The Air He Breathes (Elements, #1)

“Don’t talk about Lizzie like that,” I said. “I know you’re drunk, dude, but don’t talk about her like that.”

Tanner rolled his eyes. “Take it easy. We’re just having some good manly talk.”

I didn’t reply.

“So did you? Have you slept with her?”

“Fuck off, Tanner,” I said, my fingers slowly forming fists.

“You sonofabitch, you screwed her, didn’t you?” He shook his head. “Realistically, though, how do you see this unfolding, Tristan? Let’s be honest. She’s having a fun getaway with you, but a woman wouldn’t want to stay with someone like you. One day, she won’t be sad anymore. One day, she’ll be the same Liz she used to, and she won’t need the asshole neighbor to lose herself. She’ll find someone better.”

“Let me guess…someone like you?”

He shrugged. “It’s an option. Besides, I know her. We have a history together. Plus, she’s too good for you. I mean, I have my own auto shop. I have a way to provide for her. But you? You work for Crazy Henson.”

“Say one more word about Mr. Henson and you’ll regret it.”

He held his hands up in defeat. “Easy, slugger. That vein in your neck is popping out. You wouldn’t want Liz to see that temper of yours, now would you? Like I said, she’s too good for you.”

I tried to ignore his words, but they were finding a way inside my head.

What was I thinking?

She’s too good for me.

Tanner slammed his hands against my shoulders, rotated me around on the stool to face the dance floor, and pointed toward Elizabeth laughing with Faye. “What do you say? What if we do show her your temper? I think it’s only right that she sees the true monster inside of you. You shouldn’t be anywhere near Liz or Emma. You’re a fucking beast.”

“This is where I walk away,” I said, pushing myself up from the stool.

“Hell, you probably should stay away from all people actually. Didn’t you have a wife and a child? What happened to them?”

“Don’t, Tanner,” I warned, my hands forming fist.

“What happened? Did you hurt them? Are you the reason they’re dead? Shit. I bet you are.” He laughed. “Are they buried in a ditch somewhere? Did you fucking murder your family? You’re a psychopath and I don’t see why no one else can see it. Especially Liz. She’s normally smart.”

I huffed and turned to face him. “It must kill you that she’s with me.”

He was taken aback by my words. “What?”

“You stare at her as if she’s your world and she looks past you every time. I mean, it’s actually funny.” I laughed. “Because here you are pretty much throwing yourself at her, fixing her cars, showing up to have dinner with her, pretty much begging her to look your way, and she just doesn’t see you, dude. And not only does she not see you, she chooses me, the town recluse, the one person you can’t stand. It must be eating at you inside,” I mocked. I was being mean, and cold, but he’d brought my family into it. He’d made it personal. “It must be killing you to know it’s my bed she’s crawling into, and it’s my name she’s moaning.”

“Fuck you,” he said with narrow eyes.

“Trust me,” I replied with a wolfish grin. “She is.”

“Do you not know who I am?” he said, pounding his finger against my chest. “Dude. I get what I want. I always get what I want. So enjoy the time you have with Liz, because I’m getting her. And enjoy your time with Mr. Henson’s shop, because I’m taking that, too.” He patted me on the back. “Nice talking to you, psycho. Make sure to tell your wife and son I said hi.” He paused and laughed. “Oh wait, never mind.”

Everything in my head started to spin. Without hesitation I swung around and slammed my fist into Tanner’s jaw. He stumbled backward. I shook my head a few times. No. I felt Tanner’s fist meet my eye before he sent me to the ground and started slamming his fists into me over and over again. I could hear everyone around us screaming, and I thought I saw Faye trying to pull Tanner off me, but I flipped him over and slammed him against the ground.

He wanted this. He wanted the beast to be unleashed, and he said all the right things to bring the beast to life. He had brought Jamie and Charlie into it. He’d gone too far, and had taken me to the darkness. I slammed my fist into his face. I slammed my fist into his stomach. Over and over again. I couldn’t stop. I wouldn’t stop. Everyone was screaming around me, but I couldn’t hear them anymore.

I fucking snapped.

Chapter Twenty-Nine
