Taking A Shot

“Hmmm, I imagine not,” Jenna said.

“But I think he’s learned a thing or two over the years, because my stepmother, Gloria, is great. They’ve been married for ten years now.”

“Do you like her?”

“Yeah, I do. A lot. She never tried to be my mother, only my friend. She knew what the boundaries were, but she had always been there for me if I needed her. And she doesn’t put up with my father’s bullshit, which I admire.”

“Sounds like they make a good match.”

“They do. But I have to warn you, you just can’t prepare yourself for my dad because you have no idea what’s going to fly out of his mouth.”

“Uh, okay.” She had no idea what that meant.

They took the elevator up to the sixteenth floor of the condominium complex. Tyler laid his hand on the small of Jenna’s back as he rang the bell.

Jenna’s jaw dropped as the door was opened by an older version of Ty. While his mother was petite, this man was tall, with wavy dark hair that held a peppering of white throughout and at the sideburns.

“Hey, boy, come on in.”

He pulled Tyler into a hug, and Jenna noted they were about the same size, though Tyler was maybe an inch or so taller than his dad. Sean was broader, not as lean and muscled as Ty. As she walked in, she couldn’t get over how similar they looked. Sean Anderson was strikingly good looking, still in great shape, and his wife, Gloria, was a knockout of a redhead with a curvaceous figure and bubbly smile.

Gloria hurried over to give Tyler a kiss and a hug and enthusiastically shake Jenna’s hand.

“We’re so excited to meet you, Jenna,” Gloria said. “Please come on in.”

The condo was modern, with white-and-black furniture and a piano that sat above the sunken living room. The floor-to-ceiling windows offered a breathtaking view of the city and the lake.

They took a seat at a table near the windows.

“I thought since you’re not a native to our city, you might enjoy the night view,” Gloria said. “Especially since we’re lucky enough to have a clear night tonight.”

“It’s beautiful,” Jenna said. “You must love it here.”

“We do. We take walks by the lake in the summer. There’s a gym downstairs that we use in the winter. Have to stay active, don’t we, boy?” his dad said.

“You bet,” Ty said.

His dad patted him on the back. “Of course this one stays active on the ice. Couldn’t be prouder of you, even though you beat my team the other night.”

“Sean,” Gloria said, shaking her head before turning to Jenna. “I don’t know how he can root for the other team when his own son plays for the Ice.”

“Hey, I’ve always rooted for the local boys. Besides, Tyler gets traded a lot. How the hell am I supposed to keep up with what team he’s playing for this year? I have my loyalties. Tyler understands that, don’t you?”

“Sure I do, Dad. But I wouldn’t bet against me.”

Jenna laughed.

“That’s what I keep telling him,” Gloria said. “My money’s on you, honey.”

Tyler leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Gloria.”

“Hey, the kid’s tough. He can take a little competition. And he knows I’m always pulling for him.” He turned to Jenna. “So, Jenna. Tell me about yourself.”

Whoa. Lightning-fast change of subjects. She found it hard to keep up, but she managed to hold her own. She told Sean and Gloria about the family bar and her part in it. They shared a few cocktails, and Sean kept them entertained with jokes and funny stories about Ty’s childhood, but Jenna could see Ty was restless and uncomfortable.

“So, Sean, what do you do for a living?”

“I own several car dealerships in town. Still in business after forty years.”

She could so see him in sales. “How interesting.”

“He even has commercials on TV,” Gloria said, pride evident in her beaming smile.

“Oh, that’s exciting.”

Sean grinned. “Yeah, we buy a lot of TV time. Have to keep your name in front of the people or they forget all about you.” He slapped Ty on the back. “Isn’t that right, son?”

“You bet, Dad.”

“That’s why you have that fancy agent getting you those deodorant and shampoo spots. Keep the fans interested. Get them coming to the games. Make the men want to be like you and the women want to get you in the sack.” He shifted his glance to Jenna. “Whatever it takes to keep my boy in the limelight, right, honey?”

Jenna blinked. “Sure.”

Ty’s father was exhausting. She wasn’t certain he was all that interested in Tyler’s career, only that he stayed “on top.” No wonder Ty was uncomfortable.

They managed a couple hours, then Ty stood.

“We’ve got an early flight tomorrow, so we’d better head out.”

They said their good-byes.

“Such a pleasure to meet you, Jenna,” Gloria said. “I hope we have a chance to see you again.”

“I hope so, too.”

Jaci Burton's books