Taking A Shot


Some friend she was. Though she was more than a friend, wasn’t she? And that was the problem she’d been wrestling with, and why she continued to hold herself back, why she hadn’t picked up her cell phone and called or texted him. Their relationship was in some kind of limbo. She wasn’t his girlfriend, but she was more than just a friend to him.

She had no idea what to do.

Yeah, right, Jenna. You’re so afraid of getting involved with him that you’ve reined yourself in, refusing to show Ty that you might actually care about him.

She was such a coward. In more than one way.

Disgusted with herself, she tossed the wipe-down rag in the bin and refused to face her own failings. Thankfully the bar was busy and she lost herself in work, but thoughts of Ty kept creeping in despite her best efforts to shove them aside.

She was going to have to face up to it—to him—and deal. There would be no more hiding.

It was an off night, so she fully expected him and the other guys to show up here. They’d all receive moral support from the patrons in her bar, and maybe she’d have a free minute to pull him aside and talk to him.

They were friends, she’d tell him. They’d had some fun, but it was time for her to pull back and remind him that’s all it was going to be between them. She’d already gotten too close and allowed herself to get emotional about him, to feel bad when he lost. For the love of God, she’d been watching hockey, had been invested in the outcome of the games.

That couldn’t happen. Her life—her future—was here at the bar. She might not have any control over that, but she could control who she fell for, and it wouldn’t be for someone who played sports.

The loud cheers alerted her to the front door, where Eddie, Victor, and a few other Ice players had walked in. It was so crowded she couldn’t see everyone, and she was so swamped she couldn’t get away to greet them until an hour later when she pulled Renee behind the bar and took a break.

She hadn’t seen Ty, but then again Riley’s was wall-to-wall people and the guys were playing pool at one of the tables in the far corner of the bar, out of her line of sight. Now she circled the bar, visiting with her customers, stopping at all the tables to ask everyone how their night was going. She stayed a little longer with the regulars because she knew them, and many knew her mom and dad so they asked how her dad was faring after his surgery last year.

It took her almost an hour to make her way over to the pool tables, where she had to put up with flirting from some of her regular guys. It was always harmless fun, because they all had her back and treated her like a sister. But her gaze skirted to the Ice players at the far end of the pool room.

She didn’t see Ty. Maybe he was off talking to someone in another area of the bar.

She finally extricated herself from the group of guys and made her way to the Ice players, sliding in between Eddie and Victor.

“I see you finally won a game.”

Eddie rolled his eyes. “Oh, man. It was a great game, too. Did you watch, Jenna?”

She patted him on the back. “Don’t I always? You really pulled that one out of the trash bin. It wasn’t looking good before that.”

“I know. We were on a nose dive, but we’re going to kick ass now that we’re back on the home ice.”

The sound of cheers went up all around them, and the players lifted their beers to salute the fans.

Jenna hovered around and chatted with them awhile, but Ty didn’t make an appearance. Finally, she had no choice but to ask.

“So, where’s your other best player tonight?”

“Ty? He didn’t come. Said he had other stuff to do.”


“Or some one to do,” Victor said with a knowing smirk, and the guys laughed.

“Enjoy your night. Next round is on me.”

She left to the sound of cheers again and shook her head, waving at the guys, but her stomach clenched.

He didn’t come tonight. Other stuff to do.

What kind of stuff?

She relieved Renee and went back behind the bar, grabbing empty beer bottles and slamming them into the recycle bin with decided satisfaction.

So what if he had a date tonight? She’d made it clear they had no future together. They’d had sex only a couple times, and she’d totally blown him off that last night they had together. What had she expected, that he’d come running back to her and beg for more of the same treatment?

Yeah, right. Men love that.

Except that’s exactly what she’d expected. She’d been so smug and so sure of herself, certain he’d be back no matter how she treated him.

Only he wasn’t back, and now that he wasn’t, she missed him. She missed how he smelled, she missed how he felt, and she missed his sexy grin. She missed talking to him.

So what are you going to do about that, Jenna?

Normally she’d do nothing. She never chased a guy.

But she wasn’t finished with Ty just yet.

Jaci Burton's books