The Final Seven (The Lightkeepers, #1)

“Nothing,” he said, cutting her off. “You saw nothing.”

Suddenly Zach realized Parker’s advantage. Understood his confidence. Mick couldn’t have seen the murder—the wound before it disappeared, yes—but not the murder itself, even if she had been standing right there.

Because only the gifted could see.

“Let me tell you what the truth is, Detective Dare. Brite Knight was alive, and then she was dead. No wounds or signs of body trauma. The poor woman suffered a heart attack. It’s only your partner here claiming otherwise. And who would believe him when even I don’t?”

“The thing that got Knight—”

“Thing?” Parker laughed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Detective Dare. You and Harris are looking for a flesh and blood human being.”

She looked at Zach. “And you have nothing to say?”

“Nothing except do whatever you’re going to do.”

That was the signal. Zach grabbed Parker’s left hand and brought his right one to it. Mick was ready with the handcuffs.

Before Parker realized what was happening, she had them cuffed to one another.

“Sorry, P,” Zach said, forcing their cuffed hands together, palm-to-palm, “you left us no choice.”

“You crazy son of a bitch, you have no idea what you’re—”

But whatever else Parker was about to say was drowned out by the roar of blood in Zach’s head as the transmission began. At the base of his skull, small shocks, like fireworks exploding against his skin. Running down his arm, melding his and Parker’s palms. His blood burned, raced; the sensation was at once searing hot and blisteringly cold. He began to shake.

He was aware of Mick’s stunned expression. And of the fact that he had done something incredibly stupid. He was not in control of this transmission. It was.

The thing that had killed Brite Knight. That had tried to kill him.

His head filled with dark images, of anguish and destruction. The darkest place he had ever been, the deepest black. A place devoid of hope.

Desolation surrounded him. Heavy. Suffocating.

He became aware of Mick screaming at him to stop.

Zach opened his eyes. His vision cleared. Convulsions rocked Parker, one after another.

It was killing Parker.

Through him.

Something rose up in him, from the center of his being. It rushed forward, bright and hot. Zach felt as if he were flying backward.

Light flashed before his eyes. His head filled with the image of a woman. Beautiful. With the bluest eyes he’d ever seen. She smiled.

And then he saw nothing at all.

Chapter Thirty-six

Tuesday, July 16

8:05 P.M.

When Zach came to, he and Parker were on the floor, about ten feet apart. The other man was as pale as a ghost. There was the faintest scent of something acrid in the air.

Mick stood to the side, looking from one to the other, eyes huge. “What the hell was that?”

Zach tried to laugh; it came out a croak. “Water,” he managed instead. “Please.”

“Make that two.”

She nodded and left the room. Zach looked at Parker. “I suppose saying I’m sorry won’t cover it?”

“You stupid son-of-a . . . You could have killed us both! You nearly did, you irresponsible asshole!”

“Point made.” A shudder racked him. “How about I promise to never be that stupid again?”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Parker lifted at his hands. The snapped handcuff dangled from his left wrist. “Look at me, I’m shaking like a leaf.”

“And your hair’s standing on end.”

It was. Literally. The always immaculately groomed Parker looked as if he’d stuck his finger in a live socket.

Zach supposed that in a way he had.

Parker reached up. “Damned if it isn’t.” He shook his head. “I’d heard about their power, but I’d never felt it.”

“Heard about whose power?” Mick asked from the kitchen doorway.

She crossed to them, handed Parker a glass, then Zach. When Parker still hadn’t responded, she snorted. “After what I just saw? Really? You’re still going to try and keep me out of your secret FBI, superpowers club?” She arched her eyebrows in disbelief. “My partner was glowing.”

“I was glowing?”

“Like a light bulb. And I don’t mind telling you, I’m a little bit freaked out right now.”

“You’re freaked out?” Zach turned to Parker. “It’s time for some real answers.”

Parker shook his head. “There are people I answer to. Directives I’ve sworn to follow. I’ll make some calls, see if I can get the okay to bring in Detective Dare”

“Bring her in? If Detective Dare hadn’t snapped me out of whatever state I was just in, you’d likely be dead right now.”

“And if she hadn’t been here, you wouldn’t have pulled this bullshit stunt!”

Erica Spindler's books