Taint (Sexual Education #1)

I watch as she takes a few breaths to steel her nerves. Then slowly, torturously, as if she wants to strip away every bit of self-control I have, she slides her delicate hands up to my shoulders, kneading the hard muscle sheathed in a white linen shirt. It’s amazing how she can make such an innocent touch feel so dirty and sexual. It feels like she’s undressing me, exposing me. Corrupting me.

“More,” I rasp. My breath comes out in ragged pants, and my skin is on fire. Allison moves her hands down my arms until her fingers stroke the inside of my palms. Then she’s touching my waist, my stomach. Her nails rake over the hard ridges of my abs, taking the time to feel each and every mound of muscle. I hold my breath, afraid that she’ll continue her journey down south. I’m not ashamed of my body’s reaction to hers, but I know nothing good will come of her feeling my hardness in her hands. And chances are, she wouldn’t even know what to do with it.

“Talk to me. Tell me what you feel.”

Allison swallows and her mouth parts. I watch as her pink tongue darts out just enough to wet her lips. “You’re so…hard,” she whispers. If I hadn’t been so immersed in the sight of her tongue sliding over her lips, I wouldn’t have even understood her.

“What else?”

“Um…uh. You’re warm. Hot. You feel so strong under my hands. Like, I can feel every muscle.”

“Keep going, Ally.” It’s meant to be a command, but it voice sounds like it’s pleading.

“And, um. So big. You make me feel small. And breakable. But I feel safe too, like your whole body could cover mine without crushing me.” Her cheeks heat and bloom deep red. “It’s stupid. I feel like an idiot saying this to you.”

She goes to take off her blindfold and I stop her, placing her hands on my chest. “No, don’t stop. It’s not stupid.”

A smile curves her pink, glossed lips, and she steps into me. Close enough for her nipples to brush the top of my stomach. Close enough for her to feel my erection nudging her.

She gasps, yet doesn’t step away. I grin sardonically.

“Go on, Ally,” I say, stepping even closer, letting her feel just what she’s doing to me. Showing her that, while I may make her feel small and meek, she has the power.

She inhales before sucking her bottom lip into her mouth seductively. Just like I taught her. “You smell so good. Like male and raw sex. Like sunshine and rainwater.”

“Yeah? And what does that make you feel?”

“Hot.” Her head lowers, but not before I see the red in her cheeks deepen even more. “And horny.”

A flash of movement or light, or maybe even a voice, catches my attention, and I look up to find ten sets of uncovered eyes trained on us, each one displaying varying degrees of shock and outrage. My mouth goes dry, and I feel the blood drain from my face. I step away, yet not so fast that they could misconstrue my retreat as a sign of guilt.

“You all did a wonderful job. And I’d like to thank Mrs. Carr for being a good sport and trying some of our more advanced techniques.” Without moving her body too much and revealing my massive hard-on to the rest of the class, I turn Ally around and remove her blindfold, keeping my hands chastely on her shoulders. She stays put, pressing her back and ass against my throbbing dick. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from groaning.

“Let’s break for an early lunch, shall we?”

We wait until the rest of the class files out, before Ally turns back to face me. Her cheeks are still pink, and even her hair looks disheveled, like she’s been freshly f*ck

“Your mom was right,” she says, looking up at me with glassy eyes.

“My mom?” I frown.

“You should’ve been a movie star. You’re a damn good actor.”

I raise a brow. “Maybe I should be telling you that.”

Allison shakes her head and laughs nervously, looking down at her feet. “No. I can’t act. Not even a little bit.”

I pull her chin up, refusing to let her hide from me. “Then what was that?”

She shakes her head, her chin still secured between my fingers. Tears fill those wide eyes, and her lip trembles. “I don’t know. I don’t know what that was. I don’t know anything.”

Suddenly, the need to possess her body is a distant memory. Seeing her so shattered because of me, because of this…thing, this undefined attraction that has her just as f*ck
ed up in the head as I am, makes me realize just how careless I’ve been with her delicate emotions. She’s been hurt, and somehow, in some way that I don’t seem to understand, I’m hurting her too. I can see it, right in those sad eyes filled with tiny, drowning stars.

“Come here,” I say, wrapping my arms around her. She buries her face into my chest for just a moment before she realizes what she’s doing.

“No. No, I can’t do this. Excuse me…I’m sorry.” And with confused tears sliding down her porcelain face and a trail of fire at her back, the angel runs away from this lonely hell designed especially for me.