Sun Kissed (Orchid Island #1)

“I hope Dad didn’t bore you tonight,” she said.

“He sure knows a lot of art history.” Donovan wrapped his arms around her.

“Which he’s always happy to share and may have been useful if I were still writing questions for      Jeopardy!.      ”

“I quit paying attention when he got to the Etruscans,” he admitted. “Because I was having a debate with myself.”

“About what?” Starting to feel frisky again, she began nibbling his neck, pleased to discover that she wasn’t the only one ready for round two.

“About whether or not I should make you come over dessert.”

“You could not!”

“Oh, I knew I      could      .” He ran a hand over her butt and squeezed. “The question was whether or not I      should      .”

“So, what stopped you from trying?” As wicked as the idea was, Lani couldn’t deny it was tempting. If they’d been anywhere but with her family…

“I wasn’t sure you could keep from moaning and screaming my name the way you always do when you come.”

She lifted her head and looked down into his laughing bad-boy eyes that were such a change from the sad, shadowed ones he’d viewed the world through when he’d first arrived.

“I do not.”

“Yeah, you do, and believe me it’s hot as hell. In fact, if you’re ever looking for yet another job, you could probably make big bucks as one of those 1-900 phone sex women.”

“Do they still have those? With all the Internet porn available?”

“They do. I guess because not everyone has a computer handy, and some guys actually like to use their imaginations. When I was working vice, I had to listen to way more than any human ear or brain should have to handle. But believe me, sweetheart, you top them all.”

“I can’t decide whether to be insulted or flattered.”

“I meant it as flattery. Your mother’s right about you having your own talents. But that one’s probably inappropriate for a family dinner.”

“I still don’t believe you.”

“Want to move this party into the bedroom and I’ll prove it to you?”

“That’s assuming either one of us can move.”

“Oh, ye of little faith. Roll over again, and, being the strong, manly alpha male cop that I am, I’ll help you up.”

Which he did. Then, holding on to each other like two drunks leaving The Blue Parrot at closing time, they managed to make it to the bed, where Donovan proved his claim. Apparently, all the previous times they’d made love, she’d gone not only blind, but deaf, because she’d certainly never heard herself making those wild woman noises before.

“You do realize,” she said, as she snuggled up to him, her head on his chest, her long legs wrapped around his muscular, hair-roughened ones, “that you’ve handed me a secret weapon.”

“Oh?” he asked, his absent tone revealing that he hadn’t made it all the way back to reality yet as his hands, which had learned her body well, idly stroked their way from her shoulders, down her back, and lower. “What’s that?”

“I’ll demonstrate my new super powers. Ready?”

“Go for it,” he said.

“Oh, Donovan,” she gasped in a breathless, throaty tone. “Please, Donovan… Please… Do that again, baby… Oooh! Yes! Yes! Yeesss!” After an ear-piercing scream, she let out a long, slow, moan that softened to a silky, satisfied purr.

“Okay,” he said. They both looked down at the already renewed hard-on that had him thinking she could possibly kill him if they kept this up. Not that he was complaining. Because right now he couldn’t think of a better way to go. “That is one helluva a super power. But I just happen to have a few of my own.”

Before she could question what powers Donovan possessed that could possibly equal the one she’d just proven, he planted a row of wet kisses down her body, spreading her thighs apart with his wickedly clever hands so his mouth could fully claim sensitive, still-tingling parts. Then, with a stroke of his tongue, finished her off. As she shattered, Lani did, indeed, shout out his name.

“I think,” she decided, when she could talk again, “that when it comes to super powers, it’s a draw.”

“Works for me.” He drew her close into a spooning position, put his hand over her breast, and as she heard the steady breathing that told her he’d fallen asleep, she let her own eyes drift shut.

The last thought Lani had, as she fell into sleep, was although she must have written dozens of topic answers about famous lovers, for the first time in her life, she actually knew what true love felt like.


Joann Ross's books