Taking A Shot

He lifted her sweater and pressed a kiss to her belly, rolling the sweater upward as he moved his lips across her stomach and ribs. When he got to her bra, he kissed the swell of her breasts and undid the front clasp of her bra, exposing her to his gaze.

“Firelight does amazing things to your skin. It makes you golden,” he said, lifting her sweater over her head and slipping her bra straps down her arms. He bent, pressing light kisses to each of her nipples before taking one in his mouth to suck and nip with his teeth. She arched to feed her breast to him, needing him to take more of it. He slipped his arm around her back and pulled her nipple into his mouth to suck her more deeply.

“Yes. That’s what I need,” she said as he worked both nipples—and her—into a frenzy. Her back bowed with need as he fed on her breasts until they popped—wet and glistening—from his mouth.

Then he went to work on her pants, unfastening them and drawing them off, followed by her panties, leaving her bare. The fire bathed her in warmth as she lay there naked before him. He laid his palm over her stomach and traced a path south, taking his time to tease and torment her before he found her sex and petted her lightly, making her hips rise off the carpet to meet his searching fingers.

But he dropped down between her legs, cupping her butt in his hands. She leaned up on her elbows to watch as he put his mouth on her.

All that wet heat surrounding her made her quiver. She tuned into only him, on the way he licked around her clit before taking it into his mouth to roll the piercing around his tongue until she wanted to die from the sweet pleasure of it. Watching him only notched up the frenzy of her desire. Seeing his tongue swipe over her sex was so incredibly intimate, and the way he’d dart glances at her made her breath catch. She felt the tingles of her approaching orgasm, almost embarrassed that he could make her come so easily, but he’d become so knowledgeable about her body and her reactions that he knew just where to touch her, where to taste her, to get her there.

She lifted against his mouth, urging him to lick faster. He knew, sliding his fingers inside her because that would intensify her orgasm. And when it hit, she unabashedly cried out, letting it roll throughout her as she released in wild abandon until she completely fell back, spent and sawing out breath.

Tyler stood and began to undress. Jenna rolled to her side, content to watch.

“You could do that as a strip tease and it would be way more entertaining.”

“Ha-ha. Not a chance. I don’t have any rhythm.”

“Liar. I’ve danced with you before and you do have rhythm.”

“Not on a stripper pole I don’t.”

“Really. So you’ve tried and failed on a pole. Who knew you had a background as a stripper?”

“Now you know my deep, dark secret.”

When he dropped his briefs, she figured he could just stand there naked and women would happily toss money his way. Even with the scars he bore from battle wounds on the ice, he was pure male beauty.

She reached for his ankle and slinked her hand up toward his calf, loving the muscle that spoke of his strength.

He dropped down to the carpet and drew her against him, kissing her until she forgot all about worshipping his body and concentrated on worshipping his mouth. She’d miss him when he was gone this week. She’d gotten used to having him with her, touching her and kissing her. She especially loved the kissing, the way he lazily brushed his lips over hers before rolling her onto her back and deepening the kiss until heat flared throughout her body. Her heart pounded against him, her pulse rate speeding up until she felt dizzy and hot. The world melted away until all she knew was his lips, his tongue, his hand sweeping down over her breasts to pluck and tease until she arched against him.

She reached for his cock, encircling it in her hand to stroke his length. She circled her thumb over the crest, using the fluid that gathered there to coat his cock head.

The groans he made when she touched him only increased her need to feel him buried inside her, and when he rolled her over onto her belly, she was ready for him.

“On your knees,” he said, grabbing a condom while she got into position.

He put his hands on her butt and spread her legs with his knees. She quivered in anticipation as his cock head inched inside her, and when he smoothed one hand over her back, she arched to meet his touch.

There was nothing sexier than a woman on her knees. Tyler slid his cock home, entering Jenna with one swift thrust. She hissed and pushed back against him, her * clenching around him, refusing to let go as he eased out, then powered back in again.

“I love fucking you in this position,” he said, smoothing his hand over her back, tracing the lines of her dragon. “I love this tattoo.”

Jaci Burton's books