The Renfield Syndrome

Holy shit.


The vampires forming a circle around the enraged creatures were laughing at the sight, as if the warring beasts were a twisted form of entertainment. Several remained lounged in their seats, their human Happy Meals seated at their heels. When I glanced to the right, I saw Victoria in a large, antique chair. The red velvet cushions padding her ass and back were a stark contrast to her fair skin and dark hair.


Paine strode around the edge of the circle and approached her directly, heedless of the vampire guards surrounding her chair. The commotion taking place was too loud to make out what he said, but his narrowed eyes and the clipped motions of his mouth told me all I needed to know. He wasn’t happy about what was going down at his club and, at the moment, I wanted to know what the fuck that was.


Victoria rose from her seat and moved closer to Paine, until they nearly touched. When her hand came up, and she started to place it against his chest, Paine took a swift step back as if her touch was toxic. Her eyes narrowed, her lips pressed together, and she lifted her hand and snapped her fingers.


The vampires behind her surrounded Paine, and I started hauling ass in his direction. Taking the stairs two at a time, I said a silent prayer that I didn’t fall down and break my neck. The path was clear when I hit the floor, and I ran across the distance, heart pounding. The pendant heated, the hum against my skin spreading from my chest to my limbs.


Before I made it to Paine—and just as I was within distance to reach out and touch him—an arm wrapped around my waist and hoisted me from the ground. I was stunned when the pendant became white hot on my skin, causing me to hiss at the unexpected burn. The person who’d grabbed me shuddered violently and let go. The pendant went cool as I spun, got a visual and took aim, and brought my right leg up and around, going directly for the bastard’s chin. The moment my rubber sole made a solid connection, his head snapped around. I watched, amazed, as he flew back several feet.


The action taking place in the center of the dance floor didn’t stop, but it was essentially forgotten when the attention in the room turned to me. Paine started to move in my direction when he was swarmed by the vampires in Victoria’s accompaniment.


“You again.” Victoria strode past all of them, and I stayed as I was—arms loose at my sides—but my feet remained in a perfect position to protect myself or dodge a blow if necessary, my right leg angled slightly behind the left, my balance centered.


“Don’t tell me,” I drawled, shrugging. “We have to stop meeting like this.”


She smiled without humor. “I’ve been told that you think the things you say are amusing. It’s good to know that Ethan wasn’t lying.”




Her grin became genuine. “You’re not funny.”


“That all depends on your sense of humor.” I glanced at Paine. His dark eyes were those of a predator, taking in everything, and the message they were sending me was crystal clear.


Shut the fuck up, Rhiannon.


Victoria walked around me, her high fuck-me heels clicking with each step. She froze after she’d made a full circle. I noticed the sounds of the fighting had stopped, though the furious snarls remained. It was impossible to turn to see why. There was no way I was placing my back to the deranged demon bitch who was sizing me up.


She snapped her fingers again, and one of the vampires standing in front of Paine stepped forward. “I want a better view,” she said, her gaze remaining on me. “And place another seat beside mine.”


The vampire moved to do her bidding, and she motioned behind her, indicating I should plop my ass into the cheap metal chair the vamp had snagged and placed beside hers.


J.A. Saare's books