a crazy, cinematic fantasy. Jesus. Sergeant f*ck
ing Taylor. Wielding a whip. f*ck
ing her ass. How far will I take my sexual proclivities? My need for dominance? My need to possess her?

Last night should have never happened. But it did. It was all about control, but I’m the one who lost it. Jealousy fueled my rage and rage fueled my dominance which fueled my need to punish her. Sure, I told her to forget about the spanking, but that’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be next to impossible. The same for me. I wish I could blank it out. Bury it in the vortex of my amnesia. I dread facing her and can’t fathom how we’ll continue to work together. Now what? Maybe we need to talk about it.

Rolling out of bed stark naked, I stagger to the bathroom. Usually by the time I get to the toilet, my morning wood has started to go down. Not today. I stare at my monstrous boner and swear it’s laughing at me: “Ha, ha, ha, I’m not going anywhere.” No way can I pee in the toilet with it. My huge erection shoots out of me like a torpedo, perpendicular to the floor. Desperate for relief, I hop into the shower, turn on the water, and take a whizz, shooting my stream straight at a glass wall. Then, I jerk off, fantasizing her beautiful fingers curled around my dick. For sure, they’re long enough to circle all the way around it. With a loud grunt, I come.

Towel-drying myself, I think more about last night. Part of it felt so wrong, yet everything felt so right. Why can’t I stop thinking about her? Hopefully, a swim will help me chill out. Clear my mind. And make it easier to face her.

Nelle L’Amour Brandon's books