Taking A Shot

And when she arched her back and shuddered, her climax gripping him with a force that shook him, he let his own orgasm rip free, lifting up to grip her hips and shove hard one last time, then held, just feeling the sensations as he came with a hard groan.

She collapsed onto the bed and he disposed of the condom, then rolled her over onto her side so he could tug her against him.

She reached behind her to cup his neck, half turning so she could kiss him.

He met her lips in a kiss. He liked her mouth, wanted to feel it surrounding his dick, but her eyes were half slits and he knew she was done for. He swept his hands over her arm and hip, content to listen to the sound of her breathing until her eyes closed.

She was asleep in minutes. He followed her a minute later.


JENNA BLINKED, OPENED HER EYES, AND FELT AN UN-familiar heaviness pinning her to the mattress. She pulled against the warm sensation.

Then heard a groan.


Ty. That’s right.

A smile tugged at her lips.

Last night had been…amazing. More than amazing. She rolled over onto her back and looked at him. He was on his side facing her, still asleep. The hazy light of early dawn seeped into the room, enough that she could see him.

True to his word about doing it three times, he’d woken her in the middle of the night, his cock hard and sliding between her thighs. He’d put on a condom and slid into her from behind, fucking her with slow, languid thrusts while caressing her breasts. She wasn’t sure she’d ever come fully awake, just enjoyed the hazy pleasure while he’d held on to her hips and thrust inside her with easy, leisurely strokes until she’d felt the pleasure intensify. And when she’d come, it had made her shake all over, her body tensing with the sweetest pleasure. He’d pushed his cock into her with a deep, hard thrust, then groaned and climaxed.

They’d both fallen back asleep right after that. It had been breathtaking.

She felt no regrets as she woke up next to him. How could she after the best sex of her life last night?

A day’s growth of beard stubbled his jaw, his hair was sleep and sex messy, and all she wanted to do was climb on him and have more of him. Her belly tumbled with renewed desire.

Until she caught sight of the clock.

Six thirty.

Shit. She was due at her parents by eight to have breakfast with Mick and Tara before they left for their honeymoon.

She slid out of bed and jumped into the shower, scrubbing last night’s makeup—and the remnants of sweet sex—off her body. When she got out, she dried off, did her hair and makeup again, then tiptoed out to the bedroom.

Ty hadn’t budged. Heavy sleeper, obviously. She shook her head and went into the closet for a pair of jeans and a sweater, then grabbed underwear, socks, and boots, and dressed in the kitchen while she brewed a pot of coffee.

She got a cup of coffee down—thank you, caffeine—before she had to go back into the bedroom.

Still asleep. Lucky man. She’d like nothing more than to climb in with him and get a few more hours’ sleep. And maybe a little more sex.

Too bad she was going to get neither.

She sat on the bed next to him and grasped his shoulder. “Hey.”


“Ty. Tyler.”

His lids partially opened. “Yeah. Hey, you’re dressed.”

“I need to be at my parents this morning. A family thing.”

He pushed the covers halfway down and sat up. “Yeah, sure. I’ll get out of here.”

“No hurry. The front door locks on its own when you shut it. I’ve gotta go.”

He dragged his fingers through his hair and looked at the clock. “Yeah, me, too. I’ve got a game tonight.”

“Okay. I had a good time.”

“Me, too.”

She started to get up, but he hauled her against him and kissed her deeply.

His body was warm, his kiss reminding her of what they’d shared last night. When he broke the kiss, she really wished she didn’t have somewhere to go this morning, especially seeing the thick erection he sported under the covers. She wanted to touch him, to taste him, to play with him some more.

But she wasn’t going to play with Tyler Anderson again.

“Have a good day, Jenna.”

Regret made her sigh. “You, too.”

She got up and made a hasty exit before she did something stupid, like ask to see him again.


He knew the score. One game only.

But he also saw the heat flare in her eyes after that kiss.

She might be determined, but so was he. And he never gave up.

He threw the covers off and went into the bathroom, then grabbed his clothes. No sense in showering in Jenna’s bathroom when he’d just have to throw the same clothes on again. He’d wait until he got home. He dressed and followed the scent of coffee.

Jenna had laid a cup out for him so he filled it and drank, grateful for the caffeine perk that would get him home.

It had been a long night. A good night. He smiled remembering it. He wanted another night with her.

He was on his way out when he spotted the guitar sitting in the open extra bedroom. He paused, glanced in the room, and saw the sheet music.

Jaci Burton's books