Tempting Tatum

The room erupts with congratulations and hugs and kisses on the cheek.

“We have one more piece of information.” His free hand finds my belly. “We’re having twins,” he says. His eyes never leaving mine.

More hugs and congratulations erupt. We are a noisy group. I guess that’s why we didn’t hear the nurse the first time she yelled at us.

“Excuse me. Two at a time. You need to go back to the waiting room,” she scolds.

Blaise just shrugs his shoulders and takes a seat beside my bed, never letting go of my hand.

I watch as they leave my room. I turn to look at Blaise. He’s texting with one hand, no doubt spreading the word. I will miss my parents every day of my life. I will always feel the sadness deep inside because they will never get to meet my children. I know they are proud of me and watching over us. I also know I have never known a love for another person like I do with Blaise. I found what I’ve always been looking for. I found what my parents had. I found the man that will always cherish my heart. I found Blaise.

Today is my birthday. Tatum insisted that she throw me and Asher a party. I whined, complained, protested, whatever you want to call it, but my lovely wife won the battle. She always does. I never have been able to say no to her.

I watch as she waddles into the kitchen to try to help prepare the food. I know for a fact that my mom will scold her, so will Ember for that matter. It only takes five minutes for her to retreat back to the living room and ease herself back down on the couch. She takes the spot beside Grace who absentmindedly rubs her small baby bump. She and Asher are about four months along. I continue to brag that I’m, of course, the superior twin because my wife is having twins; his, however, is not. The women just laugh at us.

Leah and Ember are sitting on the loveseat opposite the couch. Ember is holding baby Sophie in her arms. She’s a month old today. All four of them are glowing with happiness. Ember and Jackson just recently got engaged. Life is good.

I hear my name and I focus my attention back to the guys. They all have the same dopey look on their faces, the same one that I’m sure is plastered on mine. Just as I’m about to re-join the conversation, I hear a loud gasp. I whip my head around to see Tatum with wide eyes. She lifts her head and our eyes lock. She nods once and I’m rushing to her side. It’s time. The house becomes a flurry of activity while Asher pulls the Tahoe around.

Brent takes one of Tatum’s arms and I take the other, carefully leading her out the door. I help her inside and make sure she’s strapped in. I already have both car seats, both our bags, and a bag for the babies loaded in the back. Call me super dad.

Asher stays in the driver’s seat as Grace climbs in beside him. I turn to face our family. “We’ll be right behind you,” Brent says.

I nod in agreement.

I round the back of the car and hear my mom say, “What a special gift to have the babies be born on their birthday.” She laughs.

I smile. That thought had never occurred to me. It would be really cool to have my kids born on mine and Asher’s birthday; however, I know that’s unlikely, yet still possible. Either way, soon, very soon I’m going to be a father.

Asher gets us to the hospital in record time. It helps that Blaise has the emergency lights, which we placed on top of the truck. Even though he gave up working at the department all together, he insisted on keeping the lights for this exact occasion. At first, I said he was being silly; now, not so much. I’m grateful. My contractions are maybe two minutes apart. I’m doing all I can to keep from letting on to Blaise how much pain I’m in. He worries.

I’m whisked into the ER and immediately settled into a wheelchair. A nurse, who looks about Nancy’s age, leads us to an elevator. Labor and Delivery is on the fifth floor. Blaise made sure we were pre-registered three weeks ago. Again, I’m glad my husband is always thinking ahead.

By the time I’m in a gown and in a room, the contractions are almost constant. The machine is going crazy about every minute and a half or so. Blaise watches as the lines rise and fall. The doctor comes in and says hello to Blaise, while instructing me to “scoot down.” I hate this part, but it’s worth it for my babies.

“Well, I have good news and not so good news,” he says. “The good news is you are going to be parents today.” He looks over at Blaise. “Happy Birthday, Dad.” He chuckles. “The not so good news is that you are dilated to ten and baby A is crowning. There is no time for an epidural.” He focuses his eyes on me. “How long have you been in labor?” he asks me.

Shit! I’m busted. I avoid Blaise’s stare as I answer him. “The pains started about three am. They have become more constant throughout the day,” I tell him honestly.

“What?” Blaise asks. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He studies my expression. “The party, really, Tate? You should have told me, baby,” he says as he strokes my cheek.

“I thought they were just Braxton Hicks.” I pant as another contraction hits. At least I did until about eleven o’clock when they increased in frequency. I just wanted to get through the party.

“AHHH!” I scream.

“All right, Tatum. It’s time to meet your babies. When I say three, I want you to push. One. Two. Three.”

I’m sitting in Tate’s private room holding my son and my daughter as I watch my beautiful wife sleep. I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off the three of them. My family, my heart.

I hear a soft knock on the door. I look up and see Asher. “Hey, bro. Congratulations,” he says softly. “Everyone is here, and they’re chomping at the bit to meet the newest members of the Richards clan,” he tells me.

I look down at my children sleeping peacefully, and then up at Tatum. Her eyes are watching me. “Hey you,” I say to her.

A smile graces her lips. “Hey, Daddy.” She pulls herself into the sitting position. I watch as she winces in pain. My girl is amazing. Twins, six pounds one ounce and six pounds three ounces, my son and daughter, and my wife delivered them both naturally. Lucky for Tate the delivery was quick. Within an hour of checking in, they were in our arms and welcomed to the world.

“Hey, sis,” Asher says, kissing her cheek. “The mob is getting restless. I say we keep with tradition and sneak them all in.” He winks at her.

“Sure,” she says with a bright smile. I carefully stand and walk to the bed. She reaches for our baby boy. I sit beside her, holding our baby girl, while Asher ushers in the troops.

“I love you, Tate, so damn much. Thank you for being you, for being my wife, the mother of my children,” I say, kissing her softly.

“Hey, now, isn’t that what got you in here today?” I hear Brent say as he walks in.

I chuckle.

Once everyone is in the room, I introduce them to the newest members of our family.

“Everyone, I would like for you to meet Gavin Michael and his sister Addyson Renee.” I look down and see Tate’s eyes fill with tears.

She looks up to our family. “Michael and Renee were my parents’ names,” she says softly, barely holding her emotions in check.

My mom comes to the bed and hold hers arms out for Gavin. “Let me give this little guy some loving on behalf of me and his Grandma Renee,” she says.

My dad follows suit. “And this little angel needs a kiss or two from me and Grandpa Michael,” he says as he takes Gavin from my arms.