This Curse


Being a Madea, you would think that getting knocked unconscious would be a thing of the past, but sadly, it was not. I woke to the smell of wet dog and the horrifying feeling of being tied up.

I was pissed. My shock at the realization that Voltaire was helping Patrick’s pack abduct me had put me in a state of momentary paralysis. And holy hell, I coughed, that wolf packed a punch.

I rolled over and tried to examine the ropes from the awkward position they had me bound in. They were spelled, which would explain why I wasn’t being guarded. I felt along the ropes with my mind and smiled. It was a small matter to untwist the spell. Damn if this was all they had, then they really had no idea what a Madea could do.

I stood, rubbing my chest as the useless ropes fell away from my body. The fact that they bothered to tie me up at all was puzzling. Could they truly be that ignorant? Who knew? I wasn’t going to stick around and find out. I still had the huge problem of Voltaire. If Lucian was hurt, I was going to kill him.

I stumbled along the filthy clearing that my inept abductors chose to dump me in. There was a smoking fire pit and several empty bottles of Jack. I stopped short. I had almost put my foot into a pool of blood.

“Gross. What the hell?” I mumbled to myself as I maneuvered over rocks and debris. Bits and pieces of mutilated rabbits were strewn here and there. God, what a bunch of animals. I shook my head. Oh, right, they were animals. But the question was, where did the wolves go and why did they leave me all alone? I didn’t feel the need to question things further. I had a friend to save. I couldn’t afford to confront my bungling kidnappers and risk wasting time that could be precious to Lucian’s safety.

With a thought, I was back in full glamour and landing in my driveway.

Lucian’s vehicle was still parked in front. I held my breath and looked around. All evidence of our encounter with Voltaire and the wolves was reduced to some scattered rocks and a few trampled plants. I walked up the drive to my house. The sound of a female laughing slapped me in the face as I opened the door. I straightened my spine, he was safe, I told myself, as her giggles grew louder.

They were snuggled together on my grandmas’ couch, covered up with my favorite blanket. The sight shocked me to my core and it was all I could do not to run from the room while bawling my eyes out. Instead, I plastered a smile on my face and entered the room.

The cocky smile Lucian sent my way was completely out of character for him. I cleared my throat causing Lydia to look my way.

My face fell and I knew I was in deep trouble. She was stunning. Her short pixie cut hair was a glossy, mahogany, brown. It stuck up here and there as if she had just woken up. Her pale skin was free of blemishes and her full pink lips could only be described as ‘pouty’. Well, this sucked.

“How’d it go?” Lucian asked as he stretched his massive body and stood up from the couch. I just stared at him. Was he kidding?

“How’d it go?” I struggled to rein in my annoyance and as usual, I failed. “What the hell do you mean, ‘How’d it go’?” I walked further into the room, ignoring the scared puppy dog expression on Lydia’s stupid, angelic face. “I just led a pack of over fifty werewolves away from here so that you could stay safe. It wasn’t a trip to the Quickie Mart for a slushy!” I glared at him. He was acting odd. This chick was definitely not good for him.

“Cool down, Grace. You and I both know you could handle those stupid dogs. What’s the problem?” he sat back down and wrapped his strong arm protectively around Lydia. She snuggled into his side and cast her wounded eyes toward me as if I were some sort of frightening monster. I looked down at my jeans and soft leather boots. Yeah, my glamour was in place. I guess she was just sensitive to yelling. Wonderful, all I needed in my life was a coddled little princess that Lucian, with all of his white knight chivalry, felt he needed to protect. What hurt the most was that it looked like he was protecting her from me.

I forced my thoughts away form that territory and held my hand out to her. “Sorry for being rude, Lydia.” I smiled as she looked at me. “I was just worried. Hi, I’m Grace.” Her delicate hand grasped mine in a weak, floppy grip that made want to smack her. Instead, I shook her hand gently resisting the overwhelming urge to squish her fingers. I felt like an Amazon. She was so petite my hand practically swallowed hers. I couldn’t help the small twinge of jealousy. Lucian could really be the man with her. The kind of man he could never be with me. I didn’t need protecting. Oh, man. Suddenly I wanted to puke.

“Well, it looks like you two made it away from Voltaire just fine.” I tried to smile and felt my lips barely twitch. “Your spell really worked, huh? How’d you come up with it so quickly? I thought you said a demon was too powerful for any of your spells.” I sat across from them in my creaky rocking chair. I was having a hard time seeing them together. I mean, Lucian and I had never been a couple, but the thought was there. I guess I just never thought that he would actually find someone. I guess I always just assumed that I was the one he wanted and it was a safe bet that he would always be there. What an ass I was. As if I was the ultimate prize that he had to hold out for.

“The spell was actually Lydia’s.” Lucian’s voice cut through my inner turmoil. “Even though her magic isn’t what it could be, she has a real knack for writing spells.” he beamed at her. “We’ve been working on it for a couple of days now and needed an opportunity to try it out. When I was scrying and saw Voltaire, I knew it was the perfect time to use it.”

All right, now I was offended. “You mean you weren't really coming to the rescue at all? You said you went nuts. Do you mean to tell me you were just taking your spell out for a test drive?” Irritation and hurt threatened to spill from my eyes at any moment. I bit the inside of my cheek to stem the flow of tears.

“Not everything has to be about you, Grace.” Lucian looked at me like I was a selfish child and I flinched.

He stood up and tossed the blanket onto the back of the couch. He was still shirtless and his golden skin was flushed from being snuggled under the blanket. He turned and offered Lydia his hand. She took it and he pulled, helping her off the couch. I was right. She stood only about five feet tall. She was rounded in all the right places and toned in all the others.

“Well,” he sighed a bit too dramatically, “I guess, since you’re back and seem fine and all we should be leaving.” He walked to the door, Lydia’s hand in his. “I’ll give you a call sometime later. We’re tired and we still have lots of work to do.”

What was happening?

I followed them numbly to the door, afraid to show Lucian how I felt. He seemed to be happy and I had to admit, they made a good-looking couple. He was a perfect golden god and she was femininity personified. Suddenly I wanted to dig my eyeballs out of my head.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you later?” I asked as they stepped through the door. When no answer came, I leaned against the door jam and sighed.

Lucian continued off the steps to the Rover as Lydia stumbled a bit and stopped. “You go on ahead, baby. My sandal strap is twisted,” she said and smiled at him. She knelt down and fiddled with her shoe as I watched Lucian continue to the Rover. When she stood, she turned to me. “Well, thanks for the couch, Grace.” She smiled at me. It was not a friendly smile. It felt cold, leaving her eyes flat and dead. I wanted to brush her mind, but if she had any power at all, she would feel it. An invasion like that would be a betrayal to Lucian and that right there was enough to force me to mind my manners.

I frowned at her waiting face. “Welcome,” was all I managed to say as she skipped down the steps. Lucian waited, holding the passenger door open for her. He lifted her up and she crawled in giggling. He shut the door and got inside next to her, never once looking at me as I waved.

I entered my house and shut the door behind me. Tears blurred my vision as I walked slowly to my kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I had no right to begrudge Lucian any happiness, but something was off. He was acting like a shit-head and she might be petite and perfect, but something about her was not right. What had happened in the time I was running from the wolves? He was the same old Lucian one moment and the next he’s captain cool with a new girl and an attitude.

I sat on one of the tall stools that surrounded the large island in my kitchen. Time ticked by as I sipped my Earl Gray and thought about everything that had happened the wolves’ alliance with Voltaire, Lucian’s crazy double personality and not to mention Lucian’s new woman. Was I just jealous or was she truly a little strange? Trying to piece together this puzzle was not an easy task, especially since I was mostly guessing my way through this whole mess.

I set my cup down and stood. My thoughts were a jumble and I knew of only one way to clear them. I closed my eyes. A moment later, I was on my roof. The fresh air was soothing against my skin and I took a huge cleansing breath. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that the sun had traveled across half of the sky, which meant that I only had a few more hours of daylight left.

I sat on the leaf strewn bamboo mat that I used for my little meditation sessions. I loved it up here. Surrounded by the sounds of nature I could really relax and center myself. I closed my eyes and pulled the crisp air in through my nose and out through my mouth. I did this several times, clearing my mind with each slow breath.


The vision developed slowly. A black wolf sat on a white pillar surrounded by hundreds of white roses and lying among them was Lucian. His once beautiful, golden skin was charred and bubbling while thick chunks fell away and turned to ash on the ground. The black wolf disappeared and the pillar morphed into a huge white wall. Chained to the wall with shining silver manacles was Seth. He was filthy and barely moving. His chest oozed blood from several deep slashes; it pooled and then splashed onto the ground forming a thick puddle.

Then another figure appeared. She was beautiful with long blonde hair that flowed down her back. She was on her knees, scooping up the puddles of Seth’s blood as it covered the floor. She looked at me; her green eyes were swollen and damp from weeping. In her arms appeared a tiny infant. She was feeding Seth’s blood to the child as Voltaire tried over and over again to snatch the child away.

The vision broke and I found myself curled on my side, crying in the darkness.

Dry leaves crunched under my palms as I moved to sit up. I felt worse than before and my mind was spinning with the madness that the vision presented. What the hell did it all mean? Who was that woman?

I stood and brushed the crumpled leaves off my clothing. A chill had fallen and I shivered in the darkness. Night was already here, which meant that the vision was a powerful one. The last vision I had lasted only a few minutes, but it was an easy one to read, well at least I thought so at the time, now I had some serious doubts. The vision showed me a door. On one side was a man who was tall and beautifully built. On the other was a woman; I assumed at the time that she was me. The man was shutting the door locking the woman out. Originally, I figured it was a sign that Seth and I were meant to be forever against each other. Now I felt that the vision was meant for another man in my life. Nothing made sense to me anymore. Ever since I placed that damned ring on my finger, my life has been a wreck.

I climbed off of the roof and down the back fence. I landed on the ground with a deafening crash. I shook my head, mystified. I spun in a circle. Damn. I didn’t weigh that much?

Another crash.

Shit. It was coming from the back yard shed.


I ran towards the sounds panic icing my veins.

I skidded to a halt at the edge of my yard. The shed was a mass of splintered wood and twisted metal, and standing among the ruin was Seth.

“What in the hell do you think you are doing? I yelled. “Have you gone mad?”

Seth’s silver eyes slowly rolled up to stare at me. His body was shaking and covered in sweat, his hands were balled into tight fists at his sides. He looked completely unhinged.

I jumped to the side just in time to dodge his lunge.

“Seth, you ass-hat. Stop acting like a child and tell me what the hell happened.” I flew to the ground as he jumped at me again. “Damn it. Knock it off.” I grunted and then stood. “Where are the refrigerators?” I frowned, looking around in confusion. “Who the hell would haul off with two fully stocked Sub Zero’s? What the hell is going on?”

Seth’s stare was homicidal. He paced a slow circle around me hunger making him wild. I slowly raised my hands and took a step toward him. Then slowly, I extended a hand. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me violently into the cool hardness of his body. His teeth were long and his eyes were that eerie sightless silver that always frightened me and excited me at the same time.

“Let go, Seth.” I growled, “What do you think you’re doing?” I jerked but he held me firm. Shit, I thought. He hadn’t fed and I was sure he had been too insulted to feed from the bags last night. Who knew how long it had been. He needed blood, which would explain why he was here to begin with. Now his blood supply was gone and he was losing control.

I took a deep breath. Relaxing my body, I slowly turned in his iron grip. His breathing was rapid and I could tell he was only holding on by a tiny thread. One move to resist him could get my throat torn out.

“Seth,” I whispered. My long hair was messy and most of it was in the way of my neck so I slowly moved to sweep it off my shoulders. The movement caused him to jerk with awareness. I could feel his arousal pressing long and hard against my stomach. Oh, God, this was going to be difficult. It had been so long and I knew what he could do with that impressive piece of male anatomy.

Sweat broke out along my entire body in a cool tingle. Normally, I hated to let him near my neck and insisted he drink from my wrist, but I was in a bad position and I knew this was the only answer. He was a monster, a jerk, and all that, but he was once my lover and now, oddly enough, I wanted to help him. Weird? Yeah, I know. Why did I want to hold onto my humanity?

“Grace,” his anguished voice was low, deep with need. “Please?” he smelled along the curve of my neck and I felt my body quicken. His cold tongue licked a path to the hollow of my throat and back up toward my ear. I felt his hands slide to the back of my pants to cup my butt. He pushed me closer and moaned as he pressed his body into mine. I let out my own small moan and my head, heavy with anticipation, fell back, exposing my neck fully for him. The pain was swift and hot. Like two white, hot needles searing my flesh, then nothing but the pull of my blood into him.

We were outside, the air was cold, but his body was quickly heating up. I felt amazing. His firm arms holding me close, we were so connected, as if letting him feed this way was a contact I should never have denied him or myself. We weren’t even having sex. It was as if my blood knew him, liked him.

A tiny buzz began in my head as I gloried in the feel of him. The buzz persisted in my mind, forming a thought so obvious and terrifying at the same time that it caused me to jerk and spin away from his warm embrace.

I produced a blade in my hand and slashed at Seth quicker than he could react. His eyes bulged as my blade sliced into his left arm, sending a stream of blood out into the air as he twisted away from me.

I stared, horror stricken, as my suspicions and fears ran freely in silver ribbons down Seth’s arm. His wild hair was a tangled mess around his face and shoulders; his wild eyes stared out at me through the mass of midnight locks. Then slowly, a knowing smile spread across his full mouth.

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Alisha Basso's books