Taking A Shot

Jenna laughed. And as she and Liz ate their lunch and Liz chatted about her and Gavin’s wedding plans, Jenna thought about that whole love thing.

That was the stuff of fairy tales, and Liz had stars in her eyes because she was over the top in love with Jenna’s brother. Jenna couldn’t be happier about that, but she wasn’t sure she bought into the fantasy about finding that one soul mate, that one person you were meant to be with, and when you found that person you’d know it and you were done—that was it, and you’d never look at anyone else ever again.

It was nice in theory, but she didn’t believe it in reality.

It just didn’t happen like that for everyone. It had for Liz and Gavin and for Tara and Mick, and she was happy for them, but so far, no one had turned her world upside down and made her heart sing love songs.

But she had sung for Tyler. She hadn’t even sung in front of her own family, the people she trusted the most. Yet she’d sung twice for Tyler.

Which didn’t mean she was crazy in love with him or anything.

And maybe her stomach fluttered whenever she saw him, but that was just sexual attraction, and it would wane after she screwed his brains out a few more times, because she’d never had a relationship with a guy that lasted longer than a few weeks. She and Tyler were right up there on the few weeks mark. Hell, she’d known him for months, even though they hadn’t been sleeping together that long. She was bound to get bored soon.

“Maybe we need to find you an awesome guy.”

Jenna looked up from her plate. “What? No. We tried that already. No, thanks.”

“Hey, I can’t help myself. I want you to be as happy as I am. You haven’t found a guy who rings your bell yet, right?”

She refused to answer that question.

Liz arched a brow. “You’re seeing someone?”

“Not really. Well, sort of.”

“What does that mean?”

“Tyler Anderson and I are kind of dating.”

“Really?” Liz’s eyes widened. “Tyler? I thought that whole sexfest the night of Mick and Tara’s wedding was a one-time thing.”

She pushed her plate to the side, her appetite evaporating. “So did I.”

“What happened? I know you were eyeing him at the bar that night. Is he rocking your world?”

“I have no idea. He just keeps popping up, so I keep having sex with him.”

“Interesting.” Liz took another sip of wine. “It must be really good sex.”

“It is.”

“But you’re bothered, so there’s got to be more to it than that.”

Jenna shrugged. “There isn’t more to it than that. It’s just physical. You know how I feel about jocks. There will never be more than just the sex.”

“Hmmm.” Liz gave Jenna a sidelong look, then dug into her salad.

“What does that ‘hmmm’ mean?”

“Just that you’re protesting an awful lot. If you didn’t care, you’d just laugh it off and enjoy him until the new wore off, then you’d dump him. I think he gets to you.”

“What he gets is into my panties, which is exactly where I want him.”

Liz wiggled. “Oh, the mental visuals swirling around in my head right now.”

“Stop that. You do not get to visualize Ty and me having sex.”

“Why not? Just because you’re icked out at the thought of your brother and me getting down and dirty doesn’t mean I can’t imagine Ty naked.”

“He’s your client, Elizabeth.”


“You are evil.”

Liz grinned and lifted her wineglass in toast. “Thanks for the compliment. And speaking of Tyler, I have to meet with him after his game tonight to go over some details for a new promotional campaign. Come with me.”

“To his hockey game? Uh…”

“What? Afraid to actually attend a sporting event?” Liz leaned forward to whisper. “Oh, my God, you might enjoy it. Wouldn’t that be awful?”

She glared at Liz. “You are such a bitch.”

“There you go, complimenting me again.” Liz offered up a smug smile, knowing Jenna would accept the challenge.

She was right. “Fine. I’ll go with you.”

“Of course you will. I’ll pick you up at six thirty.”

JENNA FIGURED LIZ WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THEM SEATS in the owner’s box or one of the club-level boxes so she could hide out in relative obscurity without a chance in hell Ty would even know she was there. Then when Liz had to meet with him after the game, she’d linger in the box until Liz finished up her business.

But when they headed down instead of up, when Liz led her all the way down to the front row and they took their seats right behind the glass, Jenna muttered a curse, especially when she realized they were seated right next to the players’ box. That meant she’d see Ty coming and going from the locker room, and even worse, he’d be able to see her.

He was probably in game mode and never paid attention to the audience other than hearing their cheers when the Ice scored. She didn’t have anything to worry about.

Jaci Burton's books