The Knight of Her Dreams

chapter Ten

Julianna surveyed the scene about her with curiosity and confusion. Admittedly, Dominick had taken them to some unusual places before, but this one really puzzled her. She seemed to be in an office building, dressed in a gray business suit, in the middle of a hallway where several people quickly brushed past her.

He must be here somewhere, she decided, walking down the corridor to glance at each door’s nameplate, searching for his own. She found one plaque that read ‘Mr. Westbrooke’. A wry smile curled across her mouth, as she hoped he wasn’t going to demand she call him that tonight after all their time together.

Mr. Westbrooke indeed!

Knocking on the closed door, she wasn’t too surprised when it opened of its own accord, revealing someone’s arm resting on a large chair that had its back turned to her. So Dominick was going to play the corporate executive type tonight, she thought in amusement. Well, maybe she could erase any thoughts of business he might have.

Using a quick concentration technique that Dominick had shown her one night, she altered her outfit to transform it into a sexy dress of a pretty, shimmering scarlet. Her shoes were now a matching red with reasonable heels.

Walking quietly towards the desk before her, she sat upon it, leaning forward provocatively with a smile. “Your secretarial ‘lady in red’ is here to assist you, sir,” she said seductively.

The chair swiveled around, revealing not Dominick, but a man who resembled him, except for being a bit older and having green eyes. The man gave her a lazy smile, steepling his hands as he appraised her, lingering on the added view the scoop-necked dress allowed.

Only a glimpse, since she blushed more crimson than her attire and stood instantly. “You’re not Dominick!” she protested, backing up.

“Really?” chuckled Riff, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Hmmm, I wonder what gave me away this time.”

“Where is Mr. Westbrooke?” Julianna persisted.

Riff gestured with open arms, never once losing his expression of amusement. “Right here, darlin’,” he told her smiling. “I’m Mr. Westbrooke.”

“Liar,” she spat, turning to leave. The door shut unceremoniously in her face, causing her to whip about. “How dare you!” she exclaimed. “You have no right to keep me here, when I’m expecting someone else!”

“All you asked for was Mr. Westbrooke,” he retorted, walking over to her. As he advanced, she retreated, until her back was to the door and his arms were on either side of her against the wall. “You’ve found me,” he said in a low voice. “And may I say, I most certainly approve of my new secretary and her present state of attire.”

Ducking down as he leaned forward, Julianna deftly stepped away from him again, wondering what had happened to Dominick, but more conscious of the need to stay away from this stranger. Turning about to face him so he couldn’t surprise her, she eyed him shakily.

“I’m not your secretary, and you’re not Dominick Westbrooke,” she said flatly. “So just who the hell are you?”

“Someone who’s heard some interesting stories about you,” replied Riff, backing her against the desk. As she remained frozen, his hand lightly brushed her arm. “Very interesting in fact.” She shied away from his touch, but his arms surrounded her on both sides of the desk, leaning forward so she couldn’t move away. “Since we’re to be working so closely together, why don’t you show me a sample of your... skills?”

As he smiled seductively, Julianna slapped him soundly in the face. “I don’t know who you are,” she hissed, “but I’m not that kind of woman, and certainly not with you!”

“But you are for Dominick?” he asked, clasping her wrist to pull her closer. At her surprised gasp, his gaze softened slightly. “Romancing on rainbows, flying in starlit bubbles, and no doubt much more.” He stopped upon seeing her face drain of color. “Oh, come now, we’re both adults here. And I have to say, as a fellow dreamphaser, I admire both of your creativity. But even Dominick’s imagination has limits, whereas I could show you things he’s never even thought of before.”

He tried to lean closer, but she held him back at arm’s length. “Where is Dominick?” she demanded, disturbed by this stranger’s knowledge of their time together. Receiving only silence, she continued, “Look, Mr. Imposter Westbrooke, either you tell me where the real Dominick Westbrooke is, or I’ll search for him myself.”

At her words, Riff’s eyes hardened with contempt. Never before had a female spurned him so backhandedly.

“You’re an infuriating woman,” he said in a low voice. “And if this venom is common for your attitude, it only makes me wonder why Dominick keeps coming back to you. Are you so good in the damned bedroom?”

Blushing furiously, Julianna slapped him again, sliding away from him while he was distracted to run towards the door. As she turned the handle to open it, Riff reached out to slam it shut again, grabbing her by the arm and spinning her about to embrace her.

“I’m warning you, if you don’t let me go right now, Dominick will make you suffer for it,” she hissed, choking down her fear to let anger rise to the surface, struggling futilely against the tight hold of his arms. “Get your hands off of me!” she yelled finally.

Riff appeared to consider this for a brief moment, but then shook his head. “No, I don’t think I want to just yet,” he replied, backing her against the door again. “After all, in spite of your attitude, you are most fetching.”

“Not for you, I’m not,” she replied.

“So you say now,” he said, kissing her hand. “But I believe I could convince you otherwise.” At her gasp, a devious smile crept across his face. “You know, I’m beginning to see how beautiful you are when you’re speechless.” His green eyes quickly glanced over her, as his free hand ran along her arm. “And most desirable.” She opened her mouth to scream, but his hand prevented this. “No, don’t waste your sweet voice. I’ve already taken the liberty of sending away the others in this building. I assure you, we’re all alone.”

Her head shook his hand away angrily, glaring at him coldly. “Why are you doing this?” she asked. “I’ve never even met you before.”

“Ah, but that didn’t stop you from throwing yourself at Dominick when you first met. Why should I consider now to be any different?”

“Because Dominick and I are in love with each other!”

“Love!” he sneered in disgust. “The only so-called love between you two is your shared fire in the heat of passion. “Take it from me, I’ve seen enough to know that love itself is a myth. The bards just like to pretty up the reality of things.”

“That’s not true. Love may not always be easy, but it is real. Until I met Dominick, I had my doubts about love too. But the right person makes all the difference.”

The sincerity in her voice and her eyes softened his heart, causing his irritation to fade, and making him regret his initial impressions of her.

“And if there isn’t such a person?”

“Then either you haven’t met them yet, or you aren’t seeing someone that’s already there. Either way, chiding love as a myth won’t help you to find it. And only someone who’s been hurt reaching for love would have reason to shun it, wouldn’t they?”

Have I been wrong? he thought privately.

Leaning his forehead against hers, he sighed heavily. “Oh, lady…”

Still not knowing who he was, Julianna was frozen in place, silently praying Dominick would show up to rescue her from this situation, before this man might suddenly become unstable once more.


“You just woke me up from a sound sleep, and I still don’t see why this can’t wait until tomorrow,” said Dominick, nearly hissing the words. Having just reached Julianna’s home in astral form, the last thing he expected was for someone to jar him back to Chavernos by pounding his door off its hinges until he awoke. Being wrenched back abruptly was never pleasant to a dreamphaser, and certainly added to his foul mood when he discovered it was someone he didn’t even know. The time he’d spent listening to the stranger’s reason for being here didn’t help. “Riff might not be back until much later, and I don’t have time to entertain you while he’s gone.”

The stocky man before him shook his head. “Your brother owes me a considerable sum of money, and I’m not leaving until he shows up or you help me locate him.”

Damn Riff! Dominick thought. He was used to hearing of his brother’s spending binges, which usually resulted in bringing the people that he owed money to here. But never had they shown up at night like this, demanding payment immediately, while Riff was heaven only knew where!

His eyes turned to the clock and he growled quietly. No doubt Julianna was waiting for him, and this trivial matter was bound to detain him until he could either find Riff or calm this person into waiting until the morrow.

“Look,” he said, forcing his voice to stay controlled, “just what’s so urgent that you need this money tonight?”

The man looked flustered for a minute, but then said a bit uneasily, “That’s none of your business. I deal with your brother alone.”

So much for attempts at control, Dominick’s thoughts mocked.

“Well, I’m not my brother, so you may as well face facts. He’s not here tonight! Now I have other things to see to, so if you’ll just be on your way...”

“No!” the man said emphatically.

Dominick growled in frustration.

“Did Riff give you any indication of where he was going tonight?” he asked finally. The man’s long pause before shaking his head, led new suspicion into Dominick’s eyes. “You’re sure now.” The man shook his head again, just before he nodded frantically.

“I was supposed to find out from you where he was.”

“I see... who sent you?”

The man fumbled for a moment before answering, “Just someone I know. He doesn’t concern you either.”

Something was definitely amiss here. An instinct Dominick had developed after years of his brother’s deceitful pranks. For some reason—call it a resemblance to Kiri’s psychic instincts—he had the uncanny notion that he was being set up.

“You’re lying,” he said quietly, hoping the man would give something away.

“What?” the man stammered.

“Don’t give me that. It’s obvious by your actions that you’re hiding something, and I’d bet Riff’s behind this. Now why don’t you save us both a headache and come clean. What’s this all about?”

“I told you, I don’t have to tell you.”

Dominick’s banked anger flared up instantly. Grabbing the man’s shoulders, he slammed him back against the wall. “I’ve had just about enough of this game of yours, and now you’re going to give me some answers! Unless you want to find out what painful tortures an angry dreamphaser can conjure up when you’re next asleep.”

The look of worry on the man’s face was almost laughable. Dominick had never used his abilities in that way, although he knew others who had—and of course he was bluffing here—but it was a threat that most who knew dreamphasers’ abilities wouldn’t ignore. Having control over the dream-state could be a powerful weapon to wield, when necessary.

“I don’t have to...” the man began shakily.

“Don’t push me,” warned Dominick. “Do you know what I’ll do to you in your sleep if you still refuse to answer me?” The man froze, shaking his head slightly in negation. “Well, let me paint you a for instance. How would you like to have every limb torn from your body—slowly and most excruciatingly—and then to see those same appendages tossed to a pack of hungry wolves?”

That sounded convincing, he thought with amusement.

It was apparently working.

As the man visibly cringed, Dominick continued deviously, “Or how would you like having a dark dragon skin you alive, until there’s nothing left of you but the skeleton beneath, and to have an army of ogres and trolls sent in to break what bones are left of you? Not a pretty sight, and also very painful. I’d say you’ll be screaming for about a week afterwards, even while awake...”

“It was Riff’s idea!” the man blurted out. “He just told me to keep you busy while he’s gone, so you wouldn’t enter the dream-state!”

Dominick’s eyes lost their look of mischief, newfound anger lighting them. “Why?” he hissed, earning silence. Slamming the man back against the wall again, he snarled, “Tell me why, dammit!”

“I’m not sure!” he protested. “Something about seeing a Julianna woman!”

His words sank deep.

“Julianna,” breathed Dominick, his face draining of color. By Chavernos, Riff wouldn’t... Memories of former incidents flashed through his mind. Like hell he wouldn’t! his thoughts concluded, turning his gaze sharp again. “Why is he going to see her? Tell me now, or by Chavernos, I swear you’ll regret it!”

“He didn’t tell me!” exclaimed the man, shaking violently now. “I swear he didn’t! Please don’t skin me to bones in my sleep.”

Dominick’s expression remained hardened for a moment, but then he relented, sensing the man’s last protest to be the truth. Pulling open the door, he roughly pushed him outside. “You’re reprieved for now,” he hissed, glaring at the cowering man. “But mark my words, if anything should happen to Julianna because of your trickery, there won’t be anywhere in the dream-state or reality where you’ll be able to hide from my wrath!”

Slamming the door, Dominick strode towards his room, cursing the man, cursing his brother, and cursing himself for falling for the simple dupe. Now it made sense why Riff wasn’t home, obviously so he couldn’t be stopped from sending out to the dream-state. And to make matters worse, Dominick had made the mistake of mentioning to his friends today where Julianna lived. Obviously, Riff had overheard. He could only hope that his brother hadn’t located her yet, shutting his eyes to send out to the dream-state again to go to her.


Long moments passed before Julianna could even find her voice to speak. “Please… let me go find Dominick.”

“He won’t be here,” Riff replied quietly.

“Why?” she demanded, fear giving way to a different, stronger fear. “Is he hurt?”

He paused, but had no chance to reply, as an invisible force suddenly grabbed hold of him, slamming him into the opposite wall. Riff’s head smacked against the bricks that materialized there, sliding down to the floor with pained surprise as Dominick moved forward slowly to stand just before him.

He’d sensed Julianna’s fear even before he entered the room, and when he saw his brother having cornered her, any need for an explanation vanished.

“Get up,” he hissed in a deadly voice. Riff made no move to do so, even as Julianna ran over to stand behind her companion, clasping his arm shakily. Sensing her trembling, he turned to her worriedly, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Are you all right, love?” he asked softly. She nodded quickly, but upon seeing the shock still apparent in her eyes, he hugged her against his side protectively.

“Well, I guess you two don’t need me anymore,” Riff murmured, slowly backing up as he stood.

“Hold it right there!” snapped Dominick, his eyes shooting fire. Releasing Julianna, he stormed over to face his brother. “You know, I was a bit late getting here because I was temporarily detained by one of your buddies. He said you owed him money.”

Riff’s expression showed obvious relief. “Oh, well you know how I am sometimes, Phase. It’s a weakness.”

“Yes, I know how you are all too well,” Dominick retorted, slamming his fist into Riff’s jaw, knocking him backwards into the brick wall again. While he was disoriented, Dominick dragged him to his feet, no longer seeming the younger brother and certainly no less apt in strength. “You bastard,” he hissed in a low voice. “You thought to seduce the woman I love, no doubt as another of your stupid games against me. But Julianna is the one woman I won’t allow you to work your machinations on.”

“Oh, listen to you!” Riff laughed in derision, turning to her. “I hope you realize, dear lady, that your precious lover isn’t as chaste as you may have been originally. He’s had scores of women in the dream-state dating back to his sixteenth birthday, if he didn’t start earlier.”

“I know that,” she whispered.

“You what?” he gasped, shaking his head with unexpected surprise. “And it doesn’t bother you?”

She shook her head. “I’m not happy about it, no. But they were in the past.” Her thoughts turned to Roger momentarily. “Just like anyone I used to know.”

Riff’s eyes widened as he turned to face his brother incredulously. “I don’t believe I just heard her correctly. You told her about your former affairs? Are you insane?”

“Yes, I told her,” hissed Dominick. “And no, I’m not crazy. I happen to love her enough to be honest regarding the past, since it won’t have any effect on our future. She knows I’d simply been searching for love without finding it, but that I do love her.”

Riff turned back to Julianna. “And you believed all this?” he laughed.

Dominick’s hands gripping his throat choked off any further words. “She believes it, because it’s the truth! And you, my dear brother, should know better by now than to try seducing someone I’m involved with, let alone to try starting trouble between us. You’re not going to get away with it this time, Riff!”

“Riff?” gasped Julianna. “You’re Dominick’s brother?” He’d barely gotten out a nod before she lunged forward, her hands clawing at him, even as Dominick reached out to hold her back. “You rotten bastard! You knew I was involved with your brother, yet you put the moves on me anyway! How could you be such an insensitive jerk?”

Slowly, Dominick managed to calm her down, holding her comfortingly while his gaze never strayed from his devious brother. “I’ll take care of this, love,” he said softly, kissing her forehead once. “Why don’t you go back to our castle to wait for me?”

“I’m not going anywhere without you now,” she said, eyeing Riff with open distrust.

Understanding, he nodded once, gesturing her to one side. His silent look afterwards told her that there was still a matter to be settled, and she wasn’t about to interfere.

“You never learn, Riff,” Dominick said quietly, giving a forced laugh. “But fortunately for me, I have. I suspected this, even when you said nothing at Lost Limbo earlier.”

“Look, I was curious, because you wouldn’t tell me anything. I just came here to see what this Julianna of yours was like, that’s all.”

“Really?” sneered Dominick. “Well, let’s just say I don’t like your methods of introduction. And if you weren’t my brother...” Stopping himself, he drew a forced breath. “But seeing as you are, however unfortunate that is, I’m above killing family.”

“Gee, Phase, thanks a lot!” Riff replied sarcastically.

Ignoring him, Dominick continued, “Meaning I’ll just have to settle for this retribution instead.”

Punching his unsuspecting brother again, he knocked him to the floor just before delivering more blows.

Having similar strength, Riff used this to advantage, tripping his brother to fall to his level, before taking the initiative to strike back this time. Julianna gasped with each blow that contacted against Dominick, feeling as if she was being similarly struck, yet helpless to interrupt the struggle between the arguing pair.

“You and your petty women,” sneered Riff, pinning Dominick to the floor. “How long are you going to fool this one into believing you know the meaning of the word love? Another week? Two maybe?”

Rage contorted Dominick’s features as he gave a low growl, punching Riff in the stomach and rolling away from him. As his brother clutched his stomach in pain, Dominick looked to him with loathing. “I’m not letting Julianna go, you idiot! Whether you believe it or not, I do love her, and not for some damned temporary affair!”

“Sure,” scoffed Riff. “And what happens when the passion fades and the bed sheets turn cold?”

Dominick mumbled a low curse before attacking him anew, the pair wrestling amidst their punches and jabs. Julianna stood back from the fray, unable to hear everything said, but unwilling to leave Dominick, no matter what the outcome.

After a time, the fighting pair finally broke apart to steal some much-needed breaths. “Geez, Phase, why didn’t you just tell me you were so possessive of this one?”

“You have the gall to ask me that after what you pulled tonight?” sneered Dominick. “You may have tricked some other women I’ve known, Riff, but Julianna’s different. She’s not going to be yours in any way whatsoever. And if I have to beat this knowledge into your thick skull all night, I will!”

Seeing Dominick looking all too anxious to do just that, Riff held up a hand in protest.

“Okay, okay!” he yelled. “You’ve proven your point. You said you were above killing family, remember?” Dominick’s jaw flexed tightly, but he said nothing, while Riff rubbed the back of his head. “You sure are one hell of a headache when you’re angry. And a backache... and a stomachache.”

Eyeing his brother warily, but finally satisfied, Dominick walked over to Julianna. Longing to hold her, yet worried over her seeing his anger so blatantly demonstrated, he ran a hand through his hair instead and sighed.

She merely stared at him, remaining silent.

“I’m sorry you were here to witness this,” he said quietly. “It’s not the first time Riff and I have tangled over something. And when I got here to find him holding you trapped... Julianna, I swear I’d never hurt you. At the most, my anger might surface verbally, but that’s the extent of it, so don’t ever think...”

Her arms encircling his neck interrupted him, hugging him close. “I love you,” she whispered simply. “And I know you’d never hurt me. I’m just glad you showed up when you did, and that you don’t seem too badly hurt.”

Not one to question this, Dominick welcomed her embrace, fully intending to hold her that way forever. For long moments, he savored the feeling that she was safe in his arms again, until he gradually remembered his brother. Still holding Julianna, he turned to Riff warily.

“Are you in one piece?” he asked evenly.

“Not by much, thank you,” Riff replied sardonically, cursing his sore body as he tried to stand with difficulty. Damn dreams can be too real for one’s own good, he mused, surprised when Julianna slowly broke away from her companion to stand before him, giving him her hand in assistance.

He turned a worried look to his brother, but Dominick merely watched him coolly, his gaze speaking both acceptance and warning at the same time. When Riff was fully standing and Julianna tried to move away, he wouldn’t relinquish her hand. Sensing his brother’s eyes darkening upon him, he persisted nonetheless.

“For whatever it’s worth, I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I guess part of me is sorry that my brother found you first. You do seem different from the rest.”

“And you’re certainly… unique yourself, Riff,” she replied, earning an amused laugh from him.

“Tactfully put, lady.”

“But although you may own this company of sorts...” Her gaze turned to meet Dominick’s with a smile. “My heart belongs to the other Mr. Westbrooke.”

“Right,” sighed Riff, recapturing her attention. He flashed her a brief smile. “Friends then?” he asked. She hesitated, but then shook his hand with agreement, even as his smile became a grin. “So, what are we all doing tonight?” he asked cheerfully.

“We are going elsewhere,” Dominick said decisively, stepping forward to place a protective arm about Julianna’s shoulders. “You, my dear brother, are going back home, or at least somewhere far away from us tonight. If there’s anything else, it can wait until tomorrow. Understood?”

“Does my battered body have a choice?” Riff asked, tossing a mischievous look over his shoulder as he turned to leave. “But if I may make a suggestion, skip the frozen lake idea next time. It would have been even worse if you decided to...”

“Good night, Riff!” he replied emphatically.

Riff’s amused laughter echoed as he vanished in a brief flash of light.

Always a comedian! thought Dominick, turning upon hearing Julianna laugh softly.

“A bit too incorrigible for his own good, isn’t he?” she told her curious companion.

“Mildly put,” he agreed, smiling slowly as he reached forward to lift her off the ground. “Now then, my lady, I believe I suggested earlier for us to return to our dream castle.”

“Ready to leave when you are,” she replied, hugging him closer as the scenery about them vanished, soon replaced by the walls of their castle room.

Julianna expected him to place her on the bed, as he often did when they arrived here, but instead, he set her down in one of the chairs by the window. Before she could say a word, he knelt beside her, gently holding her hand.

“Julianna, are you sure you’re all right?” he asked softly. “Riff didn’t... hurt you in any way?” Knowing instantly what he referred to, she shook her head. “Thank Chavernos,” he sighed. “Even so, you must be shaken up.”

“I was afraid,” she admitted. “I didn’t know it was your brother, and even if I had, I would have been frightened by his earlier actions. Even though he did stop trying to seduce me to listen to reason at one point, I’m afraid I wasn’t too sorry when you gave him a few good punches, after the way he treated me initially.”

Dominick smirked slightly. “Well, he asked for it.” Brushing a curl from her cheek, he added, “But I promise I’d never vent my anger on you like that. I’d only do what’s necessary to protect you from any who might hurt you, and especially other men. There are things about you that I refuse to share with them.”

“I’d never want to share what we have with anyone else,” she agreed. “I love you, Dominick, and you’re the only one I can ever see in that way.”

“How fortunate the feeling is mutual, my lady,” he whispered with a smile, leaning forward to kiss her. Shutting her eyes, she welcomed his gentle touch to wipe away the recent events.

Not breaking the kiss, he stood up to draw her from the chair, sweeping her into his arms again, and carrying her to the bed. As he placed her atop the covers before sitting alongside of her, she couldn’t help noticing the interest in his eyes.

“I conjured this dress up earlier, thinking it was you in that room with me,” she explained. “That was before I realized it was a stranger, of course, and then...” Her voice trailed off, as he reached forward to clasp her hands.

“What did happen?” he asked quietly.

Julianna told him all, but stressed that Riff had started to back down just before he’d arrived. His earlier behavior at their initial meeting was still enough to magnify his anger against his brother. Just the thought of Riff trying to put his hands on her made Dominick want to go after his departed sibling. But for now, he knew that any dealings with him would have to wait.

“Come here, love,” he said gently, holding his arms out to her, which she accepted gladly. Clasping her tightly in his protective embrace, Dominick stroked the long hair streaming down her back, kissing her cheek as she held him tightly.

“I know nothing happened,” she stammered, “but at first, it reminded me of that incident with Daffordshire, and I didn’t know who he was. I was afraid you wouldn’t come for me, and that he might...”

“Shhh, it’s all right, love,” he whispered. “You’re safe with me now, and no one can hurt you.”

He kissed her eyes, while smoothing back the curls from her forehead. Slowly, she began to respond, moving her head to welcome his kiss. His lips brushed hers tenderly, as light as the wind. While she understood his extra attentiveness to her earlier fears, another part of her craved more.

“Dominick, I’m not afraid with you,” she whispered against him. His eyes met hers, questioning them as her trembling hand reached up to touch his cheek. “Please... love me like you always do.”

Sensing an unspoken need for comfort within her words, a soft smile crossed his expression. “If you’re certain, let it be as my lady wishes,” he replied, pulling her close to kiss her more passionately. The flames of their ever-present desire for each other kindled anew, burning away the bad memories.

Cradling her face gently, Dominick caressed her as his kisses deepened, his mouth teasing hers open. A soft moan escaped her, spurring him to pull her closer, his hands stroking upwards. With the low-cut back of the dress, his hands instantly came in contact with her bared skin, even before they slid within to reach what was still hidden.

Julianna gave a short gasp against his kisses as the dress fell away, feeling his hands cover the softness of her breasts, warming and awakening them as his kisses traveled along her neck to earn a greater response.

“So beautiful,” he murmured, still caressing her as he held her. Raising her chin for a moment, Dominick caught her gaze, allowing her to see the protective gleam in his own eyes. “I promise, my love, I’ll let no other touch you again as my foolish brother did tonight. This which is between us is ours alone... forever.”

Kissing her passionately to emphasize his words, she responded sweetly in kind, feeling that the bond between them had only grown stronger.

As if having read her thoughts, which of course she knew he could, he flashed her a smile, kissing her deeply once more before his kisses traveled lower.

She arched back in pleasure as his mouth warmly fell to her breasts that he’d just inflamed with his touch, her hands clutching his shoulders while he stroked her bare back. All memories of Riff’s actions were erased, replaced by Dominick’s loving caresses, as his mouth gradually sought hers again.

Impishly, she began tugging at his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders, to feel his skin grow heated beneath her touch. As her hands drew along his chest and lower, his breathing became ragged, while his eyes blazed fire.

His kisses held the same fire, consuming her as she entwined her arms about his neck. Easing the dress from her completely, Dominick’s kisses trailed down the length of her, casting the thin fabric aside. Julianna felt rapture from his ardent kisses, feeling an intensity of possession from him that surely stemmed from what happened earlier.

Her last clothing melted away as Dominick kissed her deeply, just before he pulled away to take care of his own. Nearly breathless, she smiled as the sight of him, watching the muscles flex in his bare back.

Casting patience aside, she reached out to put her arms around him, giving a laugh when he started at her touch.

He turned to her with a mischievous smile. “Can’t wait half a moment?” he chuckled.

Julianna shook her head. “Not when it’s you,” she replied, kissing his shoulder before resting her head upon it, her arms reaching about to hug his waist. “Wake me when you’re done,” she murmured teasingly.

Dominick turned to face her, shaking his head with a laugh. “Oh no, my lady. You’re not going to sleep on me yet.”

“And how am I supposed to stay awake while you make me wait forever?” she asked in mock protest.

“Because, my love, your waiting is over,” he said huskily, swiftly lowering her back against the pillows while looming above her with a most roguish smile. “And as to your staying awake, I assure you, I’ll help you manage that now, my impatient little temptress.”

To prove his words, Dominick proceeded to do just that, pressing searing kisses down her neck, as her hands reached up to hold him there possessively. He merely chuckled at the attempt, his mouth moving downward to kiss her breasts again while his hands traveled lower.

She nearly jumped at his touch, her fingers clutching at his hair. “Oh, what are you doing, Dominick,” she breathed, “You’re making me feel so...”

“Restless?” he murmured. “Lost to desire...”

Her attempt at a reply trailed off with glazed eyes.

He chuckled again quietly when Julianna began to tug at his hair, softly pleading for him to return beside her, and he acquiesced, his mouth capturing hers once more.

She decided to see about teasing him back. Her mouth escaped his to press heated kisses to his chest, distracting him as her hands slid past his waist. Her light caresses had full effect on him, as his eyes flew open to stare into her own devious ones, his hands grasping her shoulders tightly.

“You seem a bit restless yourself,” she whispered, her hands still teasing him where they remained. He tried to protest, but the words didn’t have a chance as her caresses became more intense.

“Julianna, you’ll drive me mad,” he groaned against her mouth, swiftly clasping her hands to draw them away as he shifted to cover her body completely with his.

Their senses were so heightened, it was the most natural thing in the world when he slid the warmth of his desire deep within the hot depths of her own yearning body, stealing exhilarated cries of pleasure from both. In moments, the undeniable heat of passion caught them. Julianna’s hands clutched Dominick’s back as he slowly stroked deeper within her, crying out softly as her legs tightened about him.

Their sounds of desire mingled as they kissed each other fiercely, while they sought sweet heaven. They glided on a wave of bliss, while the world disappeared around them, their passion building ever higher.

“Dear heaven, love,” he breathed as her arms tightened about him. “Julianna... you feel so wonderful.”

“So do you,” she whispered. “Oh, Dominick, please...”

“Yes… Come with me... now, sweetheart.”

His soft words inspired her to pull him closer, yielding sweetly as his deep thrusts sent them over the edge. Both cried out, their bodies exploding together as they soared through the warm mists of mindless ecstasy. Shuddering with pleasure, they kissed passionately anew, sharing the encompassing warmth of a most heavenly afterglow.

When Dominick finally relaxed against his companion, he brushed a hand across her passion-dampened forehead, kissing her tenderly once before cuddling her close in their desire’s sweet aftermath.

“Did I mention before how much I liked your choice of a new dress?” he murmured, stroking her back.

A mischievous smile curled across her mouth in remembrance of how said dress had ended up on the floor. “You mean my ‘lady in red’ look?” she asked. He nodded with a seductive growl. “I thought it might keep you from thinking me too businesslike.”

He gave a low laugh. “As long as all our business is conducted here, I don’t mind,” he informed her, twining a finger around her curls before kissing the reddish strands. “You realize that even if you wore nothing, you’d still be a lady in red, thanks to your hair,” he added roguishly.

“And I have a temper to match the color,” she said in mock warning. “You’d best remember that, my dream knight.”

“How could I forget?” he murmured against her cheek. “I find it to be one of your most endearing traits.”

“Really?” she laughed. “I do believe that’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever received. Probably since you’re the only one praising that particular trait of mine.”

“I love all your others as well,” he decided, a devious smile crossing his face as his arms encircled her waist beneath the covers. “Although I must admit to finding this passionate nature of yours most intriguing.” Julianna smiled knowingly as he leaned forward to kiss her again. “Dear heaven, woman, it seems I’ll never be able to get this desire for you out of my system.”

The brightness of her eyes dimmed slightly. “And would you leave if that ever happened?” she whispered.

“Oh no, love,” Dominick replied seriously. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I love you for every moment we share, no matter what we do. I wouldn’t leave you now, even if you pushed celibacy on me.”

“Hmmm...” she murmured in consideration.

“But I hope you wouldn’t be that cruel to this poor man who adores you so much,” he continued, his eyes taking on an exaggerated look of melancholy.

“I’d be punishing myself equally as much if I did,” she laughed. “Now please get that silly look off your face, before you complain of my laughing all night.”

Resting his cheek against hers, he embraced her tightly. “Ah, Julianna, I love to hear your laughter, and you’re certainly the last woman I’d ever complain about. Just to hold you like this is like holding the sun, and I’ve always been most fond of sunny days.”

“Mmmm, me too,” she murmured, apparently pleased, snuggling against him as she shut her eyes happily.

The perfect time, Dominick thought.

“Julianna?” he whispered, earning another quiet murmur from her. “We’ve been together for a while now, haven’t we?”

Her eyes opened with puzzlement. “If you don’t know the answer, then I’d say you’ve been out in your sunny days too often,” she replied.

“No, that’s not what I meant,” Dominick laughed. “I mean, we’ve been happy together, in all ways. And after giving our relationship serious thought, I was hoping we might make it permanent.”

Julianna moved back to sit up, pulling the blanket up to her neck. “Permanent, how?”

“Well… let me think,” he replied, shrugging once with a boyish grin. While she sat confused, Dominick reached back to withdraw something from the night table drawer behind him, keeping his hand tightly closed around the object. “Now, I know this might sound strange at first, but hear me out.”

She nodded for him to continue, and he opened his hand, holding out a small velvet box to her. Julianna gasped as the implication sank in, even as he lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful gold ring with a brilliant emerald in the center, a circle of diamonds surrounding the sparkling gem protectively. Before she could blink, he took her hand in his, placing the ring upon it gently.

“Dominick, it’s beautiful,” she whispered, touching the precious ring with shaking fingers.

“I remember how you once said how much you love both diamonds and emeralds,” he said softly. “And since you’re most beautiful to me in many ways, I thought it right to grant you a ring that has the same added beauty. A ring to symbolize how much I love you, Julianna.” She smiled up at him with tear-filled eyes.

“You’ve been so good to me. How can I ever thank you enough?”

He took her hand in his, kissing it softly before caressing her fingers as he looked deeply into her eyes. “Would you do me the honor of marrying me?” he asked.

Julianna’s eyes brimmed with new tears as she squeezed his hand. “Oh, yes...” she whispered. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Dominick.”

Giving a short laugh of happiness as he embraced her, her heart raced with joy. So much that she nearly forgot the all-too-real distance and circumstances separating them.


Upon remembering, she slowly stiffened and pulled back, earning a look of concern from him.

“What’s wrong, love? Is it the ring?”

“No,” Julianna replied quickly. “It’s wonderful. And I love you so much, Dominick. But for once, we have to face reality. How can I marry you? We can only be together when I’m asleep.”

“So it seems,” he agreed. “But I’ve given it some thought, and since our two worlds are both undeniably real, there may be a solution to our dilemma. I’ve decided to see my grandfather about trying to find a way to bring us together in reality as well.”

Hope surged through her. “Is that possible?”

“I’m not sure, but if it is, I’m damn well going to find out. I’ll do everything in my power to find a way. Until which time, at the very least we’ll be engaged in reality, even though we can only share our dreams together at the moment.”

Julianna shook her head in confusion. “I understand what you’re saying,” she replied, “but I don’t see how this is going to work. After all, even if your world’s dreamphasers can accept the truth to an engagement like this, I can’t prove your existence on Chavernos to those of Earth. They’d think I’d lost my mind.”

“That would be a problem,” he agreed on a sigh. “In which case, I’m afraid the only thing you can do to prevent this, is to keep it a secret between us for now.”

“But that’s just the point,” she argued regretfully. “Since there’s no proof so far that we can ever reach one another to be married, why pretend otherwise with an engagement?” At his silence, she stared down at her ring sadly. “Everything’s all been just a dream between us anyway. One that’s merely taken us awhile longer to wake up from. Why bother with mention of an engagement at all, when it’s only another illusion?”

As her words trailed off, she saw Dominick clasp her hand, lifting her head to face him again. The warmth of his smile affected her so much that she nearly forgot her question. Fortunately, he didn’t.

“What we have between us is certainly no illusion, love,” he whispered, kissing her palm. At her slight smile, he added gently, “Let me try to explain my reasons for wanting this engagement. In past times, I’d briefly thought I knew what love was, but always ended up confusing that emotion with something else. Yet with you, the feelings of love only grew stronger and clearer to me. Knowing you weren’t one to give your heart lightly, and still innocent to the ways of love, you can’t know what it meant to me for you to trust me that first night in our dream castle.”

She blushed slightly, as he continued on a sigh. “When you granted me the blessing of your love that night, it was more than magic between us. You touched the depths of my soul.”

His smile dimmed slightly as a wave of regret filled his eyes. “And yet... ever since that night, although our evenings together have been more than wonderful, there are times when I’ve felt sadness from you. As if you’ve felt guilty regarding the passion we’ve shared, and that ours was only a temporary affair.”

Clasping her hands tighter, he shook his head. “It could never be that now, love. You’re the other half of my soul, and I need you with me always. That’s why I want us to be engaged now, even if we can’t be married immediately. I want you to know that my commitment to you is real, to ease your mind and heart, even though both our worlds can’t recognize it yet.”

Seeing tears in her eyes, he brushed them away lightly. “Sweetheart, I wish I could marry you right now in reality, and carry you off to my homeworld this night. But for now, I can only promise that we will be married in truth one day as soon as possible. Can you understand, and would you accept this, until we can be together at last?”

“I do understand, Dominick,” she whispered, loving him all the more, despite the sharp cut of reality raking across her heart. “And I’m not questioning your devotion, which you’ve proven time and again. But you’re overlooking something. What if there’s no way to bring us together in reality. Then what will we do? Keep pretending otherwise?”

Dominick’s gaze lowered, and he sighed heavily.

“I don’t know,” he said finally. “It’s certainly not my choice that our two worlds separate us, but it’s where our lives dictated us to be. I suppose if we can’t be together in the waking world, we’ll either have to settle for our time in the dream-state... or I’m not sure what.”

That would put a snag in things, Julianna considered, biting her lip as another problem occurred to her.

“What about children?” she asked. “Is it possible to create them in the dream-state?” It seemed a moot question, but due to their unconventional meetings, Julianna wouldn’t assume anything, until Dominick shook his head sadly.

“No, it’s not,” he whispered, meeting her gaze again. “Even powerful magic has its limits. We can’t have children together unless we’re both on the same world in reality.” She looked away to consider this, as he expected her to, squeezing her hand once. “I know I’m asking a lot, with the future so uncertain.” He shut his eyes painfully. “But if we can’t reach each other... I’ll release you from our engagement, and sunder all ties between us, if that’s what you wish.”

Julianna could hear the pain in his statement, but still had too many doubts which needed to be settled, even if they never affected them.

“What if...” she began uneasily, “before we can find a way to each other, one of us found someone else while in either of our real worlds?” His eyes darkened slightly. “I’m not saying it would happen,” she continued quickly. “But if a great deal time of elapsed, and it did...”

“Our souls are connected, so it wouldn’t,” he interrupted, but as her questioning gaze remained, Dominick relented with a sigh. “If that happened, which it won’t, I would think it only fair for the person in question to be honest with the other, and break off our engagement first. In regard to the honesty and fidelity that go with commitment, I think that’s only to be expected, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she agreed absently, more worried that he’d be the one to break this commitment if too much time passed.

He must have sensed her thoughts, for he suddenly gripped her shoulders tightly, locking eyes with her.

“Julianna, there’s been no other woman in my life—either in reality or the dream-state—since the day I met you. I swear there never will be again. And in case you’re curious, you’re the only woman I’ve ever proposed to. After a decade of searching, I’ve finally found you, and I’m not about to let you go again without a fight.”

“Oh, Dominick, I’d never leave you either,” she replied, leaning forward to hug him again. Tears stung her eyes as she continued. “Even if we can only be together at night, I’ll settle for anything we can have, children or no, and not let the shadows of reality come between us. And I promise, I’ll certainly never have an affair with anyone else. I love you too much for that.”

“By Chavernos, Julianna, I love you too,” he murmured, with a smile. “And all that you’ve said holds true for me as well, since no other woman holds a candle to you.”

Kissing her quickly, Dominick added, “Now, as far as this engagement of ours goes, maybe your world can’t recognize it yet, but I do know some people of my world who will. If it’s all right with you, I’d like to arrange for some of my dreamphasing friends to be present tomorrow night, so I can introduce you to them, as well as to announce our engagement. At least it’ll bring us one step closer towards our hopefully future marriage.”

Julianna’s eyes shone at the determination she found in his. How could she have any doubts with a man like this in her life? she wondered, touching his cheek. “I’ll look forward to it,” she whispered, kissing him deeply.

He responded in kind, rekindling their former desire. Gently easing her back against the pillows, his gaze met hers. “Since I know how you’ve felt lately regarding our nights together, if it makes any difference, we can wait on more of this until our engagement’s official tomorrow.”

“Hmmm, give me a chance to think about it.” About five seconds passed before Julianna shook her head. “No, that’s all right,” she said finally. “With you, I don’t mind this wild abandon anymore.” She smiled knowingly. “Of course, if it’s all right with you.”

Dominick laughed quietly. “Sweetheart, I do believe you’re gaining your own capability for reading minds.” His mischievous smile matched hers, as they embraced each other again passionately.

Feeling the comfort of his arms around her, Julianna felt so much joy. Yet her unyielding thoughts couldn’t help wondering.

“Dominick, do you really think it’s possible?” she murmured.

He pulled back, never losing his smile as he gazed into her eyes with conviction.

“I promise, love… We’ll find a way.”

Jen Robyn's books