The Renfield Syndrome

“She’s mine, Victoria.” Paine broke the silence and took a decisive step forward, shielding me with his taller, broader body.


“You no longer have any say as far as she is concerned. The bond you once shared was severed when you stepped down from your responsibilities.”


“She swore fealty to me.” Paine’s voice changed, his gravelly baritone dropping an octave. I could feel the fury simmering below the surface of his carefully constructed facade, could see it in the way his shoulders went taut, his muscles flexed, and he planted his feet—as if preparing to fight.


“You no longer head a family.” Victoria brought her hands to her waist, her long, squared fingernails painted in the same shade of red that glistened on her lips. “That changes things.”


“Why’s that?” I stepped to Paine’s side and slid my hand into his. It was more than a way to calm him down. It also served as a reminder of our connection, whether Victoria wanted to accept it or not.


“He deserted his enclave. He doesn’t deserve a familiar.”


“I swore fealty to him,” I repeated Paine’s previous statement, flying blind and hoping like hell I appeared to know what I was talking about, and dredged up some prior education I’d acquired from Disco. “I didn’t agree to become beholden to another.”


“Well, aren’t you a smart one.” She studied me intently, eyes slitted and lips puckered.


For once, I was at a loss for words.


Is that a trick question?


Goose chimed in and squeezed in around me. “Given the circumstances, I assumed you’d allow her to reconnect with what she knows. Even as Paine’s familiar, she will reside in your domain and remain under your power.”


Her large, snake-like eyes narrowed in on Goose. “I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Ethan. Until you’re addressed, keep your mouth shut.”


Like a chastised child who knew the shit would certainly hit the fan if he didn’t put a lid on it, Goose immediately lowered his head, placed his chin to his chest, and didn’t say another word. Goose was always polite, but I’d never seen him back down like this. As if he was standing before God instead of a vampire.


Who the fuck is this bitch?


“What say you?” she asked me, seeming bored as she glanced at Paine. Her attention lingered on him far longer than it should have, as if she was caressing his body with her eyes. “Would you debase yourself by remaining in his accompaniment? Would you willingly be the familiar of a vampire who turns his back against his own?”


Then, as if the clouds parted and revealed what I couldn’t see before, I understood the reason for the animosity. Ms. Cleopatra Cat Suit had the hots for Paine. No wonder she looked like she wanted to kill me.


“Of course I would,” I purred and released Paine’s hand to plaster my body to his side. Although I knew he was surprised, he recovered quickly and snaked an arm around my waist. Mirroring his movement, I skimmed my hand slowly across his abdomen, taking my time as I outlined the muscular indentions along his stomach, and smiled when I saw Queen Bitch’s jaw spasm as she clenched her teeth.


Oh yeah, she had the hots for him all right. Bingo.


“I believe she has answered your question.” Paine remained cordial, but his disinterest was blatant. “She stays with me.”


Victoria moved fast, her beautiful face came within inches of mine, and I was struck by the alabaster skin that seemed as smooth and flawless as porcelain. Long, dark lashes fanned her eyes, and at our close proximity, I knew they weren’t falsies.


J.A. Saare's books