Tame Me (A Stark International Novella)




His mouth curves in a lazy, seductive smile. “Why do you think?”


My mouth has gone dry, and my knees are suddenly weak. Whatever he intends, I know that I want it—and yet still I am nervous. “I think you’re going to fuck me,” I say, and I can’t keep the note of hope out of my voice.


“No,” he says firmly. “I’m going to punish you.”




He smiles. “That’s it. I like that. You call me Hunter when you know what’s coming.”


“Ryan,” I say more firmly, making him laugh.


“It’s no use, kitten. Hush now. Hush and take off your clothes. I promise you, Jamie, you don’t want to cross me.”


I am tempted to do just that simply because I want to see how far he will take this. But I also want what I know he will give me. His hands, his cock, his body.


But there will be none of that until I strip. Until he punishes me.


I remember what he’d said that first night in Malibu—how he’d talked about spanking me. I remember, too, how wet the very idea had made me.


It makes me wet now.


“Are you going to spank me?”


“No talking,” he says again, “or I’ll be dining alone tonight. Go on,” he urges. “I want to watch you strip for me.”


I don’t speak, but I move back to stand in front of him. Slowly, I peel off my clothes, one garment at a time, until I am standing naked in front of him. I can see the desire in his eyes and know that he is looking forward to this.


And, yes, so am I.


I smile boldly, then slide my hand down over my sex just because I want to do a little bit of punishing myself. “I’m wet,” I say, then bring my own finger to my mouth.


“Jesus, Jamie,” he says, and while I have him, I decide to take the extra step and see just how crazy I can make him.


I move closer, then bend over his lap, putting my bare ass in front of him. “Spank me,” I say. “You know you want to.”


My pubis is pressed against his lap, and I can feel his erection grow. I close my eyes, relishing the feel of his hand rubbing a smooth circle on my rear. And then his hand is gone, replaced only moments later with a quick, sharp sting.


I cry out in both surprise and pain—and as his palm strokes quickly over the spot, I relax and breathe deep as the fingers of pain spread out, transforming to electric shocks that sizzle through me, focusing most intently on my sex, now even more hot. Even more needy.


“Do you like that?” he says, and I can tell by his growing erection that he does.


“Yes—it’s...” I search for the right word. “Liberating,” I finally say, and it’s true. The sting, the pain, sends me flying, freeing me for an even more intense passion.


“Again,” he says, then lands another smack followed in quick succession by another. He is spanking and stroking, giving pain and then pleasure. Sending me spiraling up and then reeling me back in.


I have never done this before. Never felt this before.


And I like it. Dear god, I like it.


“Hunter,” I whisper as my cunt throbs in a silent demand for his touch. “Can I be bad every day?”


He laughs, then rubs his hands upon my ass, my back, my shoulders. “You are perfection, Jamie. You are delight. And as for your punishment, we’ll have to see just how naughty you are. Right now, I think you’ve been punished enough.”


I sigh, fighting my way back up through the waves of pleasure, the sweet tingle of pain and promise.


“I take it you like that?” His voice pours softly over me, strong and intoxicating, like the smooth burn of whiskey.


“Yes,” I admit as my body clenches with unfulfilled need. “But please, Hunter. Will you fuck me now?”


“No,” he says smoothly. “Now, I’m going to feed you.”






Chapter Ten



J. Kenner's books