Taking A Shot

She jumped, not realizing he was right behind her until his breath swept across the back of her neck. She’d turned the heat down so now she was freezing, but his body was warm. She resisted the urge to move in close to him. She bent down to grab her purse and sweater, brushing her butt against his crotch. He felt solid. Hard. Yummy.

Damn. She straightened, her eyes adjusting to the lack of light. “No.”

“No, what?” he asked.

“I’m not afraid of the dark.”

He turned her around to face him. The light from the full moon cast him in grayish shadow. She could see his face, though, as he cocked a grin. “Too bad.”


“Then you might have to lean on me to protect you.”

She took a step back. “Why the hardcore press here, Ty?”

“Come on, Jenna. You’re not a kid. You know why. I’ve been coming to the bar a lot, hanging around. I like you.”

“I don’t like you.”

He laughed. “Liar. I see the way you look at me.”

“You are so full of yourself, Anderson. Go pick up another girl. I’m not the least bit interested in you.” She brushed past him and headed to the door, waiting for him to meet her there so she could set the alarm.

He did, his coat in hand. She had her fingers on the keypad ready to turn on the alarm.

“Wait a second,” he said.

“Did you forget something?”

“Yeah.” He hauled her into his arms before she could take her next breath, and his mouth came down on hers.

For a fraction of a second she thought about objecting and pushing him away, but hell, it had been a really long time since she’d been kissed. It was February, cold as the polar ice cap outside, and Tyler’s lips were warm. His body was hot and as he folded her against him, she felt that heat seep into her.

She dropped her purse and coat and went with it, letting his lips claim hers.

It was just as she’d imagined it would be, and okay, she’d thought about this a lot. His mouth was firm and demanding, a hint of whiskey on his lips. He didn’t kiss like a sissy, thank God. He wasn’t hesitant at all. He just took the kiss, sliding his tongue inside her mouth to wrap around hers.

She tingled all over, her toes curled, her panties got wet, and her sex pulsed with a roaring need. If he put his hands down her pants, in two or three strokes she could come. The kiss was that good.

He reached up and cupped her breast, and she moaned against his lips, pressing her breast into his hand. She wanted more, wanted it all, and wanted it right now. Her mind was filled with images of him lowering her to the floor in the back of the bar, or bending her over the pool table.

But that would be going against everything she wanted. And didn’t want.

She wasn’t going to let him have it. Not this guy. Not ever this guy. She pressed her hands to his chest and broke the kiss.

“Stop. We can’t do this.”

He stepped back, his eyes dark with passion.

“Why not?”

She fought for breath, for her bearings and some semblance of sanity.

“Because I don’t want to.” She licked her lips, bent down, and grabbed her coat and purse. She turned away from him and with shaky hands she set the alarm, walked outside, and locked the front door, Ty right behind her.

She started to walk away but he grabbed her wrist, burning her with a look that melted her to the cold cement sidewalk.

And then he smiled at her. “Good night, Jenna.”

She pivoted and walked to her car, conscious of him standing there watching her. He waited, hands in his coat pockets while she got in and drove away.

Bastard. Her body was on fire from his kiss and she was going to have to take care of herself when she got home tonight.

She was never going to let him kiss her again.

TY WAITED UNTIL JENNA PULLED OUT OF THE PARKING lot and onto the street before he climbed into his car to head back to his place.

He had known Jenna for almost a year now, had met her through his agent, Elizabeth, and Jenna’s brother Gavin.

Jenna wasn’t at all his type. Oh, she was beautiful, all right, but she was skinny with small breasts. He liked his women full and lush with big tits.

He liked his women with long hair he could run his fingers through. Jenna had short, spiky black hair that had weird purple tips at the end, which was kind of wild and funky.

Jenna had multiple piercings in her left ear and that tiny little diamond on her nose. It always made him wonder what other parts of her body were pierced. And those tattoos he’d only gotten glimpses of intrigued him. He wanted time to explore them, to study them, to strip her down and see where else she was tattooed.

But her eyes were what really drew him to her. They were an amazing sapphire blue that were so expressive and so vulnerable, even though she liked to play the tough chick.

Okay, so maybe she was a little different. And maybe he was drawn to how utterly different she was.

So he played with her, irritated her, and baited her because he knew he could get a rise out of her.

Not interested? Bullshit. That kiss had told him just how interested she really was. He’d bet if he’d gotten his hands into her panties she’d have been wet.

Jaci Burton's books